Arco di Costantino a Roma

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Arco di Costantino a Roma

Arco di Costantino a Roma.
Una delle vedute più belle di Roma: il famosissimo Arco visto dal Colosseo ed elaborato in hdr.
Uno spettacolo unico al mondo che solo a Roma si può vedere e che tutoli mondo ci invidia.
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Arco di Costantino a Roma

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

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The Arch of Constantine is a triumphal arch with three arches (with a central passage flanked by two smaller lateral passages), located in Rome, a short distance from the Colosseum. In addition to its considerable historical importance as a monument, the Arch can be considered as a true museum of official Roman sculpture, extraordinary in its richness and importance.
Continua ed approfondisci su Wikipedia

The Arch of Constantine: one of the most famous monuments in Rome – L’Arc de Constantin : l’un des monuments les plus célèbres de Rome – El Arco de Constantino: uno de los monumentos más famosos de Roma – O Arco de Constantino: um dos monumentos mais famosos de Roma – Der Konstantinsbogen: eines der berühmtesten Denkmäler Roms – Arch of Constantine: một trong những di tích nổi tiếng nhất ở Rome – 君士坦丁凯旋门:罗马最著名的古迹之一 – コンスタンティヌスの凱旋門: ローマで最も有名な記念碑の 1 つ

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Luca De Angelis
10 anni fa


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Luca De Angelis
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