Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria.
Il bel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco offre splendidi scorci per fotografare.
Come questa bella villa gialla (che sembra quasi un castello) con il mare di fronte ed il porticciolo sullo sfondo.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
And here are some videos I made:
Here is the spot where I took this photo:
It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The beautiful seaside villas in Bogliasco in Liguria – Les belles villas balnéaires de Bogliasco en Ligurie – Las hermosas villas junto al mar en Bogliasco en Liguria – As belas vilas à beira-mar em Bogliasco na Ligúria – Die wunderschönen Villen am Meer in Bogliasco in Ligurien – Những biệt thự tuyệt đẹp bên bờ biển ở Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚博利亚斯科美丽的海滨别墅 – リグリアのボリアスコにある美しい海辺の別荘
If you want to find some ideas or learn more about Liguria, I refer you to the Liguria Region Tourism website: lamialiguria.it. This is the institutional website of the Region: regione.liguria.it.
If you are passionate about trails I invite you to read the guide: I 50 sentieri più belli della Liguria or Sentieri sul mare. If you are passionate about mysteries and legends then I suggest these books: Liguria magica e misteriosa and also Liguria nascosta e dimenticata.
Have fun!
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