Lobster sauce ready to season a plate of pasta.
One of the favorite dishes at home is pasta with lobster sauce (or crayfish, or shrimp… depending on what you find).
This sauce was made by my dad Loris (and I hope he will write the recipe for it to you).
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.
Bluish in color, with yellow spots on the back and a light belly, it has two pairs of antennae, one long and one short, and 8 locomotory legs, in addition to 2 chelated, one larger and one smaller, to better perform different tasks. The carapace is smooth and hollow, it has two spines, located near the eyes. It can reach half a meter in length, but common specimens measure from 30 to 40 cm.
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The lobster sauce ready to flavor a pasta dish – La sauce homard prête à parfumer un plat de pâtes – La salsa de bogavante lista para dar sabor a un plato de pasta – O molho de lagosta pronto para dar sabor a um prato de massa – Die Hummersauce zum Würzen eines Nudelgerichts – Nước sốt tôm hùm đã sẵn sàng để tạo hương vị cho món mì ống – 准备给意大利面调味的龙虾酱 – パスタ料理の味付けにぴったりのロブスターソース
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Loris giustamente sosteneva che l’astice è il top per questo tipo di sugo.