A nice plate of fusilli with Genoese sauce.
A plate taken from a large pot of pasta seasoned with a really good mixed meat ragù.
The pasta was fusilli (which I love to eat with rich sauces) because they collect a lot of sauce between the coils while the sauce was a Genoese sauce (or similar since there was also pork).
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Photo taken with Honor 20.
Genovese sauce is a white sauce made with onions and beef, typical of Neapolitan cuisine. It is typically used to season pasta, traditionally maccheroni della zita (hand-broken ziti, tradition dictates that from one candle of pasta you get four ziti) or mezzane.
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A nice plate of fusilli with Genoese sauce – Une belle assiette de fusilli sauce génoise – Un buen plato de fusilli con salsa genovesa – Um bom prato de fusilli com molho genovês – Ein schöner Teller Fusilli mit Genueser Sauce – Một đĩa fusilli ngon với nước sốt Genova – 一盘美味的意大利螺丝粉配热那亚酱 – フジッリのジェノバソース添え
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