The arcades of via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa

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The arcades of via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa

The porticos of Via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa.
In the beating heart of Genoa, the porticos of Via di Sottoripa represent a fascinating journey through time. These porticos, located along the northern side of Piazza Caricamento and Via Turati, are among the oldest in Italy, dating back to the 12th century. Originally lapped by the sea, today they are located about one hundred meters from the coast, but continue to be a central point of reference in the daily life of the city.
The porticos of Sottoripa were built between 1125 and 1133 on the initiative of the consuls of the Municipality of Genoa. Their construction was intended to create spaces necessary for port trade, hosting shops, artisan workshops and warehouses. The goods were moved by the camalli, the port's unloaders, who transported the cargo from the ships to the docks and warehouses.
Today, the porticos of Sottoripa are a lively center of commercial activity. Here you can find shops selling exotic food, sailor clothing, old fry shops and historic restaurants. Walking under the arcades, you can breathe in the air of the Middle Ages and the Orient, with sounds and scents that make this experience unique.
The arcades of Sottoripa are not only a place of commerce, but also a meeting point for Genoese and tourists. Their characteristic atmosphere, enriched by historic and modern shops, makes this area an unmissable place for those visiting Genoa.
Reaching the arcades of Sottoripa is easy. You can get off at the San Giorgio metro stop, take bus number 1 to the terminus in Piazza Caricamento, or park in the Porto Antico area.

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I portici di via di Sottoripa nel cuore di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The street was called “di Sottoripa” (Sotorîa in the Ligurian language, “Sottoripa” in the Italian translation) because the sea reached the porticoes, whose foundations were below sea level, and therefore literally “under the bank”. The term ripa (shore) indicated the main dock of the ancient port of Genoa, distinguishing it from the many small coves of the Ligurian Riviera (that is, the stretch of coast, or riviera, indicated in the original language as rivêa or ripétta).
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The arcades of Via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa – Les arcades de la Via di Sottoripa au coeur de Gênes – Las arcadas de Via di Sottoripa en el corazón de Génova – As arcadas da Via di Sottoripa no coração de Génova – Die Arkaden der Via di Sottoripa im Herzen von Genua – Các mái vòm của Via di Sottoripa ở trung tâm Genoa

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If you want to find some ideas to learn more about the Superba I refer you to the website of the Municipality's Tourism: This is the institutional website of the Municipality:
If you are looking for a nice portal that talks about all of Liguria I invite you to visit the official website of the Region:
If you need a good paper guide of the city I invite you to consult these publications: Genova e il Tigullio, Genova. Una guida or Guida indipendente alla città di Genova.
If you are passionate about mysteries and legends then I suggest you read these two books: Alla scoperta dei segreti perduti di Genova and Genova misteriosa.
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10 giorni fa

preziosi monumenti che dobbiamo rispettare e tutelare ❤️

10 giorni fa

Dagli anni passati a Genova ho lavorato per più di dieci anni in sottoripa sotto il grattacielo dal mattino molto presto alla sera ma mai avuto alcun problema e di persone anche strane ne ho viste molte.. .

7 giorni fa

Per me un “luogo del cuore”, dove non posso mai mancare di passare quando vengo a Xena… specialmente ad ora di pranzo la tappa in friggitoria é d’obbligo

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