Prepare the garlic soffritto in a pan.
In many Italian culinary preparations (but not only) we start from here.
In this case the preparation was functional to the preparation of a dish of pasta aglio e olio whose two main ingredients you can see here in the photo.
Leave the garlic to fry lightly for a couple of minutes and that's it. I could probably cut it a little finer but leaving it like this, just a little crushed, I can then remove it from the finished dish.
Just be careful not to burn it otherwise it will no longer be good (and probably also bad for your health).
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron SP AF 90mm.
Obviously there are many sites online that explain how to make the perfect soffritto: or or even the classic
Prepare the garlic sauté in a pan – Préparer l’ail sauté dans une poêle – Preparar los ajos salteados en una sartén. – Prepare o alho salteado em uma panela – Bereiten Sie den sautierten Knoblauch in einer Pfanne vor – Chuẩn bị tỏi xào trong chảo
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