Beautiful Florence and its wonders seen from above

La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

Beautiful Florence and its wonders seen from above.
A weekend spent in Florence, at the beginning of October but with summer temperatures is unmatched.
I didn't take many photos this time (also because there are tons of them on the net) but obviously I couldn't help but publish some taken from the splendid Piazzale Michelangelo, the most famous panoramic point in the city.
I'll add more in the next few days.

Have you ever been to Florence and Piazzale Michelangelo?
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La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence is the most famous observation point of the city panorama, reproduced in countless postcards and an obligatory destination for tourists visiting the city.
It was built in 1869 based on a design by the architect Giuseppe Poggi on a hill just south of the historic center, to complete the redevelopment work on the left bank of the Arno.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The view across Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo – La vue sur Florence depuis la Piazzale Michelangelo – Der Blick über Florenz vom Piazzale Michelangelo – Khung cảnh khắp Florence từ Piazzale Michelangelo

Sestri Levante seen from Mandrella

Sestri Levante seen from Mandrella.
Today I was on Mandrella and walked with the dog to Punta Manara.
You will say: great effort! But the first bit, going up from San Bartolomeo, is no joke.
In any case the photos from up there come out wonderfully, obviously because the view is exceptional!
And if you are close to sunset the colors are truly exceptional!

Have you ever hiked this trail? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


I'll add a couple of things:

  • I thank Cri again for agreeing to write here… living together can be annoying now that everywhere, in a couple of clicks, you can make your own decent blog. You'll see that we'll continue to have fun.
  • if we both post a couple of times a day I think I'll have to leave a few more per page otherwise my friends won't find the ones they replied to (eh, eh, eh!)
  • Happy April 25th to all. We will spend it, as tradition, in Sant’Olcese… obviously in the next few days the photos will arrive!
Sestri Levante seen from the path to Mandrella – Sestri Levante vu du chemin de Mandrella – Sestri Levante visto desde el camino a Mandrella – Sestri Levante visto do caminho para Mandrella – Sestri Levante vom Weg nach Mandrella aus gesehen – Sestri Levante nhìn từ đường đến Mandrella

Una vecchia panoramica di Genova

Panoramica di Genova.
Come promesso ecco subito una nuova immagine. Sempre Genova, il punto più o meno è lo stesso del post precedente ma questa volta è una panoramica.
Non avendo a disposizione un grandangolo mi sono dovuto adattare incollando tre foto diverse ma il risultato non sembratroppo male…

Do you know Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


An old overview of Genoa – Un ancien aperçu de Gênes – Una vieja visión general de Génova – Uma visão geral antiga de Génova – Eine alte Übersicht über Genua – Một cái nhìn tổng quan cũ về Genoa