The Goddess Demeter in San Gregorio Armeno in Naples
The bas-relief of the goddess Demeter in San Gregorio Armeno in Naples.
Walking through the stalls famous for their statuettes and nativity scenes, I saw a tourist guide stop at a point that was insignificant to me and I paid attention to what he was describing.
Only then did I discover the story of this strange figure, very ruined and ancient, but with an aura of exceptional mystery.
A little further down I refer you to an in-depth article on the subject (because, as I have often written to you, I don't like to copy things I don't know from other sites); here are just the photos.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.
To see all the photos I took in Naples, that weekend but also on other trips, click here:
It is assumed that in this very area of San Gregorio Armeno, and precisely in the space now occupied by the Church of Santa Patrizia, the ancient temple dedicated to Demeter stood and nearby there would also have been the house where the priestesses of the cult of Ceres were trained.
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The bas-relief of the goddess Demeter in San Gregorio Armeno in Naples – Le bas-relief de la déesse Déméter à San Gregorio Armeno à Naples – El bajorrelieve de la diosa Deméter en San Gregorio Armeno en Nápoles – O baixo-relevo da deusa Demeter em San Gregorio Armeno em Nápoles – Das Flachrelief der Göttin Demeter in San Gregorio Armeno in Neapel – Bức phù điêu nữ thần Demeter ở San Gregorio Armeno ở Naples – 那不勒斯圣格雷戈里奥阿尔梅诺女神得墨忒耳的浅浮雕 – ナポリのサングレゴリオアルメノにある女神デメテルの浅浮き彫り
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