Fried rice with vegetables in Vietnam.
A classic of Asian cuisine is fried rice with vegetables even if this is not the most classic example.
In fact, normally, the dish appears a little different and the vegetables are usually already mixed with everything.
Now I don't remember if it was my request or if the dish had arrived already prepared like this.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.
Rice is the most widely consumed cereal by the human population in the world and is the basis of Asian cuisine. It is the main food for about half of the world's population and is grown in almost all countries of the world.
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Fried rice with vegetables in Vietnam – Riz sauté aux légumes au Vietnam – Arroz frito con verduras en Vietnam – Arroz frito com legumes no Vietname – Gebratener Reis mit Gemüse in Vietnam – Cơm chiên rau củ ở Việt Nam
I want to give you some advice for shopping: to prepare Asian rice I normally use this rice cooker, to cut this knife set Victorinox and Asian foods are almost always served in these bowls in ceramic.
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