The genoese meat sauce of my home, the recipe
Today I will briefly explain the recipe for Genoese meat ragù as I know how to prepare it.
In plenty of olive oil, fry chopped onion with a clove of garlic.
Add a nice piece of beef and a medium sausage and brown everything well.
Moisten with red wine and, once dried, add a few pieces of dried mushrooms and some pureed tomatoes.
Cook slowly for an hour.
Remove the meat, chop it, and put it back in the sauce to cook for another hour.
At this point the sauce is ready!
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I leave you with an image of a nice plate of ravioli seasoned with meat sauce (not the tocco though):
The typical Ligurian meat ragu prepared at my home, the recipe – Le ragoût de viande typique de la Ligurie préparé chez moi, la recette – El ragú de carne típico de Liguria preparado en mi casa, la receta – O típico ragu de carne da Ligúria preparado em minha casa, a receita – Das typisch ligurische Fleischragout, bei mir zu Hause zubereitet, das Rezept – Món ragu thịt đặc trưng của vùng Liguria được chế biến tại nhà tôi, công thức
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If by chance you haven't discovered it yet, on this site, there is a nice section with lots of recipes; they are written partly by Loris, partly by Luca and international with the Asian cuisine of Dao.I want to give you some advice for shopping: to prepare Asian rice I normally use this rice cooker, to cut this knife set Victorinox and Asian foods are almost always served in these bowls in ceramic.
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