Original Indian Curry, the recipe

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Original Indian Curry, the recipe

Original Indian Curry.
Finally I am able to show you the preparation of real Curry, I mean the one made by an Indian, with Indian products that are also easy to find here.

Curry Piatti Pronti

Pollo al Curry


  • Minced garlic
  • Fresh ginger chopped or dried
  • Chopped onion
  • Fresh red tomato, chopped into cubes
  • Bay leaves; fennel seeds
  • Mustard seeds
  • Sweet paprika
  • Curry powder (preferably Mazala)
  • Fresh or dried coconut pulp
  • Chicken
  • Lentils
  • Basmati Rice


Riso Basmati

Prodotti Curry


1) Chicken curry: In a pan, toast the garlic over low heat (without oil), then the ginger, fennel seeds, bay leaves, coconut and, after a couple of minutes, the onion. Cook slowly, mixing everything together and being careful not to burn them. Then add the tomato and continue cooking for another ten minutes. Once everything is mixed together, add the Curry, Mazala and paprika, blend everything with an immersion blender to make the sauce smooth and without lumps and continue cooking for another five minutes, after raising the heat. When everything is very hot, add a little butter (better if coconut milk) and finally the chicken cut into pieces or, if you prefer, just the breast. Continue cooking until it is cooked (depending on the size you cut the chicken) ... taste, season with salt and ... the dish is ready.

2) Lentils. Lentils are the most widely used dried legume in India and are part of the most common diet. Soak lentils in cold water for a couple of hours and then boil them in unsalted water.

Prepare the base and the curry preparation as for the chicken, also adding the mustard seeds. Once the sauce is ready (you don't have to blend it) add the lentils, cook for another five minutes and then a little butter. The lentils are ready.

Tostatura Riso

3) Rice. Indians use Basmati rice which is easily found in all supermarkets but you can also use the common rice you have at home. Boil the rice in plenty of water and, once cooked and cooled, sauté it in a pan with a little butter until it loses water and becomes a little crunchy. This type of preparation replaces the one we usually make for Pilaf Rice (see our home recipe on the same site. ed.) and is the one they usually use in India.

Chef Alu

If you are interested in knowing more you can start from what Wikipedia says, from here.

The original Indian curry, the recipe to prepare it – Le curry indien original, la recette pour le préparer – El curry indio original, la receta para prepararlo – O caril indiano original, a receita para prepará-lo – Das original indische Curry, das Rezept zur Zubereitung – Cà ri Ấn Độ chính gốc, công thức để chuẩn bị nó – 原始的印度咖喱,准备它的食谱 – オリジナルのインディアンカレー、それを準備するためのレシピ

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