Testaieu al pesto: made in the testi is the typical Ligurian
Testaieu with pesto: made in the testi is typical Ligurian.
Finally I managed to take a nice photo of a testaieu (or testatolo in Italian) with pesto. Still cooked in the testi I assure you that it was truly excellent. Eaten in the trattoria Da E Figge Du Baratta in Sestri Levante.
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Testaieu are a typical dish of Ligurian regional cuisine, very popular mainly in the eastern part of the metropolitan city of Genoa and, traditionally, in Val Graveglia.
The preparation involves a medium-fluid dough of equal parts water and flour with the addition of salt, which is poured into terracotta testetti previously heated over a wood fire. The latter are mainly made in Iscioli, a hamlet in the municipality of Ne.
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Testaieu with pesto: the typical focaccetta cooked in terracotta texts is a typical Ligurian – Testaieu au pesto : la focaccetta typique cuite dans des textes en terre cuite est une typique ligure – Testaieu al pesto: la típica focaccetta cocinada en textos de terracota es un típico ligur – Testaieu com pesto: a típica focaccetta cozida em textos de terracota é um típico da Ligúria – Testaieu mit Pesto: Die typische Focaccetta in Terrakotta-Texten gekocht ist typisch ligurisch – Testaieu với pesto: focaccetta điển hình được nấu trong các văn bản bằng đất nung là một loại đặc trưng của vùng Liguria – 香蒜酱的Testaieu:用兵马俑文字烹制的典型佛卡塞塔是典型的利古里亚人 – ペストを使ったTestaieu:テラコッタのテキストで調理された典型的なフォッカセッタは典型的なリグリアンです
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Andrea finalmente sono riuscito a mettere una bella foto. Alina you liked?