The Face of Departure: One of the Remains of Pompeii

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The Face of Departure: One of the Remains of Pompeii

The face of the departed: one of the remains of Pompeii.
The face of the departed in this remnant of the city of Pompeii, one of the finds that struck me the most (which is not a statue but I will explain later).
As you all know, Pompeii is the Roman town that around the year zero was swept away, together with Herculaneum, by one of the largest eruptions of Vesuvius.
I used the words "swept away" which are actually not correct. In fact, the fury of the volcano, rather than destroying, covered the town with a layer of dust and lava.
It all happened so suddenly that many did not even manage to escape. The subject of this photo in fact represents one of those people who, surprised by the erection, sought shelter somewhere in vain. It is shocking to observe the hands trying to cover the face.

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Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

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Pompeii (Latin: Pompeii) is an ancient city, corresponding to the current Pompeii, whose history dates back to the 9th century BC and ends in 79, when, following the eruption of Vesuvius, it was covered under a blanket of ash and lapilli about six meters high. Its rediscovery and the related excavations, begun in 1748, brought to light an archaeological site that in 1997 became part of the UNESCO World Heritage list, and which is the second most visited Italian monument after the museum system of the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine.
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The face of departure: one of the remains of Pompeii – Le visage du départ : un des vestiges de Pompéi – El rostro de la partida: uno de los restos de Pompeya – A face da partida: um dos restos de Pompéia – Das Gesicht des Aufbruchs: einer der Überreste von Pompeji – Khuôn mặt của sự ra đi: một trong những tàn tích của Pompeii – 出发的面孔:庞贝城的遗迹之一 – 出発の顔: ポンペイ遺跡の 1 つ

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1 year ago

Incredibile e un poco da brividi.

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