Archetti tra palazzi in un vicolo di Finalborgo
Archetti tra palazzi in un vicolo di Finalborgo.
Passeggiando tra il borgo del Ponente ligure e le sue vie caratteristiche.
A vedere bene, in queste due foto, sottolineo la bellezza degli archi (archetti) che collegano palazzi vicini.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.
I took dozens of photos in the beautiful western town, click here to see them all:
The town was developed in the Finalese hinterland, not directly on the sea to be more protected against possible Saracen landings on the coast, in an easily defensible place: the confluence of the Aquila torrent with the Pora torrent, whose riverbeds form a single natural moat, later reinforced by the city walls, which defended the town on the east-south-west sides, while the northern side of the town was naturally protected by the spur of the Becchignolo hill.
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Arches between buildings in an alley of Finalborgo, the splendid village in Liguria – Arches entre les bâtiments dans une ruelle de Finalborgo, le splendide village de Ligurie – Arcos entre edificios en un callejón de Finalborgo, el espléndido pueblo de Liguria – Arcos entre edifícios em um beco de Finalborgo, a esplêndida vila da Ligúria – Bögen zwischen Gebäuden in einer Gasse von Finalborgo, dem prächtigen Dorf in Ligurien – Cổng vòm giữa các tòa nhà trong một con hẻm của Finalborgo, ngôi làng lộng lẫy ở Liguria – 利古里亚壮丽的村庄 Finalborgo 一条小巷中建筑物之间的拱门 – リグリアの素晴らしい村、ファイナルボルゴの路地にある建物の間のアーチ
If you want to find some ideas or learn more about Liguria, I refer you to the Liguria Region Tourism website: This is the institutional website of the Region:
If you are passionate about trails I invite you to read the guide: I 50 sentieri più belli della Liguria or Sentieri sul mare. If you are passionate about mysteries and legends then I suggest these books: Liguria magica e misteriosa and also Liguria nascosta e dimenticata.
Have fun!
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A Finalborgo comprati un paio di bottiglie di Lumassina!