Il chiostro del monastero di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli
Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli.
Lo splendido chiostro di questo monastero che sorge nell’omonimo vicolo nel centro storico partenopeo.
E’ stato una sorpresa visitare questo luogo.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.
I took several photos in the complex, click here per vederle:
The church of San Gregorio Armeno (also popularly known as the church of Santa Patrizia) is a monumental church in Naples located in the street of the same name, between the major and lower decumanus of the old town. Together with the adjacent monastic complex, it is one of the oldest, largest and most important religious buildings in the city.
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The cloister of the religious complex of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples – Le cloître du complexe religieux de San Gregorio Armeno à Naples – El claustro del complejo religioso de San Gregorio Armeno en Nápoles – O claustro do complexo religioso de San Gregorio Armeno em Nápoles – Der Kreuzgang des religiösen Komplexes von San Gregorio Armeno in Neapel – Tu viện của khu phức hợp tôn giáo San Gregorio Armeno ở Naples – 那不勒斯圣格雷戈里奥阿尔梅诺宗教建筑群的修道院 – ナポリのサン・グレゴリオ・アルメーノの宗教施設の回廊
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