The city of Rapallo seen from the hills behind

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The city of Rapallo seen from the hills behind

The city of Rapallo seen from the hills behind
There are really a lot of houses (it is no coincidence that the term rapallization was coined) but it is enough to climb a little on the heights and you are already immersed in the olive trees.
Like the first photo I am inserting in this post, taken in the last kilometers of the path that took me from Chiavari to the Sanctuary of Montallegro and then finished the walk in the coastal town.
What a nice view!

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Rapallo vista dall'alto

Rapallo vista dall'alto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the other photos taken along this walk:
foto gallery

The town of Rapallo seen from above – La ville de Rapallo vue d’en haut – El pueblo de Rapallo visto desde arriba – A cidade de Rapallo vista de cima – Die Stadt Rapallo von oben gesehen – Thị trấn Rapallo nhìn từ trên cao – 从上面看到的拉帕洛镇 – 上から見たラパロの町

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I took a lot of photos in the town of Rapallo and you can find almost all of them in this page or by searching in the various article specific to the Ligurian city.
I refer you to the Rapallo tourist promotion website: This is the official website of the town's municipality:
If you are looking for a nice portal that talks about all of Liguria I invite you to visit the official website of the Region:
If you want to learn more about the history of the city of Rapallo I recommend: Ieri a Rapallo and Rapallo. La storia nei secoli. Tesori e tradizioni della città e del suo territorio. If instead you want to have a guide that talks about Liguria and Tigullio I invite you to read the guide: Genova e il Tigullio by Lonely Planet.
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1 year ago

La così detta rapalizzazione è stata la fortuna dei rapallesi, tra l’altro ha trasformato la rea palus in un campo di golf fra i più belli e ben frequentato d Europa.

1 year ago

Sembra ripresa da San Maurizio ai Monti foto bellissima!

1 year ago
Rispondi a  Lucadea

Luca De Angelis ero quasi sicura perché la vista da lì era stupenda

1 year ago
Rispondi a  Lucadea

Sempre bella Rapallo

1 year ago

Un paese una volta stupendo distrutto dalla speculazione edilizia.

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