Da Nang Beach and the typical round boats

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Da Nang Beach and the typical round boats

Da Nang beach in Vietnam and the typical round fishing boats.
Back from Vietnam with my beautiful wife I leave you some photos of the beautiful beach of the city of Da Nang.
It is one of the most loved beaches, several kilometers long, with dozens of skyscrapers and luxury hotels behind it.
In the foreground the typical Vietnamese fishing boats called tung chai.

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La spiaggia di Da Nang in Vietnam e le tipiche barche da pesca rotonde

La spiaggia di Da Nang in Vietnam e le tipiche barche da pesca rotonde

La spiaggia di Da Nang in Vietnam e le tipiche barche da pesca rotonde

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

Here's also a nice video, again from the beach, but made on another (sunny) day:

Da Nang beach in Vietnam and the typical round fishing boats – La plage de Da Nang au Vietnam et les bateaux de pêche ronds typiques – Playa de Da Nang en Vietnam y los típicos barcos de pesca redondos – Praia Da Nang no Vietnã e os típicos barcos de pesca redondos – Da Nang Strand in Vietnam und die typischen runden Fischerboote – Bãi biển Đà Nẵng ở Việt Nam và những thuyền đánh cá tròn đặc trưng – 越南岘港海滩和典型的圆形渔船 – ベトナムのダナンビーチと典型的な丸い漁船

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