Tentacle of octopus Galician style eaten in Ibiza.
This is a nice tentacle of octopus Galician style eaten a few weeks ago in Ibiza.
It was perhaps not the best I have ever eaten but we were in a dream restaurant.
The table, in fact, was 10 meters from the sea and the location alone was worth the price (almost as salty as the dish in question) paid at the end.
The dish is then the typical one, and that I have already posted several times, where the octopus (boiled) is placed on potatoes (also boiled) and olive oil. All with a generous sprinkling of paprika (sometimes very spicy).
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Photo taken with iPhone 6.
The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) or octopus is a cephalopod of the Octopodidae family, which should not be confused with the polyp which is instead, for example, the animal (belonging to the Cnidaria) that gives rise to coral.
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