Un bel piatto di pasta aglio, olio e peperoncino e con i gamberi.
Qualche tempo fa, un mio amico chef, mi ha fatto assaggiare questo piatto di pasta che unisce due preparazioni che non avevo mai provato prima: la pasta aglio, olio e peperoncino con l’aggiunta di alcuni gamberi.
Devo dire che, nella sua semplicità, è stato un piatto veramente delizioso e che sicuramente riproverò a preparare a casa mia.
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Photo taken with Honor 20.
A nice plate of pasta with garlic, oil and chilli pepper and with prawns – Une belle assiette de pâtes à l’ail, à l’huile et au piment et aux gambas – Un buen plato de pasta con ajo, aceite y guindilla y con gambas – Um belo prato de massa com alho, azeite e malagueta e com camarões – Ein schöner Teller Pasta mit Knoblauch, Öl und Chilischote und mit Garnelen – Một đĩa mì ngon với tỏi, dầu, ớt và tôm – 一盘美味的意大利面,配大蒜、油、辣椒和虾 – ニンニク、オイル、唐辛子とエビの入った素敵なパスタのプレート
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I want to give you some advice for shopping: to prepare Asian rice I normally use this rice cooker, to cut this knife set Victorinox and Asian foods are almost always served in these bowls in ceramic.
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If by chance you haven't discovered it yet, on this site, there is a nice section with lots of recipes; they are written partly by Loris, partly by Luca and international with the Asian cuisine of Dao.I want to give you some advice for shopping: to prepare Asian rice I normally use this rice cooker, to cut this knife set Victorinox and Asian foods are almost always served in these bowls in ceramic.
If you want to know which are the best-selling cookbooks in the last hour on Amazon click here and if you are interested in finding out which are the best-selling kitchen utensils in the last hour click here.
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