The climb named after Alessio Levaggi in Chiavari

La salita intitolata ad Alessio Levaggi a Chiavari

The climb named after Alessio Levaggi in Chiavari.
A beautiful little street in Chiavari, near the church of Rupinaro, dedicated to the esteemed doctor Andrea Lavaggi (who I previously wrote was a craftsman who with his brothers created the company that produces the Sedia di Chiavarina) with this beautiful entrance portal to a beautiful villa.
Unfortunately I was unable to find anything about this entrance online.

Update: as Gian writes to me in comment “Alessio Lavaggi was a doctor who died in 1966. The portal belonged to the Falcone-Marana palace.”

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the spot where I took the shot:

The climb named after Alessio Levaggi in Chiavari – L’ascension nommée d’après Alessio Levaggi à Chiavari – La subida que lleva el nombre de Alessio Levaggi en Chiavari – A subida que leva o nome de Alessio Levaggi em Chiavari – Der nach Alessio Levaggi benannte Aufstieg in Chiavari – Cuộc leo núi mang tên Alessio Levaggi ở Chiavari – 位于基亚瓦里的以 Alessio Levaggi 命名的攀登路线 – キアーヴァリのアレッシオ・レヴァッジにちなんで名付けられた登山道