Jellyfish at the Cherbourg Aquarium, France.
This image, which I have not taken recently, immortalizes a splendid (and enormous, I assure you) jellyfish from the Cherbourg Aquarium, France.
A truly disturbing animal.
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It is a planktonic animal, mainly marine, belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, which together with the Ctenophores formed what were once the Coelenterates.
Generally it represents a stage of the life cycle that ends after sexual reproduction with the formation of a polyp. Some studies have verified that the Turritopsis nutricula jellyfish is potentially immortal because it has been shown that, as time passes, it is able to rejuvenate more and more until it starts a new life cycle. This rejuvenation process seems to be caused by strong environmental factors that participate in the cellular changes of the organism.
Continue on Wikipedia
A jellyfish at the Cherbourg aquarium, France – Une méduse à l’aquarium de Cherbourg, France – Una medusa en el acuario de Cherburgo, Francia – Uma alforreca no aquário de Cherbourg, França – Eine Qualle im Aquarium von Cherbourg, Frankreich – Một con sứa ở thủy cung Cherbourg, Pháp
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