Palazzi in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari.
Una delle piazze più belle di Chiavari è proprio in centro e cosa la rende così bella sono i palazzi storici che ne delimitano i lati, almeno tre perché in uno c’è l’ex Palazzo di Giustizia.
Un bel contrasto tra il nome che tutti danno a questa piazza, piazza dei Cavoli, e la bellezza di questi palazzi.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.
The architectural layout remained unchanged until the late sixteenth century; from that time onwards new noble palaces were built within the walls in the contemporary Renaissance style. The choice of the new architectural style was especially evident in the main streets Ravaschieri and Stefano Rivarola where palaces very similar to other buildings in Genoa were erected or revised. From 1648, or perhaps from 1646, it received the title of City from the Republic of Genoa.
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Palaces in Piazza Mazzini in Chiavari one of the most beautiful squares in Liguria – Palais de la Piazza Mazzini à Chiavari l’une des plus belles places de la Ligurie – Palacios en Piazza Mazzini en Chiavari una de las plazas más bellas de Liguria – Palácios na Piazza Mazzini em Chiavari uma das praças mais bonitas da Ligúria – Paläste auf der Piazza Mazzini in Chiavari, einem der schönsten Plätze Liguriens – Cung điện ở Piazza Mazzini ở Chiavari, một trong những quảng trường đẹp nhất ở Liguria – 基亚瓦里马志尼广场的宫殿是利古里亚最美丽的广场之一 – リグリアで最も美しい広場の1つであるキアヴァリのマッツィーニ広場の宮殿
I refer you to the Chiavari tourist promotion website: This is the official website of the town's municipality:
If you are looking for a nice portal that talks about all of Liguria I invite you to visit the official website of the Region:
Every time I look for some book about the beautiful town of Chiavari I always come across these two books about its mysteries: Luoghi Misteriosi Chiavari. Giro della città in 38 segreti and La Loggia dei Rosa+Croce di Chiavari. If instead you want to have a guide that talks about Liguria and the Gulf of Tigullio in general I invite you to buy: Genova e il Tigullio by Lonely Planet.
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