Spaghetti with crab sauce.
It is not a very typical fish dish from my area; it is difficult to find it in restaurants because few people know how to make it or, in any case, since small crabs are considered of little value, it is not so renowned.
Instead, it is a very tasty dish. A mix of small and slightly larger crabs, seeing is believing.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.
The dish is one of the many that I tasted, a few weeks ago, in the restaurant Raieü in Cavi Borgo (Lavagna).
Crabs in particular are equipped with a robust carapace and two powerful claws, therefore they use four pairs of limbs for movement and claws for catching, defending themselves and feeding. The abdomen is folded vertically and is therefore hidden. Many species are nocturnal, when the presence of potential predators is lower; the diet varies from species to species and includes animals, plants, carcasses.
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