The Vatican Obelisk overlooking St. Peter's Square

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The Vatican Obelisk overlooking St. Peter's Square

The Vatican Obelisk that dominates St. Peter's Square in Rome.
The large square in front of St. Peter's Basilica is dominated by this large Egyptian obelisk (without inscriptions).
Although I have seen it several times, I had never paid attention to it and photographed it.

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L'Obelisco Vaticano che domina piazza San Pietro a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here is where the obelisk is located:

The Vatican Obelisk is one of the thirteen ancient obelisks of Rome and is located in St. Peter's Square. On the occasion of the move, the globe placed on the summit was transferred to the Capitoline Museums, in the first room of the Palazzo dei Conservatori, in a corner near the large window. According to legend, the globe that surmounted it contained the ashes of St. Peter or Caesar; from the Caesarian reference to the Roman imperial eagle comes the term aguglia, initially used only for obelisks, and today transformed into spire.
Continue on Wikipedia

The Vatican Obelisk overlooking St. Peter’s square in Rome – L’Obélisque du Vatican surplombant la place Saint-Pierre à Rome – El Obelisco del Vaticano con vistas a la plaza de San Pedro en Roma – O Obelisco do Vaticano com vista para a Praça de São Pedro em Roma – Der vatikanische Obelisk mit Blick auf den Petersplatz in Rom – Đài tưởng niệm Vatican nhìn ra quảng trường Thánh Phêrô ở Rome梵蒂冈方尖碑俯瞰罗马圣彼得广场 – ローマのサンピエトロ広場を見下ろすバチカンのオベリスク

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1 year ago

Quando l’ho visto per la prima volta do detto ” Ou belin che obelisco!”

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