Cheese Focaccia, not in Recco

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Cheese Focaccia, not in Recco

Cheese focaccia, not in Recco.
Obviously the best and most famous cheese focaccia is the one eaten in Recco (and surrounding areas) but in many parts of Liguria you can find excellent ones.
This one, for example, is the very good one from Due Gabbiani in Casarza Ligure.

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Focaccia al formaggio

It is a DOP and there is even a consortium that defends its name: The one in the photo, very good for me (even if I don't think it is DOP) is the one from the pizzeria in Sestri Levante.

Focaccia with cheese (sometimes but improperly focaccia al formaggio), in Genoese a fugassa cö formaggio, is a type of stuffed focaccia typical of Liguria and Oltregiogo. Focaccia with cheese exists in numerous versions, with surface fillings that include either just cheese (of various types, sometimes mixed together), or other ingredients (cheese and cooked ham, cheese and würstel, speck and fontina, etc.). The ingredients include flour, extra virgin olive oil, and obviously the chosen cheese, which is placed on top of the dough before putting it in the oven.
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A slice of excellent focaccia with Ligurian cheese – Une tranche d’excellente focaccia au fromage ligure – Un trozo de excelente focaccia con queso de Liguria – Uma fatia de excelente focaccia com queijo da Ligúria – Ein Stück ausgezeichnete Focaccia mit ligurischem Käse – Một lát focaccia hảo hạng với phô mai Ligurian – 一片优质佛卡夏配利古里亚奶酪 – リグーリア産チーズを添えた絶品フォカッチャのスライス

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