The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva

Il soffitto absidale di Santa Maria sopra Minerva a Roma

The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
Santa Maria sopra Minerva is one of the most important churches in Rome and is located near the Pantheon, in the Pigna district. Built in the 13th century by the Dominican Friars, it is one of the rare examples of Gothic architecture in Rome, famous for its history, art and architecture.
The basilica stands on a site that was previously occupied by a pagan temple, initially attributed to the goddess Minerva, but which was actually dedicated to Isis. The name "sopra Minerva" derives from this ancient belief. The construction of the Gothic church began in 1280 and was completed at the beginning of the 14th century. Over the centuries, the church has undergone numerous modifications and restorations, while maintaining its Gothic character.

The interior of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is richly decorated and maintains its original Gothic structure. It has a three-nave plan with pointed arches and vaulted ceilings. The side aisles house several richly decorated chapels with important works of art.

The apse ceiling is particularly impressive, with a ribbed vault richly decorated with bright colors and intricate patterns. In the center of the apse is a large painting depicting religious scenes, which helps create a solemn and evocative atmosphere.

Other Elements of Interest are: the Funeral Monument of Saint Catherine of Siena (Saint Catherine of Siena is buried in the basilica, and her tomb is a place of great devotion) and Bernini's Elephant (in the square in front of the church there is an Egyptian obelisk supported by a statue of an elephant, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini; this monument is commonly known as the “Pulcino della Minerva”).

Santa Maria sopra Minerva is a place of great historical, artistic and religious importance, representing a unique example in the Roman architectural panorama for its Gothic style and the numerous works of art it houses.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here I leave you the official website of the basilica:

To see all the photos I took in Rome click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the basilica is located:

The Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva (in Latin basilica Sanctæ Mariæ supra Minervam) is a minor basilica in Rome located in the Pigna district, in Piazza della Minerva, near the Pantheon. It is one of the very few examples of Gothic architecture in Rome. The basilica houses the remains of several important figures including Catherine of Siena, proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970, the mystic painter Beato Angelico, proclaimed "Universal Patron of Artists" in 1984 and Pope Benedict XIII. Inside it preserves valuable works of art including frescoes by Melozzo da Forlì and Filippino Lippi.
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The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome – Le plafond de l’abside de Santa Maria sopra Minerva à Rome – El techo del ábside de Santa María sopra Minerva en Roma – O teto da abside de Santa Maria sopra Minerva em Roma – Die Apsisdecke von Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rom – Trần nhà của Santa Maria sopra Minerva ở Rome

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L’altare della Chiesa di San Vitale a Parma

L'altare della Chiesa di San Vitale a Parma

L’altare della Chiesa di San Vitale a Parma.
Immersa nel cuore storico di Parma, la Chiesa di San Vitale si erge con un’eleganza senza tempo, testimone silenziosa dei secoli che ha attraversato. Costruita nel XIV secolo in stile gotico, questa maestosa chiesa cattolica cattura l’attenzione di chiunque si avvicini, offrendo un’esperienza unica di bellezza architettonica e spirituale.
La facciata, adornata da dettagli intricati e finemente scolpita, rivela un mix affascinante di stili artistici che spaziano dal gotico al rinascimento. Gli archi ogivali e le decorazioni floreali incorniciano l’ingresso, accogliendo i visitatori in un mondo di suggestione e storia.
Il punto focale dell’interno è sicuramente l’altare maggiore, un capolavoro di intarsio e scultura. L’atmosfera di San Vitale è resa ancora più suggestiva dalla luce che filtra attraverso le vetrate colorate, dipingendo il pavimento con una tavolozza caleidoscopica di colori durante le ore del giorno.
La chiesa ospita anche una collezione di opere d’arte sacra, tra cui dipinti e sculture di maestri locali, arricchendo ulteriormente l’esperienza culturale e religiosa dei visitatori.
Oltre alla sua bellezza estetica, la Chiesa di San Vitale è un luogo di spiritualità e riflessione. Le sue pareti antiche sembrano custodire segreti e storie che si svelano a coloro che prendono il tempo di esplorare i suoi angoli tranquilli.

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L'altare della Chiesa di San Vitale a Parma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

Here is where the church is located:

L’abside è interamente occupata dal presbiterio, rialzato di alcuni gradini rispetto al resto della chiesa, al centro del quale si trova l’altare maggiore in marmi policromi, sormontato da un Crocifisso ligneo scolpito. Sulla volta del presbiterio vi è un affresco di Giuseppe Peroni raffigurante l’Apoteosi di San Vitale.
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The altar of the Church of San Vitale in Parma – L’autel de l’église de San Vitale à Parme – El altar de la Iglesia de San Vitale en Parma – O altar da Igreja de San Vitale em Parma – Der Altar der Kirche San Vitale in Parma – Bàn thờ của Nhà thờ San Vitale ở Parma – 帕尔马圣维塔莱教堂的祭坛 – パルマのサン ヴィターレ教会の祭壇

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The High Altar of the Church of Santo Stefano in Genoa

L'altare Maggiore della chiesa di Santo Stefano a Genova

The High Altar of the Church of Santo Stefano in Genoa.
Many times I have been on the large terrace of this church to photograph via XX Settembre from above but very few times have I managed to enter this church.
Some time ago, taking advantage of the event “Le chiese dei Rolli”, I was able to visit it and I was fascinated by it.
The interior is very sparse but colossal.

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L'altare Maggiore della chiesa di Santo Stefano a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the church click here:

This is the link that, I believe, will be active shortly before the new event:

The church of Santo Stefano (or abbey of Santo Stefano) is one of the best-known Christian places of worship in Genoa, and its parish community is part of the Vicariate of Carignano – Foce of the Archdiocese of Genoa.
Situated on a hill overlooking the central Via XX Settembre, it was one of the most significant examples of Romanesque architecture in the Ligurian capital.
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The main altar of the church of Santo Stefano in Genoa – Le maître-autel de l’église de Santo Stefano à Gênes – El altar mayor de la iglesia de Santo Stefano en Génova – O altar-mor da igreja de Santo Stefano em Gênova – Der Hauptaltar der Kirche Santo Stefano in Genua – Bàn thờ chính của nhà thờ Santo Stefano ở Genoa – 热那亚圣斯特凡诺教堂的主祭坛 – ジェノヴァのサント ステファノ教会の主祭壇

The High Altar of the Basilica of Holy Cross

L'Altare Maggiore e l'abside della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

The High Altar and the apse of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence.
Some time ago I posted a very similar photo of the beautiful Florentine basilica, but which only portrayed the altar.
In this shot, however, you can see the entire apse of Santa Croce with all its wonderful works of art!

Do you know or have you visited this beautiful church in Florence? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'Altare Maggiore e l'abside della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website:

The designs for the stained glass windows are also by Agnolo Gaddi, except for the highest oculi, which are older. The painted cross is by the Maestro di Figline, while the polyptych of the high altar is the result of a recomposition: the Madonna in the center is by Niccolò Gerini, while the Doctors of the Church are by Giovanni del Biondo and another unknown painter.
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The High Altar of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – Le maître-autel de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – El Altar Mayor de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – O altar-mor da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Der Hochaltar der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Bàn thờ cao của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂的高坛 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェ聖堂の主祭壇

The mosaic of the apse of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan

Il mosaico del catino absidale di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

The mosaic of the apse of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan.
The mosaic of the apse of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan is one of the most important works of art in the city. Made around 1200, it is a notable example of medieval mosaic art in Italy.
The mosaic represents Christ Pantocrator, seated on a throne with an open book, surrounded by the symbols of the evangelists. On his sides are figures of saints, including Sant’Ambrogio, to whom the basilica is dedicated. The representation of Christ is typical of Byzantine iconography, with a solemn face and a blessing gesture.
The mosaic follows the Byzantine iconographic canons, with a strong emphasis on the majesty and sacredness of the figures represented. The colors are bright, with abundant use of gold to emphasize the divinity and importance of the sacred figures. The mosaic tiles are arranged to create an effect of light and depth, which gives life to the figures.

The mosaic is not only a work of art, but also a symbol of devotion and spirituality. It represents the continuity of the Christian faith throughout the centuries and the centrality of the figure of Christ in the religious life of the community.

Conosci Milano e hai mai visitato la basilica di Sant’Ambrogio? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il mosaico del catino absidale di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took of the Basilica click here:

The mosaic that occupies the semi-domed apse of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio depicts the image of Christ enthroned, surrounded by Saints Gervasius and Protasius, on a gold background.
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The mosaic in the apse of the basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan – La mosaïque de l’abside de la basilique de Sant’Ambrogio à Milan – El mosaico en el ábside de la basílica de Sant’Ambrogio en Milán – O mosaico na abside da basílica de Sant’Ambrogio em Milão – Das Mosaik in der Apsis der Basilika Sant’Ambrogio in Mailand – Bức tranh khảm ở hậu cung của vương cung thánh đường Sant’Ambrogio ở Milan – 米兰圣安布罗焦大教堂后殿的马赛克 – ミラノのサンタンブロージョ大聖堂の後陣のモザイク

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The splendid dome and apse of the Parma Cathedral

La splendida cupola e l'abside del Duomo di Parma

The splendid dome and apse of the Parma Cathedral.
The splendid frescoes of the Parma Cathedral painted by Correggio that I visited some time ago now but had not yet had time to publish.

Do you know the Cathedral and Baptistery of Parma?
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La splendida cupola e l'abside del Duomo di Parma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The transept is covered by an octagonal dome, with a lantern only on the outside; in the drum, externally enlivened by a loggia with triple lancet windows, there are eight circular rose windows, one on each side, the result of the sixteenth-century expansion of the previous ones, of Romanesque origin.
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The splendid dome and apse of the Parma Cathedral – Le splendide dôme et l’abside de la cathédrale de Parme – La espléndida cúpula y el ábside de la Catedral de Parma – A esplêndida cúpula e abside da Catedral de Parma – Die prächtige Kuppel und Apsis der Kathedrale von Parma – Mái vòm và đỉnh lộng lẫy của Nhà thờ Parma – 帕尔马大教堂的壮丽圆顶和后殿 – パルマ大聖堂の見事なドームと後陣

The apse of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata

L'abside della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

The apse of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata in Lucca.
I have only been to the Tuscan city of Lucca a few times but after the first one I was convinced to return because it is a beautiful town with many interesting places to visit.
As soon as I had the chance I went there for a weekend and I enjoyed it.
This is the apse of the beautiful and ancient church that is right in the same square as the Cathedral of Lucca and that I absolutely recommend you visit.

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L'abside della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Click here to see all the photos of Lucca.

This is the official website of the museum complex:

The Santa Reparata complex was built in the 5th century on an area of ​​Roman settlement. Around the 6th century the complex took on a cemetery function but in the 8th century the church was functioning again. In the 9th century a crypt was opened where the relics of San Pantaleone, found in 1714, were placed.
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The apse of the church of Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – L’abside de l’église de Santi Giovanni e Reparata à Lucca – El ábside de la iglesia de Santi Giovanni e Reparata en Lucca – A abside da igreja de Santi Giovanni e Reparata em Lucca – Die Apsis der Kirche Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – Đỉnh của nhà thờ Santi Giovanni e Reparata ở Lucca – 卢卡 Santi Giovanni e Reparata 教堂的后殿 – ルッカのサンティジョヴァンニエレパラタ教会の後部

The main altar of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan

L'altare maggiore della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

The main altar of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan.
The splendid basilica of Milan, famous for its façade and cloister, is also very beautiful inside.
Behind it is the apse in golden mosaics and in the middle, protected by the ciborium, the splendid altar covered in gold and silver positioned right above the relics of Saints Gervasio and Protasio and of Ambrose himself.

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L'altare maggiore della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took of the Basilica click here:

The altar of Sant’Ambrogio is the main altar of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan. The altar is the fulcrum of the renovation that the Frankish bishop Angilberto II carried out in Sant’Ambrogio. The ancient basilica, with its heritage of relics, is the place where the political and religious program that guides the reorganization of the city and the territory by the bishop, representative of the Carolingian power, is manifested.
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The main altar of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan – Le maître-autel de la Basilique de Sant’Ambrogio à Milan – El altar mayor de la Basílica de Sant’Ambrogio en Milán – O altar principal da Basílica de Sant’Ambrogio em Milão – Der Hauptaltar der Basilika Sant’Ambrogio in Mailand – Bàn thờ chính của Vương cung thánh đường Sant’Ambrogio ở Milan – 米兰圣安布罗焦大教堂的主祭坛 – ミラノのサンタンブロージョ大聖堂の主祭壇

L’abside della chiesa della Santissima Annunziata di Portoria a Genova

L'abside della chiesa della Santissima Annunziata di Portoria a Genova

L’abside della chiesa della Santissima Annunziata di Portoria a Genova.
Qualche tempo fa, quasi per caso, ho saputo che durante le feste natalizie a Genova si organizzavano delle visite guidate in molte chiese cittadine (alcune normalmente chiuse al pubblico). Una iniziativa sulla falsa riga dei Rolli.
Questo era l’interno della splendida chiesa ed in particolare l’abside poligonale, decorato dall’artista Giovan Battista Castello detto “il Bergamasco” con scene raffiguranti il Cristo giudicante e gli Evangelisti.

Sei mai stato in questa chiesa? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'abside della chiesa della Santissima Annunziata di Portoria a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Per vedere tutte le foto che ho scattato in questa splendida chiesa cliccate here:

La chiesa dell’Annunziata, la cui storia è strettamente legata a quella dello scomparso ospedale di Pammatone fu costruita con l’annesso convento, a partire dal 1488 dai Minori francescani, che la officiarono fino al 1538, quando ad essi subentrarono i Cappuccini, ancora oggi presenti nella chiesa, che prestarono assistenza spirituale ai malati nell’adiacente ospedale di Pammatone fino alla sua chiusura negli anni venti del Novecento.
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The apse of the church of the Santissima Annunziata di Portoria in Genoa – L’abside de l’église de la Santissima Annunziata di Portoria à Gênes – El ábside de la iglesia de la Santissima Annunziata di Portoria en Génova – Die Apsis der Kirche Santissima Annunziata di Portoria in Genua – Đỉnh của nhà thờ Santissima Annunziata di Portoria ở Genoa

The main altar of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna

L'altare maggiore della Basilica di San Petronio a Bologna

The high altar of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna.
The Cathedral of Bologna, San Petronio, and its splendid High Altar in the apse of the church.

Have you ever seen this Cathedral? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'altare maggiore della Basilica di San Petronio a Bologna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos I took in San Petronio:

In the oldest apse, the first tribune above the main altar of the basilica was erected between 1547 and 1549, but today all that remains are the four columns of Veronese marble reassembled in the new apse in 1662. In the same year, the architect Francesco Martini designed the large octagonal wooden dome, supported by monumental pediments placed directly on the capitals.
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The main altar of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna – Le maître-autel de la Basilique de San Petronio à Bologne – El altar mayor de la Basílica de San Petronio en Bolonia – Der Hauptaltar der Basilika San Petronio in Bologna – Bàn thờ chính của Vương cung thánh đường San Petronio ở Bologna – 圣彼得罗尼奥大教堂的主祭坛在博洛尼亚