Quick tomato sauce and artichoke omelette.
And here we are at the first appointment with Marietto…
Marietto is a single man, with a job that keeps him away from home all day but who has time, every day, to do a little shopping. In the evening, once home, he can prepare a hot dish.
In a pantry you should never be without: 1 bottle of extra virgin olive oil, a pack of spaghetti, a couple of cans of peeled tomatoes, an onion, a head of garlic, some fruit, a small wedge of parmesan cheese. Then, some fruit and some vegetables to keep in the refrigerator, a few eggs, a couple of lemons and a carton of milk.
This evening Marietto, when he comes back from work, will prepare a nice plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce and an artichoke omelette, therefore we will see the recipe to make a quick and excellent tomato sauce, how to clean the artichokes and then how to prepare an omelette. To give a basis to the work I will always write recipes for two, four or more people but I will indicate it each time
Quick tomato sauce (for 4 people)
First of all, it would be perfect to use fresh tomatoes but, out of season, it is better to use peeled tomatoes. However, fresh tomatoes must be very ripe (to be sure, once opened, the inside must be very red like the outside, the seeds well formed, without white or greenish parts). For four people, six nice fresh tomatoes should be enough otherwise two cans of peeled tomatoes. For Marietto a couple of tomatoes or a can of peeled tomatoes would be enough…
Wash the tomatoes well, open them and crush them a little to release the seeds and cut them into cubes with the skin. If they are peeled, take them out of the tin and crush them a little to release the seeds but without overdoing it. Then cut half an onion as finely as possible and fry it over a moderate heat in the right amount of olive oil; while the onion is frying, chop a clove of garlic and add it, but only when the onion begins to soften. If you put them in the pan together, the onion will remain raw and the garlic will burn. At this point add the chopped tomatoes, mix and leave to cook for ten minutes or a little more: the sauce is ready.
Artichoke omelette (for 4 people)
Choose 6/7 artichokes, which must be firm to the touch, well closed, with fresh leaves and stems. Prepare a container with cold water in which you have put the juice of half a lemon, which you will keep. To clean the artichokes, keep in mind that the best parts are the bottom and the inside of the stem: you will easily identify them because both are lighter. Then cut the stems and set them aside. Cut off the tip of each artichoke about three-quarters of its length. With a very sharp knife, begin to cut off the hard leaves starting from the bottom and turning the knife as if you were peeling a whole apple, but be careful not to throw away the inside. Once each artichoke is cleaned on the outside, cut it in half. Put one half in the water and lemon and divide the second in two, then removing all the fluff from the center. Continue with the second half, always making sure to keep them soaking for as long as possible. Once the artichokes are sliced, proceed with the stems, of which you will only keep the internal part, the lightest and most tender. Then put a pot with plenty of salted water on the stove and immerse the artichokes to cook cold, together with the half lemon already squeezed. Depending on their hardness, the artichokes will cook in about 10 minutes, therefore, in the meantime you will prepare the omelette.
Beat 6 eggs well and add to them, always beating, six good spoonfuls of grated parmesan and half a glass of milk. Add salt and pepper. Once the artichokes are cooked, cut them into strips together with the stems and add them to the eggs, mixing well.
Then heat a little olive oil in a non-stick pan of the right size and add the mixture. Increase the heat and cook on one side. To turn the omelette, remove it from the heat, calmly, place a plate on top that covers it and, perhaps over the sink, turn it with a quick and sure movement; then put it back on the heat to cook on the other side. Once cooked, place it on the plate you used to turn it, trying to dry as much as possible the residues of oil that remain.
- Once cut, the artichokes must remain in water and lemon as much as possible to avoid turning black, and the same goes for the half lemon added while they are cooking.
- Turning the omelette is not easy, so I recommend trying a few times by putting a little raw pasta in the pan and then turning it onto the plate
Hello everyone and bon appetit.
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