Il bel palazzo in piazzetta Ruggero ad Assisi

Il bel palazzo in piazzetta Ruggero ad Assisi

Il bel palazzo in piazzetta Ruggero ad Assisi.
Una delle foto iconiche di Assisi, tolta quella della Basilica di San Francesco, è sicuramente di questo palazzo che sorge all’incontro di due strade: Piaggia di Porta San Pietro e via Fontebella.
Sede di questa bella edicola votiva con una Madonna con Bambino della quale però non riesco a trovare molte informazioni.

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Il bel palazzo in piazzetta Ruggero ad Assisi

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos of Assisi click here:

Here is where this palace is located:

The beautiful palace in Piazzetta Ruggero in Assisi – Le magnifique palais de la Piazzetta Ruggero à Assise – El hermoso palacio de la Piazzetta Ruggero en Asís – O belo palácio da Piazzetta Ruggero em Assis – Der wunderschöne Palast auf der Piazzetta Ruggero in Assisi – Cung điện xinh đẹp ở Piazzetta Ruggero ở Assisi

The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva

Il soffitto absidale di Santa Maria sopra Minerva a Roma

The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
Santa Maria sopra Minerva is one of the most important churches in Rome and is located near the Pantheon, in the Pigna district. Built in the 13th century by the Dominican Friars, it is one of the rare examples of Gothic architecture in Rome, famous for its history, art and architecture.
The basilica stands on a site that was previously occupied by a pagan temple, initially attributed to the goddess Minerva, but which was actually dedicated to Isis. The name "sopra Minerva" derives from this ancient belief. The construction of the Gothic church began in 1280 and was completed at the beginning of the 14th century. Over the centuries, the church has undergone numerous modifications and restorations, while maintaining its Gothic character.

The interior of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is richly decorated and maintains its original Gothic structure. It has a three-nave plan with pointed arches and vaulted ceilings. The side aisles house several richly decorated chapels with important works of art.

The apse ceiling is particularly impressive, with a ribbed vault richly decorated with bright colors and intricate patterns. In the center of the apse is a large painting depicting religious scenes, which helps create a solemn and evocative atmosphere.

Other Elements of Interest are: the Funeral Monument of Saint Catherine of Siena (Saint Catherine of Siena is buried in the basilica, and her tomb is a place of great devotion) and Bernini's Elephant (in the square in front of the church there is an Egyptian obelisk supported by a statue of an elephant, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini; this monument is commonly known as the “Pulcino della Minerva”).

Santa Maria sopra Minerva is a place of great historical, artistic and religious importance, representing a unique example in the Roman architectural panorama for its Gothic style and the numerous works of art it houses.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here I leave you the official website of the basilica:

To see all the photos I took in Rome click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the basilica is located:

The Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva (in Latin basilica Sanctæ Mariæ supra Minervam) is a minor basilica in Rome located in the Pigna district, in Piazza della Minerva, near the Pantheon. It is one of the very few examples of Gothic architecture in Rome. The basilica houses the remains of several important figures including Catherine of Siena, proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970, the mystic painter Beato Angelico, proclaimed "Universal Patron of Artists" in 1984 and Pope Benedict XIII. Inside it preserves valuable works of art including frescoes by Melozzo da Forlì and Filippino Lippi.
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The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome – Le plafond de l’abside de Santa Maria sopra Minerva à Rome – El techo del ábside de Santa María sopra Minerva en Roma – O teto da abside de Santa Maria sopra Minerva em Roma – Die Apsisdecke von Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rom – Trần nhà của Santa Maria sopra Minerva ở Rome

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The decorations on the facade of a building in Rapallo

Le decorazioni sulla facciata di un palazzo di Rapallo

The decorations on the facade of a building in Rapallo
Walking through the historic center of the city of Rapallo I glimpsed these beautiful decorations on a facade.
I can't tell you the exact spot, unfortunately, but I was captured by the color of these "frescoes".

Do you know Rapallo? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le decorazioni sulla facciata di un palazzo di Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

The decorations on the facade of a building in Rapallo – Les décorations sur la façade d’un immeuble à Rapallo – Las decoraciones en la fachada de un edificio en Rapallo – As decorações na fachada de um edifício em Rapallo – Die Dekorationen an der Fassade eines Gebäudes in Rapallo – Các đồ trang trí trên mặt tiền của một tòa nhà ở Rapallo – 拉帕洛一栋建筑正面的装饰 – ラパッロの建物のファサードの装飾

Le decorazioni su un palazzo di Chiavari

Le decorazioni su un palazzo in via Giuseppe Raggio a Chiavari

Le decorazioni su un palazzo in via Giuseppe Raggio a Chiavari.
Girovagando per il centro storico di Chiavari incontro sempre qualcosa di nuovo da fotografare.
Come le decorazioni di questo bel palazzo che si trova in via Raggio all’altezza della piazza della chiesa di San Giovanni in Rupinaro.
Un affresco per ogni piano di questo elegante palazzo.

Conosci Chiavari e magari sai dirmi qualcosa di questo palazzo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here is where the palace is located:

The decorations on a building in via Giuseppe Raggio in Chiavari – Les décorations d’un immeuble de la via Giuseppe Raggio à Chiavari – Las decoraciones de un edificio en via Giuseppe Raggio en Chiavari – As decorações de um edifício na via Giuseppe Raggio em Chiavari – Die Dekorationen an einem Gebäude in der Via Giuseppe Raggio in Chiavari – Các đồ trang trí trên một tòa nhà qua Giuseppe Raggio ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里朱塞佩·拉吉奥大街一栋建筑的装饰 – キアーヴァリのジュゼッペ・ラッジョ通りの建物の装飾

The Tree of Life in Santa Croce in Florence

L'Albero della Vita a Santa Croce: un simbolo di rinascita e speranza

The Tree of Life in Santa Croce: a symbol of rebirth and hope.
In the Cenacle of Santa Croce, in addition to the iconic representation of the Last Supper, it is possible to admire an extraordinary detail that adds a further layer of meaning and symbolism to the environment: the Tree of Life.
The Meaning of the Tree of Life: In Christian art and symbolism, the Tree of Life represents spiritual regeneration and the promise of eternal life. In the fresco, the tree rises majestically towards the sky, with its roots immersed in the ground and its branches laden with green leaves. This symbolic image expresses faith in the resurrection and the hope of eternal life through faith in Christ.
Flowering Details: The floral and fruit-bearing depictions of the Tree of Life add a dimension of abundance and fertility. The flowers and fruit hanging from the branches represent rebirth and the promise of new life, which is central to the Christian faith.
A Message of Hope: The Tree of Life in the Cenacolo di Santa Croce is a message of hope and consolation for those who contemplate the work. In addition to the Last Supper scene, this symbol reminds visitors that faith and spirituality can bring rebirth and joy into their lives.
When you visit the Cenacolo di Santa Croce in Florence, be sure to take a moment to admire the Tree of Life. This extraordinary symbol adds depth to Orcagna's work and will remind you of the beauty of faith and the promise of eternal life.

The Tree of Life in the Cenacle of Santa Croce is a true symbolic and spiritual jewel that completes the experience of visiting this extraordinary place, helping to bring out the message of hope that has inspired generations of believers and visitors.

Do you know or have you visited this beautiful church in Florence?
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L'Albero della Vita a Santa Croce: un simbolo di rinascita e speranza

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website:

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

For the Tree of the Cross Taddeo drew on an iconography that has its best example in the Tree of Pacino di Buonaguida, here however simplified, with the prophets and evangelists in the roundels in place of the episodes of the life of Christ the prophets and evangelists. The respective writings of the characters are linked to the mystery of the Passion as it comes true.
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The Tree of Life in Santa Croce: a symbol of rebirth and hope – L’Arbre de Vie de Santa Croce : symbole de renaissance et d’espoir – El Árbol de la Vida en Santa Croce: símbolo de renacimiento y esperanza – A Árvore da Vida em Santa Croce: um símbolo de renascimento e esperança – Der Baum des Lebens in Santa Croce: ein Symbol für Wiedergeburt und Hoffnung – Cây Sự sống ở Santa Croce: biểu tượng của sự tái sinh và hy vọng – 圣十字教堂的生命之树:重生和希望的象征 – サンタ・クローチェの生命の木:再生と希望の象徴

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The interior of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua

L'interno della splendida Cappella degli Scrovegni a Padova

The interior of the splendid Scrovegni Chapel in Padua.
One of the places I have visited that has most amazed and impressed me. In my experience it competes with the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
Here Giotto created one of the masterpieces of art of all time.
I don't want to write much more because the descriptions of the frescoes and the history of the place can easily be read online (and as always I don't like to copy).

Have you ever visited beautiful Padua?
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L'interno della splendida Cappella degli Scrovegni a Padova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the chapel:

To see all the photos I took in the city of the Saint click here:

La cappella degli Scrovegni è una chiesa di Padova, in precedenza cappella privata, divenuta parte dei Musei civici di Padova. Ospita un noto ciclo di affreschi di Giotto dei primi anni del XIV secolo, considerato uno dei capolavori dell’arte occidentale. I dipinti all’interno della cappella degli Scrovegni diedero il via a una rivoluzione pittorica che si sviluppò in tutto l’arco del Trecento e che influenzò la storia della pittura.
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The interior of the splendid Scrovegni Chapel in Padua – L’intérieur de la splendide chapelle des Scrovegni à Padoue – El interior de la espléndida Capilla Scrovegni en Padua – O interior da esplêndida Capela Scrovegni em Pádua – Das Innere der prächtigen Scrovegni-Kapelle in Padua – Nội thất của Nhà nguyện Scrovegni lộng lẫy ở Padua – 帕多瓦辉煌的斯克罗维尼教堂的内部 – パドヴァの素晴らしいスクロヴェーニ礼拝堂の内部

Frescoes of the church of SS Giovanni and Reparata

Gli affreschi della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

The frescoes of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata in Lucca.
Entering the monumental church of Lucca I was amazed to see the quality of the ancient works of art preserved inside.
Like these frescoes with the Madonna between Saints Nicola and Caterina and Saints Ginese, Sebastiano and Barbara.

This is the official website of the museum complex:

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Gli affreschi della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Click here to see all the photos of Lucca.

The Santa Reparata complex was built in the 5th century on an area of ​​Roman settlement. Around the 6th century the complex took on a cemetery function but in the 8th century the church was functioning again. In the 9th century a crypt was opened where the relics of San Pantaleone, found in 1714, were placed.
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The frescoes of the church of Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – Les fresques de l’église de Santi Giovanni e Reparata à Lucca – Los frescos en la iglesia de Santi Giovanni e Reparata en Lucca – Os afrescos da igreja de Santi Giovanni e Reparata em Lucca – Die Fresken in der Kirche Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – Các bức bích họa của nhà thờ Santi Giovanni e Reparata ở Lucca – 卢卡 Santi Giovanni e Reparata 教堂的壁画 – ルッカのサンティ ジョヴァンニ エ レパラータ教会のフレスコ画

Gli affreschi di un palazzo a Chiavari

Gli affreschi sulla facciata di un palazzo a Chiavari

Gli affreschi sulla facciata di un palazzo a Chiavari.
Passeggiando per il bel centro storico della città di Chiavari, quasi ogni volta, poso lo sguardo (e di conseguenza l’obiettivo della mia macchinina fotografica) su qualche punto che non avevo mai visto prima.
Come questi bei affreschi sulla facciata di un palazzo (se non ricordo male in via Giuseppe Raggio) all’altezza del sagrato della Chiesa di San Giovanni.

Conosci questo palazzo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Gli affreschi sulla facciata di un palazzo a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

The frescoes on the facade of a building in Chiavari – Les fresques sur la façade d’un immeuble à Chiavari – Los frescos en la fachada de un edificio en Chiavari – Os afrescos na fachada de um edifício em Chiavari – Die Fresken an der Fassade eines Gebäudes in Chiavari – Các bức bích họa trên mặt tiền của một tòa nhà ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里一栋建筑正面的壁画 – キアヴァリの建物のファサードのフレスコ画

The apse of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata

L'abside della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

The apse of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata in Lucca.
I have only been to the Tuscan city of Lucca a few times but after the first one I was convinced to return because it is a beautiful town with many interesting places to visit.
As soon as I had the chance I went there for a weekend and I enjoyed it.
This is the apse of the beautiful and ancient church that is right in the same square as the Cathedral of Lucca and that I absolutely recommend you visit.

Have you ever been to Lucca?
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L'abside della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Click here to see all the photos of Lucca.

This is the official website of the museum complex:

The Santa Reparata complex was built in the 5th century on an area of ​​Roman settlement. Around the 6th century the complex took on a cemetery function but in the 8th century the church was functioning again. In the 9th century a crypt was opened where the relics of San Pantaleone, found in 1714, were placed.
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The apse of the church of Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – L’abside de l’église de Santi Giovanni e Reparata à Lucca – El ábside de la iglesia de Santi Giovanni e Reparata en Lucca – A abside da igreja de Santi Giovanni e Reparata em Lucca – Die Apsis der Kirche Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – Đỉnh của nhà thờ Santi Giovanni e Reparata ở Lucca – 卢卡 Santi Giovanni e Reparata 教堂的后殿 – ルッカのサンティジョヴァンニエレパラタ教会の後部

Gli affreschi sull’esterno di un elegante palazzo a Chiavari

Gli affreschi sull'esterno di un elegante palazzo in Corso gianelli a Chiavari

Gli affreschi sull’esterno di un elegante palazzo a Chiavari.
passeggiando a testa in su per le strade di Chiavari c’e’ sempre qualcosa di bello da vedere e fotografare.
Come questo bel palazzo di Corso Gianelli, la strada che passa di fronte alla stazione ferroviaria, che ospita una serie di palazzi dalla chiara importanza.
Questo per esempio ha il sottotetto completamente dipinto; io nel titolo ho messo affreschi anche se immagino che siano solamente pitture.
Bellissimi comunque.

Hai mai visto e notato questo bel palazzo di Chiavari? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Gli affreschi sull'esterno di un elegante palazzo in Corso gianelli a Chiavari

Gli affreschi sull'esterno di un elegante palazzo in Corso gianelli a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

The frescoes on the outside of an elegant building in Corso Gianelli in Chiavari – Les fresques à l’extérieur d’un élégant bâtiment du Corso Gianelli à Chiavari – Los frescos en el exterior de un elegante edificio en Corso Gianelli en Chiavari – Os afrescos do lado de fora de um elegante edifício no Corso Gianelli em Chiavari – Die Fresken an der Außenseite eines eleganten Gebäudes in Corso Gianelli in Chiavari – Các bức bích họa bên ngoài một tòa nhà trang nhã ở Corso Gianelli, Chiavari – 基亚瓦里 Corso Gianelli 一座优雅建筑外的壁画 – ChiavariのCorsoGianelliにあるエレガントな建物の外側のフレスコ画