The majestic Fountain of the Four Rivers and its obelisk

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The majestic Fountain of the Four Rivers and its obelisk

The majestic Fountain of the Four Rivers and its enigmatic obelisk.
In the majestic Piazza Navona, in the heart of Rome, stands one of the most iconic wonders of the eternal city: the Fountain of the Four Rivers. This artistic masterpiece, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in the 17th century, is a true symbol of beauty, history and artistic ingenuity.
The fountain, located in the center of the square, is one of the greatest expressions of the Italian Baroque. It represents four of the most important rivers in the world at the time, each personified by a colossal statue: the Nile, the Ganges, the Danube and the Rio de la Plata. These imposing figures seem to emerge from the water, embracing a 16-meter-high Egyptian obelisk, crowned by the dove, symbol of the family of Pope Innocent X, who commissioned the fountain.
Each statue represents a river from a different part of the world, and Bernini has masterfully captured the essence of each. The Nile, for example, has its face covered by a cloth, as the source of the Nile was still a mystery at the time. The Ganges holds a water bladder and a pagoda, while the Danube holds a medallion depicting Saint Agnes in her hand, symbolizing the Church of Rome. Finally, the Rio de la Plata is covered by a cloak, symbolizing the fact that South America was then little known to Europeans.
The Egyptian obelisk that tops the fountain is a true historical treasure. Originally erected in the city of Heliopolis in Egypt in 6 BC, it was brought to Rome in 37 AD to be erected in the Circus Maxentius, where it remained for centuries. In 1651, Pope Innocent X decided to place it in the Piazza Navona, and Bernini designed the majestic fountain to adorn it.
The obelisk is covered with hieroglyphics that tell the story of the Pharaoh Domitian. At the top is a dove with an olive branch, a symbol of peace and one of the many surprising details that enrich the Fountain of the Four Rivers.

Today, the fountain and obelisk remain one of Rome’s main landmarks. Their beauty and the energy they exude are testaments to centuries of history, art, and culture. These monuments not only celebrate the greatness of the Eternal City, but also remind us of the importance of preserving humanity’s cultural heritage for future generations.
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La maestosa Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi e il suo enigmatico obelisco

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Here's where the fountain is located:

The Fountain of the Four Rivers, or simply the Fountain of the Rivers, is an artistic fountain in Rome located in the centre of Piazza Navona, in front of the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone, designed by the sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini and built by a group of sculptors, including Giovan Maria Franchi, Giacomo Antonio Fancelli, Claude Poussin, Antonio Raggi and Francesco Baratta, between 1648 and 1651.
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The majestic Fountain of the Four Rivers and its enigmatic obelisk – La majestueuse Fontaine des Quatre Fleuves et son énigmatique obélisque – La majestuosa Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos y su enigmático obelisco – A majestosa Fonte dos Quatro Rios e seu enigmático obelisco – Der majestätische Vierströmebrunnen und sein rätselhafter Obelisk – Đài phun nước Four Rivers hùng vĩ và đài tưởng niệm bí ẩn của nó – 雄伟的四河喷泉及其神秘的方尖碑 – 四大河の雄大な噴水と謎のオベリスク

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6 mesi fa

Sono stata a Roma diversi anni fa ma mi ricordo benissimo questa bella fontana! Una delle tante magnifiche della capitale.

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