L’interno dell’Abbazia di San Matteo a Genova.
Il ricco interno della chiesa dedicata a San Matteo ed edificata dalla famiglia Doria.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.
There is also a nice official website: parrocchiasanmatteo.org.
To see all the photos I took in the Genoese church, click here:
Martino Doria, who entered the Benedictine friars of the Abbey of San Fruttuoso di Capodimonte after becoming a widower, obtained permission from Bishop Sigifredo to build a small church on land owned by the family near the Cathedral of San Lorenzo. The dedication of the new church to San Matteo was linked to his profession as a tax collector, just like the Dorias, who therefore made him their patron.
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Here is where the abbey is located:
The interior of the Abbey of San Matteo in Genoa – Das Innere der Abtei San Matteo in Genua – L’intĂ©rieur de l’abbaye de San Matteo Ă GĂªnes – Ná»™i thất của Tu viện San Matteo ở Genoa
If you want to find some ideas to learn more about the Superba I refer you to the website of the Municipality's Tourism: visitgenoa.it. This is the institutional website of the Municipality: smart.comune.genova.it.
If you are looking for a nice portal that talks about all of Liguria I invite you to visit the official website of the Region: lamialiguria.it.
If you need a good paper guide of the city I invite you to consult these publications: Genova e il Tigullio, Genova. Una guida or Guida indipendente alla cittĂ di Genova.
If you are passionate about mysteries and legends then I suggest you read these two books: Alla scoperta dei segreti perduti di Genova and Genova misteriosa.
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