Pesto alla genovese.
A nice plate of homemade pesto. One of my favorite sauces (followed by carbonara).
Basil, garlic, pine nuts, parmesan (we would also like some Sardinian pecorino but we don't have any at home), salt and a little olive oil.
If you read carefully here Loris has already written you a nice recipe and some anecdotes about pesto genovese.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.
The basic ingredients of this typical Ligurian sauce are basil, garlic, olive oil, grated cheese and pine nuts. Now I want to describe some details about some of these ingredients, details that are accompanied by memories of my childhood and of my maternal grandparents, true
Continua e approfondisci la ricetta di Loris
Genoese-style fresh basil pesto – Pesto de basilic frais façon génoise – Pesto de albahaca fresca al estilo genovés – pesto de manjericão fresco ao estilo genovês – Pesto mit frischem Basilikum nach genuesischer Art – Húng quế tươi kiểu ngỗng – 热那亚式新鲜罗勒香蒜沙司 – ジェノバ風フレッシュバジルペスト
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