The interior of the great Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna.
One of the largest churches in Italy fascinates with its grandeur but also with its austerity.
The red color of the bricks dominates.
You cannot pass through Bologna and not visit this church.
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.
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The basilica dedicated to San Petronio, patron saint of Bologna, of which he was bishop in the first half of the 5th century, raises its front on the Piazza Maggiore, the political and historical center of the city. The construction of this basilica began in 1390 based on a project by Antonio di Vincenzo, who died when the work had just begun. At the beginning of the 16th century, Arduino Arriguzzi designed a completion of colossal proportions and without equal in the entire world.
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The interior of the great Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna – L’intérieur de la grande basilique San Petronio de Bologne – El interior de la gran Basílica de San Petronio en Bolonia – O interior da grande Basílica de San Petronio em Bolonha – Das Innere der großen Basilika San Petronio in Bologna – Nội thất của Vương cung thánh đường lớn San Petronio ở Bologna – 博洛尼亚圣彼得罗尼奥大教堂的内部 – ボローニャのサン ペトロニオ大聖堂の内部
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