The High Altar and Apse of the Cathedral of Fiesole
The High Altar and Apse of the Cathedral of Fiesole (Florence).
A few kilometers from Florence, on the hills surrounding the Florentine city, there is this equally ancient (though less famous) village.
In the village stands out the Cathedral of San Romolo, inside which, very severe to tell the truth, you can admire this splendid altar and frescoed apse.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.
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Here is where the cathedral is located:
In the presbytery there are frescoes with Stories of San Romolo painted in the apse basin at the end of the sixteenth century and attributed to Nicodemo Ferrucci from Fiesole, and on the high altar there is a late Gothic triptych, commissioned in 1450, by Bicci di Lorenzo, flanked at the side altars by neo-Gothic style triptychs painted in 1886.
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The High Altar and the Apse of the Cathedral of Fiesole (Florence) – Le maître-autel et l’abside de la cathédrale de Fiesole (Florence) – El Altar Mayor y el Ábside de la Catedral de Fiesole (Florencia) – O altar-mor e a abside da Catedral de Fiesole (Florença) – Der Hochaltar und die Apsis der Kathedrale von Fiesole (Florenz) – Bàn thờ cao và Apse của Nhà thờ Fiesole (Florence) – 菲耶索莱大教堂的高坛和后殿(佛罗伦萨) – 高い祭壇とフィエソール大聖堂の後陣(フィレンツェ)
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