Seppie con piselli a modo mio, la ricetta

Seppie con piselli

Seppie con piselli a modo mio, la ricetta.
Visto che ormai i piselli freschi nostrani si trovano a prezzo abbordabile, questa mattina volevo preparare un piatto ligure tipico di questa stagione: acciughe in umido con piselli. Purtroppo non ho trovato acciughe di mio gradimento ma, in compenso, ho visto sul banco della pescheria alcune seppie, piccole e freschissime ed ho pensato di prepararle in umido al posto delle acciughe. Sinceramente non so se questa ricetta abbia attinenza con la cucina ligure o con quella meridionale che io amo altrettanto ma vi descriverò’  come la ho preparata.
Dopo aver pulito le seppie e conservato un sacchetto di nero, ho fatto un soffritto di cipolla a cui ho aggiunto uno spicchio d’aglio intero ed un pezzetto del mio peperoncino piccante. Ho poi aggiunto le seppie tagliate a listelle e le ho fatte soffriggere a fuoco vivace. Ho bagnato con poco vino bianco e, una volta evaporato, ho aggiunto il pomodoro passato e il sacchetto con il nero. Ho poi aggiunto i piselli che avevo precedentemente fatto cuocere per qualche minuto in acqua bollente ed ho lasciato cuocere aggiungendo, quando necessario, un po’ dell’acqua dei piselli.

Ingredienti per quattro persone

  • Un kilo di seppie fresche con un sacchetto del loro nero
  • 750 grammi di pomodori maturi, che ho fatto cuocere in una pentola senza acqua per farne uscire l’acqua che poi ho passato oppure due scatolette di passata di pomodoro
  • Trecento grammi di piselli freschi sgusciati
  • Un bicchiere piccolo di olio extra vergine
  • Un cipolla grande, uno spicchio di aglio e peperoncino secondo i gusti
  • Poco vino bianco
  • Vi aspetto presto per le acciughe, questa volta preparate con i piselli come le faceva mia nonna…

    Seppie con piselli

    Cuttlefish with peas my way, the recipe – Seiche aux petits pois à ma façon, la recette – Sepia con guisantes a mi manera, la receta – Choco com ervilhas do meu jeito, a receita – Tintenfisch mit Erbsen auf meine Art, das Rezept – Mực nang với đậu Hà Lan theo cách của tôi, công thức – 乌贼配豌豆我的方式,食谱 – エンドウ豆とカトルフィッシュ、レシピ

    Pork shank with cabbage, the recipe

    This morning I went to the supermarket and saw the offer for pork shanks: €3.85 per kg.
    I therefore thought of a preparation that I saw made years ago by an Austrian chef and I in turn prepared this dish that is certainly not typical of a seaside town but which is delicious and suitable for the cold of these days. To give greater attention to fats, I used very little oil and made sure that the shank cooks slowly using the liquid from the cabbage which, in turn, is enriched by the fat released by the meat. The final splash of vinegar serves to further blend the flavors, creating a balance between the meat and the sweetness of the cabbage.

    For two people:

    – A pork shank (weight approximately 650 grams)
    – Half an onion
    – A little garlic
    – A small cabbage
    – 30 gr. of olive oil
    – Half a glass of white wine
    – A splash of vinegar
    – Salt and pepper to taste.

    First, in a pan with a little oil, I browned the shank to form a protective crust around it.

    I then put the remaining oil, chopped onion and garlic in the terracotta casserole dish. Then I added the shank and the finely chopped cabbage to the soffritto and started cooking over high heat. When everything had heated up, I added the white wine and, once it had evaporated, I lowered the heat, put the lid on and cooked slowly for an hour. When cooked, the shank will have opened slightly and the cabbage will have reduced to less than a third of its initial volume because it will have lost all the water it contained. At this point I sprinkled with a little vinegar and, once it had evaporated, the dish was ready. Enjoy your meal!

    stinco di maiale con verza

    Pork shank with cabbage, the recipe – Jarret de porc au chou, la recette – Pierna de cerdo con col, la receta – Pernil de porco com repolho, a receita – Schweinshaxe mit Kohl, das Rezept – Thịt lợn xào bắp cải, công thức – 卷心菜猪小腿,食谱 – キャベツ入りポークシャンク、レシピ

    Risotto con gamberi, la ricetta

    Risotto con gamberi

    Risotto con gamberi, la ricetta.
    Questo pomeriggio, passeggiando sulla strada del porto a Sestri Levante, ho visto un piccolo peschereccio appena rientrato e dal quale venivano sbarcate alcune cassette di scampi e gamberi rosa… erano ancora vivi. Così sono andato sul mercato ed ho visto le cassette sul banco ed i prezzi: gamberi rosa € 20, scampi piccoli € 30, grandi € 40 al kilo. Così ho comprato 200 grammi di gamberi con i quali la sera ho preparato un semplice risottino (dietetico) per due persone.

    – grammi 200 gamberi rosa;
    – mezza cipolla;
    – un gambo di sedano piccolo;
    – mezza carota;
    – poco aglio;
    – grammi 160 di riso arborio;
    – 30 grammi d’olio;
    – poco vino bianco;
    – prezzemolo tritato q.b.

    Con metà cipolla, le altre verdure e poco sale ho fatto un leggero brodo che ho fatto cuocere per una mezzoretta. Una volta raffreddato, ho aggiunto le teste ed i gusci dei gamberi ed ho fatto ancora cuocere tutto per un’altra mezz’ora. Ho poi filtrato il brodo e l’ho mantenuto caldo.
    Ho poi messo a soffriggere in una pentola con dell’olio l’altra metà della cipolla tritata fine e l’aglio intero.
    Ho poi fatto rosolare i gamberi sgusciati e tagliati a pezzetti giusto un minuto per fargli prendere colore.
    Infine ho aggiunto il riso che ho fatto tostare per una ventina di secondi. Ho bagnato con il vino bianco e, dopo che è evaporato, ho aggiunto quasi tutto il brodo. Ho rimescolato lentamente, ho messo il coperchio ed abbassato il fuoco. Ho fatto cuocere per venti minuti e alla fine, dopo aver spento il fuoco, ho aagiunto i gamberi e mantecato con l’olio rimasto, spruzzato un po’ di prezzemolo tritato e servito. Il risotto era veramente ottimo.

    Nota: per abitudine non mescolo mai il risotto durante la cottura. Infatti, dopo averlo mescolato molto lentamente una prima volta, aggiungo il liquido caldo e lascio cuocere lentamente limitandomi ogni tanto a controllare che non attacchi. Il movimento che fa il risotto durante la bollitura è lento ma costante e sufficiente a portare a termine il risotto senza farlo attaccare.

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    Risotto con gamberi

    An Italian rice dish with prawns, my recipe – Un plat de riz italien aux crevettes, ma recette – Un plato de arroz italiano con gambas, mi receta – Um prato italiano de arroz com camarões, minha receita – Ein italienisches Reisgericht mit Garnelen, mein Rezept – Món cơm Ý với tôm, công thức của tôi – 意大利大虾米饭,我的食谱 – エビのイタリアンライスディッシュ、私のレシピ

    Original Indian Curry, the recipe

    Spezie a Dubai

    Original Indian Curry.
    Finally I am able to show you the preparation of real Curry, I mean the one made by an Indian, with Indian products that are also easy to find here.

    Curry Piatti Pronti

    Pollo al Curry


    • Minced garlic
    • Fresh ginger chopped or dried
    • Chopped onion
    • Fresh red tomato, chopped into cubes
    • Bay leaves; fennel seeds
    • Mustard seeds
    • Sweet paprika
    • Curry powder (preferably Mazala)
    • Fresh or dried coconut pulp
    • Chicken
    • Lentils
    • Basmati Rice


    Riso Basmati

    Prodotti Curry


    1) Chicken curry: In a pan, toast the garlic over low heat (without oil), then the ginger, fennel seeds, bay leaves, coconut and, after a couple of minutes, the onion. Cook slowly, mixing everything together and being careful not to burn them. Then add the tomato and continue cooking for another ten minutes. Once everything is mixed together, add the Curry, Mazala and paprika, blend everything with an immersion blender to make the sauce smooth and without lumps and continue cooking for another five minutes, after raising the heat. When everything is very hot, add a little butter (better if coconut milk) and finally the chicken cut into pieces or, if you prefer, just the breast. Continue cooking until it is cooked (depending on the size you cut the chicken) ... taste, season with salt and ... the dish is ready.

    2) Lentils. Lentils are the most widely used dried legume in India and are part of the most common diet. Soak lentils in cold water for a couple of hours and then boil them in unsalted water.

    Prepare the base and the curry preparation as for the chicken, also adding the mustard seeds. Once the sauce is ready (you don't have to blend it) add the lentils, cook for another five minutes and then a little butter. The lentils are ready.

    Tostatura Riso

    3) Rice. Indians use Basmati rice which is easily found in all supermarkets but you can also use the common rice you have at home. Boil the rice in plenty of water and, once cooked and cooled, sauté it in a pan with a little butter until it loses water and becomes a little crunchy. This type of preparation replaces the one we usually make for Pilaf Rice (see our home recipe on the same site. ed.) and is the one they usually use in India.

    Chef Alu

    If you are interested in knowing more you can start from what Wikipedia says, from here.

    The original Indian curry, the recipe to prepare it – Le curry indien original, la recette pour le préparer – El curry indio original, la receta para prepararlo – O caril indiano original, a receita para prepará-lo – Das original indische Curry, das Rezept zur Zubereitung – Cà ri Ấn Độ chính gốc, công thức để chuẩn bị nó – 原始的印度咖喱,准备它的食谱 – オリジナルのインディアンカレー、それを準備するためのレシピ

    Cous cous, la ricetta

    Cous cous.
    Di ritorno da una bellissima vacanza in Sicilia, mi è rimasto impresso questo piatto semplice, mediterraneo di origine araba ma che fa parte della cucina della Sicilia Occidentale.
    Durante una sosta a Mazara del Vallo ho mangiato un piatto di cous cous di pesce, discreto, ma di cui una signora di Marsala, vicina al mio tavolo a noi mi ha spiegato una preparazione casalinga e mi ha insegnato la preparazione della semola.
    1) Utilizzare la semola di grano per cous cous che si trova comunemente nei supermercati. Si può usare anche il prodotto precotto
    2) per quattro persone, utilizzare circa 300 di semola.
    3) stemperare la semola a freddo con acqua fredda leggermente salata e formare dei grumi
    4) Mettere la semola su un piatto bucato per la cottura a vapore oppure su un setaccio fine. La signora mi ha consigliato di mettere sotto la semola alcune foglie di alloro
    5) Mettere il piatto bucato sopra una pentola in cui bolle acqua salata e fare lentamente ingrossare i grani di semola con il vapore, girandola ogni tanto (circa un’ora se non si usa prodotto precotto)
    6) Ogni tanto aggiungere un po’ di olio, meglio se liquido di cottura del pesce che intanto avrete preparato a parte
    7) Per la cottura (se non usate la semola precotta) ci vorrà ancora un’oretta, comunque controllatene la cottura…

    Per la preparazione del pesce:
    1) Scegliere pesci da zuppa, alcuni piccoli per la salsa e qualche trancio. Comunque dipende dal pescato fresco che trovate ma io suggerisco, per quattro persone: una seppia media, un paio di moscardini, quattro triglie, alcuni tranci di pescatrice, di nocciola, quattro gamberi e quattro scampi. Inoltre mezzo chilo di cozze e mezzo di vongole.
    2) Pulire bene il pesce, tagliare a pezzetti i molluschi e fare aprire in pochissima acqua le cozze e le vongole (questa operazione serve per essere sicuri che dentro i frutti di mare non ci sia sabbia e rovinino così la zuppa)
    3) Fare un fondo di cipolla, con uno spicchio di aglio e fate soffriggere in abbondante olio extra vergine.
    4) Aggiungere al soffritto la seppia ed i moscardini tagliati a pezzi e fate soffriggere per cinque minuti
    5) Aggiungere passata di pomodoro e far continuare la cottura per altri cinque minuti
    6) Mettere poi nella casseruola i tranci di pesce ed i pesci piccoli (di scoglio) che avete trovato, i gamberi e gli scampi ed infine le cozze e le vongole con la loro acqua (meglio se filtrata)
    7) far cuocere il tutto coperto ancora per dieci minuti, spegnere il fuoco e lasciare riposare per alcuni minuti. Prima di servire, quando la zuppa è un po’ raffreddata, vi consiglio di cercare e ed eliminare tutte le spine, lasciando solamente i gusci dei frutti di mare ed i crostacei . Rimettere il pesce sul fuoco, senza girarlo per non rompere ulteriormente il pesce e servire sopra il cous cous

    Enjoy your meal!

    Risotto con sugo di aragosta, la ricetta

    Risotto con sugo di aragosta, la ricetta.
    Lo chef di casa (mio papà) ha nuovamente stupito tutti con un piatto eccezionale: un risotto con sugo di aragosta.

    Ed ecco la ricetta dello chef Loris:

    Questa è una lavorazione un po’ lunga ma che può essere fatta anche con una aragosta surgelata.
    Innanzi tutto divido l’aragosta in due pezzi per lungo quando è ancora surgelata e la metto subito in padella con poco olio dove ho fatto soffriggere uno spicchio d’aglio.
    Faccio rinvenire l’aragosta a fuoco basso per recuperare i succhi che si disperderebbero con il ghiaccio della surgelazione e la lascio raffreddare. Una volta fredda recupero la polpa centrale e tutta quella contenuta nelle zampe e nella testa e la metto da parte.
    Rimetto la padella sul fuoco con tutti gli scarti ossei ed il liquido della prima cottura; una volta caldi li bagno con poco cognac che lascio evaporare, aggiungo un poco di passata di pomodoro (meglio fresco) e lascio cuocere per poco tempo aggiungendo acqua calda perché bisogna ricordare che tutta la salsa e la polpa continueranno ancora a cuocere nel risotto… Poi passo tutto al setaccio.

    A questo punto inizio la classica preparazione del risotto: nel fondo di cipolla tritata molto fine e soffritta in poco olio d’oliva, faccio tostare il riso arborio, bagno con vino bianco e, una volta evaporato, aggiungo la polpa tritata e la salsa. Aggiungo ancora poca acqua calda, copro la pentola con il risotto e lascio cuocere a fuoco basso per venti minuti circa controllando che non attacchi ed eventualmente mescolando molto lentamente con un cucchiaio di legno. A cottura ultimata ed a fuoco spento faccio mantecare con ancora un poco d’olio d’oliva, aggiungo un po’ di prezzemolo tritato e servo su piatti ben caldi.

    La foto, probabilmente, non rende molta giustizia al piatto ma eccola:

    risotto con sugo di aragosta

    Rice with lobster sauce, the recipe – Riz sauce homard, la recette – Arroz con salsa de bogavante, la receta – Arroz com molho de lavagante, a receita – Reis mit Hummersauce, das Rezept – Cơm sốt tôm hùm, công thức –

    Norwegian Salmon, the recipe

    Norwegian Salmon.
    This morning I went to the supermarket and I saw, among the ugly and very expensive fish, a nice salmon, medium sized, excellent looking and reasonably priced. I modestly have some experience with salmon, which I have fished both in Alaska and Norway, of which I have seen the artificial insemination, the breeding, the preparation of fresh fish for export and the various smoking systems. Later on, maybe I will show you some photos I took in Norway…

    Well, coming to us and looking at the salmon I bought one of about a kilo and a half and I thought of suggesting to Marietto a wonderful system of preparation of this extraordinary fish, rich in delicious fats, light and tasty: raw Norwegian salmon.

    To make this preparation you need a medium/large fresh salmon: if you are not convinced of the freshness of the fish you see on display, you can find out about the next arrival and you can rest assured because the salmon arrives by plane daily from Norway, very fresh and already gutted. If you are not able to do this, ask the shop assistant to scale it, remove the head and fillet it by removing the central bone. Once home, with tweezers, patiently remove the bones that are near the head, even the soft ones, which are under a white skin, remove this too and wash the fish well under running water. Then take a few tablespoons of fine salt and sprinkle generously but not too much on one of the two fillets (which are called whiskers) and then, with other tablespoons of sugar (the sugar must be a little less than the salt) and sprinkle the same fillet again. Then, carefully place the second fillet exactly on top of the one sprinkled with salt and sugar. Now wrap the fish in a cloth or towel, place it on a plate that can contain the water that the fish will lose and put it in the refrigerator. Every day, for three days, remove the plate from the refrigerator and throw away the water that has come out but without opening the cloth. The third time, after having let out the last water, open the package, and you will see that the salmon will have a nice color and there will be no more salt or sugar that will have been absorbed by it. Now, if you want and according to your tastes, put on one half plenty of wild fennel or pink and green peppercorns, put the two sides back together and put the fish back in the fridge for another couple of days, after which the marinated salmon will be ready to be eaten, without adding anything, neither oil nor lemon.
    Marietto, who is alone, freezes one side and starts eating the other half, slicing it flat starting from the tail as if it were smoked. The raw Norwegian salmon, in fact, will be compact and of a splendid pink color as if it were smoked but it will be less salty and very tasty, especially if sliced ​​and eaten together with the wild fennel and peppercorns. This excellent fish can be served with vegetables, can be part of an excellent salad, can be used for canapés or, more simply, put in a sandwich, which perhaps you have first spread with Philadelphia cheese and with the addition of some onion rings. Marietto is satisfied and, if he can resist without eating it, he thinks of using the other half that he has frozen to surprise his friends for Christmas lunch... and what a saving compared to smoked salmon!!!

    Ingredients: a fresh salmon of about one and a half kilos; about 80 grams of salt, about 60 grams of sugar, a bunch of wild fennel, pink pepper and green pepper according to taste.

    The featured image was taken from

    Norwegian salmon, the recipe – Saumon norvégien, la recette – Salmón noruego, la receta – Salmão norueguês, a receita – Norwegischer Lachs, das Rezept – Cá hồi Na Uy, công thức – 挪威三文鱼,食谱 – ノルウェー産サーモンのレシピ

    Milanese cutlet, my recipe

    Milanese cutlet, my recipe.
    This evening Marietto wants to eat a nice Milanese cutlet, with real French fries and a tomato salad. During his lunch break he bought 300 grams of veal slices, some potatoes and a couple of tomatoes.
    When he gets home, he will grate some dry bread with the cheese grater, then pass it through a sieve to eliminate the larger pieces and beat a whole egg well to which he will add a little salt.
    Marietto is then thinking about how good the French fries his mother used to make were, so he peels two potatoes, washes them well and cuts them up like his mother used to. He then slices the tomatoes and seasones them with salt, vinegar and oil. He then flattens the meat well, passes it in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Then he puts a first pan on the stove with plenty of oil to fry the potatoes (which take longer to cook than the meat) and then another pan for the meat, cooking carefully so that it doesn't burn. He will salt the potatoes well once cooked and place them on a sheet of paper to dry any residue of frying oil, he will do the same with the meat.
    Enjoy your meal!

    Do you like Milanese?
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    cotoletta e patatine macro

    Milanese cutlet, my recipe – Escalope viennoise, ma recette – Wiener schnitzel, mi receta – Schnitzel de Viena, a minha receita – Wiener Schnitzel, mein Rezept – Wiener schnitzel, công thức của tôi

    Quick tomato sauce and artichoke omelette, the recipe

    Quick tomato sauce and artichoke omelette.

    And here we are at the first appointment with Marietto…

    Marietto is a single man, with a job that keeps him away from home all day but who has time, every day, to do a little shopping. In the evening, once home, he can prepare a hot dish.

    In a pantry you should never be without: 1 bottle of extra virgin olive oil, a pack of spaghetti, a couple of cans of peeled tomatoes, an onion, a head of garlic, some fruit, a small wedge of parmesan cheese. Then, some fruit and some vegetables to keep in the refrigerator, a few eggs, a couple of lemons and a carton of milk.

    This evening Marietto, when he comes back from work, will prepare a nice plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce and an artichoke omelette, therefore we will see the recipe to make a quick and excellent tomato sauce, how to clean the artichokes and then how to prepare an omelette. To give a basis to the work I will always write recipes for two, four or more people but I will indicate it each time

    Quick tomato sauce (for 4 people)

    First of all, it would be perfect to use fresh tomatoes but, out of season, it is better to use peeled tomatoes. However, fresh tomatoes must be very ripe (to be sure, once opened, the inside must be very red like the outside, the seeds well formed, without white or greenish parts). For four people, six nice fresh tomatoes should be enough otherwise two cans of peeled tomatoes. For Marietto a couple of tomatoes or a can of peeled tomatoes would be enough…

    Wash the tomatoes well, open them and crush them a little to release the seeds and cut them into cubes with the skin. If they are peeled, take them out of the tin and crush them a little to release the seeds but without overdoing it. Then cut half an onion as finely as possible and fry it over a moderate heat in the right amount of olive oil; while the onion is frying, chop a clove of garlic and add it, but only when the onion begins to soften. If you put them in the pan together, the onion will remain raw and the garlic will burn. At this point add the chopped tomatoes, mix and leave to cook for ten minutes or a little more: the sauce is ready.

    Artichoke omelette (for 4 people)

    Choose 6/7 artichokes, which must be firm to the touch, well closed, with fresh leaves and stems. Prepare a container with cold water in which you have put the juice of half a lemon, which you will keep. To clean the artichokes, keep in mind that the best parts are the bottom and the inside of the stem: you will easily identify them because both are lighter. Then cut the stems and set them aside. Cut off the tip of each artichoke about three-quarters of its length. With a very sharp knife, begin to cut off the hard leaves starting from the bottom and turning the knife as if you were peeling a whole apple, but be careful not to throw away the inside. Once each artichoke is cleaned on the outside, cut it in half. Put one half in the water and lemon and divide the second in two, then removing all the fluff from the center. Continue with the second half, always making sure to keep them soaking for as long as possible. Once the artichokes are sliced, proceed with the stems, of which you will only keep the internal part, the lightest and most tender. Then put a pot with plenty of salted water on the stove and immerse the artichokes to cook cold, together with the half lemon already squeezed. Depending on their hardness, the artichokes will cook in about 10 minutes, therefore, in the meantime you will prepare the omelette.

    Beat 6 eggs well and add to them, always beating, six good spoonfuls of grated parmesan and half a glass of milk. Add salt and pepper. Once the artichokes are cooked, cut them into strips together with the stems and add them to the eggs, mixing well.

    Then heat a little olive oil in a non-stick pan of the right size and add the mixture. Increase the heat and cook on one side. To turn the omelette, remove it from the heat, calmly, place a plate on top that covers it and, perhaps over the sink, turn it with a quick and sure movement; then put it back on the heat to cook on the other side. Once cooked, place it on the plate you used to turn it, trying to dry as much as possible the residues of oil that remain.


    • Once cut, the artichokes must remain in water and lemon as much as possible to avoid turning black, and the same goes for the half lemon added while they are cooking.
    • Turning the omelette is not easy, so I recommend trying a few times by putting a little raw pasta in the pan and then turning it onto the plate

    Hello everyone and bon appetit.

    The preview photo was downloaded from

    Quick tomato sauce and artichoke omelette, the recipe – Omelette rapide sauce tomate et artichauts, la recette – Tortilla rápida de salsa de tomate y alcachofas, la receta – Molho de tomate rápido e omelete de alcachofra, a receita – Schnelle Tomatensauce und Artischocken-Omelett, das Rezept – Sốt cà chua nhanh và trứng tráng atiso, công thức – 快速番茄酱和洋蓟煎蛋,食谱 – クイックトマトソースとアーティチョークオムレツ、レシピ