Michelangelo's tomb in Santa Croce in Florence

La tomba di Michelangelo in Santa Croce a Firenze

Michelangelo's tomb in Santa Croce in Florence.
The city of Florence, rich in history and culture, holds within it a treasure of art and meaning: the tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti located in the Basilica of Santa Croce. This sacred place, once the residence of illustrious figures such as Galileo Galilei and Niccolò Machiavelli, welcomes the great master of the Italian Renaissance with a solemnity and respect that are worthy of the greatness of his contribution to art and culture.
Michelangelo, born in 1475 and died in 1564, was one of the greatest artists in history. His influence extended through sculpture, painting and architecture, giving life to iconic works such as the statue of David and the Sistine Chapel. After his death, Florence dedicated a final resting place to him in the Basilica of Santa Croce, a place already consecrated for its many tombs of illustrious personalities.
Michelangelo's tomb was designed by Giorgio Vasari, another great artist and architect of the Italian Renaissance. The work, completed in 1578, combines architectural and sculptural elements in a fitting tribute to Michelangelo's greatness. The monument is located in the Buonarroti family chapel, located on the left side of the nave of the basilica.
Michelangelo's tomb is an eloquent example of Renaissance funerary art. At the center is an allegorical statue of Hope, flanked by statues representing Activity and Philosophy. The figure of Michelangelo, created by Vasari himself, is placed on a sarcophagus surmounted by a portrait of the deceased, executed by Daniele da Volterra. The whole is characterized by a sense of balance and harmony, typical of the Renaissance style.
Every element of Michelangelo's tomb is full of symbolism. Hope, with outstretched wings, suggests the immortality of art and the continuity of its influence over time. The lateral statues symbolize the duality of Michelangelo's life, between the creative fervor of the artist and the philosophical depth of his thought.

Michelangelo’s tomb in Santa Croce is a masterpiece that combines art and spirituality. Every detail, from the architectural design to the allegorical sculptures, tells the story of a man who shaped the aesthetics of the Renaissance. This sacred place is an essential stop for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the artistic and cultural legacy of Florence, paying homage to one of the geniuses who made this city eternally legendary.
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La tomba di Michelangelo in Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

The most famous tomb is perhaps that of Michelangelo Buonarroti, between the first and second altars of the right nave, designed by Vasari after the remains of the great artist arrived in Florence from Rome (1564). Above the tomb, three sculptures represent the personifications of Painting (by Battista Lorenzi, also author of the artist's bust) (around 1568), Sculpture (by Valerio Cioli) and Architecture (reattributed to Battista Lorenzi, previously attributed to Giovanni Bandini), saddened by the death of the great master, but the entire tomb is a mixture of painting, sculpture and architecture. The frescoes that decorate it are by Giovan Battista Naldini.
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Michelangelo’s tomb in the church of Santa Croce in Florence – Le tombeau de Michel-Ange dans l’église de Santa Croce à Florence – La tumba de Miguel Ángel en la iglesia de Santa Croce en Florencia – Túmulo de Michelangelo na igreja de Santa Croce em Florença – Michelangelos Grab in der Kirche Santa Croce in Florenz – Mộ của Michelangelo tại nhà thờ Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字教堂内的米开朗基罗墓 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェ教会にあるミケランジェロの墓

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The Tree of Life in Santa Croce in Florence

L'Albero della Vita a Santa Croce: un simbolo di rinascita e speranza

The Tree of Life in Santa Croce: a symbol of rebirth and hope.
In the Cenacle of Santa Croce, in addition to the iconic representation of the Last Supper, it is possible to admire an extraordinary detail that adds a further layer of meaning and symbolism to the environment: the Tree of Life.
The Meaning of the Tree of Life: In Christian art and symbolism, the Tree of Life represents spiritual regeneration and the promise of eternal life. In the fresco, the tree rises majestically towards the sky, with its roots immersed in the ground and its branches laden with green leaves. This symbolic image expresses faith in the resurrection and the hope of eternal life through faith in Christ.
Flowering Details: The floral and fruit-bearing depictions of the Tree of Life add a dimension of abundance and fertility. The flowers and fruit hanging from the branches represent rebirth and the promise of new life, which is central to the Christian faith.
A Message of Hope: The Tree of Life in the Cenacolo di Santa Croce is a message of hope and consolation for those who contemplate the work. In addition to the Last Supper scene, this symbol reminds visitors that faith and spirituality can bring rebirth and joy into their lives.
When you visit the Cenacolo di Santa Croce in Florence, be sure to take a moment to admire the Tree of Life. This extraordinary symbol adds depth to Orcagna's work and will remind you of the beauty of faith and the promise of eternal life.

The Tree of Life in the Cenacle of Santa Croce is a true symbolic and spiritual jewel that completes the experience of visiting this extraordinary place, helping to bring out the message of hope that has inspired generations of believers and visitors.

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L'Albero della Vita a Santa Croce: un simbolo di rinascita e speranza

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

For the Tree of the Cross Taddeo drew on an iconography that has its best example in the Tree of Pacino di Buonaguida, here however simplified, with the prophets and evangelists in the roundels in place of the episodes of the life of Christ the prophets and evangelists. The respective writings of the characters are linked to the mystery of the Passion as it comes true.
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The Tree of Life in Santa Croce: a symbol of rebirth and hope – L’Arbre de Vie de Santa Croce : symbole de renaissance et d’espoir – El Árbol de la Vida en Santa Croce: símbolo de renacimiento y esperanza – A Árvore da Vida em Santa Croce: um símbolo de renascimento e esperança – Der Baum des Lebens in Santa Croce: ein Symbol für Wiedergeburt und Hoffnung – Cây Sự sống ở Santa Croce: biểu tượng của sự tái sinh và hy vọng – 圣十字教堂的生命之树:重生和希望的象征 – サンタ・クローチェの生命の木:再生と希望の象徴

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The High Altar of the Basilica of Holy Cross

L'Altare Maggiore e l'abside della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

The High Altar and the apse of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence.
Some time ago I posted a very similar photo of the beautiful Florentine basilica, but which only portrayed the altar.
In this shot, however, you can see the entire apse of Santa Croce with all its wonderful works of art!

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L'Altare Maggiore e l'abside della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

The designs for the stained glass windows are also by Agnolo Gaddi, except for the highest oculi, which are older. The painted cross is by the Maestro di Figline, while the polyptych of the high altar is the result of a recomposition: the Madonna in the center is by Niccolò Gerini, while the Doctors of the Church are by Giovanni del Biondo and another unknown painter.
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The High Altar of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – Le maître-autel de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – El Altar Mayor de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – O altar-mor da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Der Hochaltar der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Bàn thờ cao của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂的高坛 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェ聖堂の主祭壇

The cenotaph of Dante Alighieri in Santa Croce in Florence

La tomba di Dante Alighieri in Santa Croce a Firenze

The cenotaph of Dante Alighieri in Santa Croce in Florence.
Walking inside the splendid basilica of Santa Croce in Florence, not by chance also called the Pantheon of Italian glories, there is also a splendid monument (a cenotaph) dedicated to Dante Alighieri.
The cenotaph differs from the tomb because it does not house the body of the deceased who in this case is buried in Ravenna.

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Il cenotafio di Dante Alighieri in Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

Continuing along the right aisle, one first encounters Dante's cenotaph, an enormous monument from 1829; the poet is mourned by the figures of Italy and Poetry by Stefano Ricci, set in a neoclassical style à la Canova, but contaminated by the neo-medieval, romantic and celebratory spirit of the time.
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Dante Alighieri’s tomb in Santa Croce in Florence – Tombe de Dante Alighieri à Santa Croce à Florence – La tumba de Dante Alighieri en Santa Croce en Florencia – Túmulo de Dante Alighieri em Santa Croce em Florença – Das Grab von Dante Alighieri in Santa Croce in Florenz – Ngôi mộ của Dante Alighieri ở Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字教堂的但丁墓 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェにあるダンテ・アリギエーリの墓

The High Altar of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

L'Altare Maggiore della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

The High Altar of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence.
In the church perhaps richest in works of art in Florence I want to point out the beautiful altar of the Cappella Maggiore.
This is the true art that can only be found in Italy.

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L'Altare Maggiore della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

The designs for the stained glass windows are also by Agnolo Gaddi, except for the highest oculi, which are older. The painted cross is by the Maestro di Figline, while the polyptych of the high altar is the result of a recomposition: the Madonna in the center is by Niccolò Gerini, while the Doctors of the Church are by Giovanni del Biondo and another unknown painter.
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The High Altar of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – Le maître-autel de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – El Altar Mayor de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – O altar-mor da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Der Hochaltar der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Bàn thờ cao của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂的高坛 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェ聖堂の主祭壇

La tomba di Galileo Galilei in Santa Croce

La tomba di Galileo Galilei in Santa Croce a Firenze

La tomba di Galileo Galilei in Santa Croce a Firenze.
La bella Basilica di Santa Croce viene chiamata anche Pantheon dal momento che al suo interno sono sepolte molte personalità che hanno fatto la storia dell’Italia.
Uno di questi è Galileo galilei la cui tomba si trova nella navata sinistra della chiesa.

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La tomba di Galileo Galilei in Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

Il sepolcro di Galileo è decorato da un busto di Giovan Battista Foggini e le personificazioni dell’Astronomia (di Vincenzo Foggini) e della Geometria di Girolamo Ticciati. Gli affreschi di contorno sono resti della decorazione trecentesca della navata, attribuiti a Mariotto di Nardo.
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The tomb of Galileo Galilei in the basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – Le tombeau de Galileo Galilei dans la basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – La tumba de Galileo Galilei en la basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – O túmulo de Galileo Galilei na basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Das Grab von Galileo Galilei in der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Ngôi mộ của Galileo Galilei trong vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂的伽利略·伽利莱墓 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェ聖堂にあるガリレオ・ガリレイの墓

Gli affreschi della sacrestia di Santa Croce

Gli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Gli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze.
L’arte in Italia ha una delle sue culle in Firenze. Questi sono una parte degli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce seconda (forse) solo al Duomo di Firenze per bellezza ed importanza.

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Gli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

Sopra la decorazione geometrica della parte inferiore, si dispone sulla parete sud una serie di scene della vita di Cristo eseguite da alcuni dei più importanti pittori della scuola giottesca: Niccolò Gerini (Ascensione, Resurrezione), Taddeo Gaddi (la Crocefissione) e Spinello Aretino (Salita al Calvario). Sulla sinistra il lavabo in marmo è opera di Pagno Portigiani, mentre il busto in terracotta policroma, raffigurante il Redentore, è opera di Giovanni della Robbia.
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The frescoes in the sacristy of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – Les fresques de la sacristie de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – Los frescos de la sacristía de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – Os afrescos na sacristia da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Die Fresken in der Sakristei der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Các bức bích họa trong thánh đường của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂圣器收藏室的壁画 – フィレンツェのサンタクローチェ大聖堂の聖餐式のフレスコ画

The lunette of the central portal of Santa Croce in Florence

La lunetta del portale centrale di Santa Croce a Firenze

The lunette of the central portal of Santa Croce in Florence.
The beautiful Basilica of Florence in a detail of the facade and, in particular, of the lunette of the central portal which portrays the story of the cross (to which Jesus was nailed and which gives its name to the church) sculpted by Giovanni Duprè (the Triumph of the Cross).

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La lunetta del portale centrale di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

According to Christian tradition, the True Cross was partly preserved in Jerusalem, partly in Constantinople and partly in Rome. The Jerusalem relic remained there until 1187, when all traces of it were lost after the conquest of the Holy City by Saladin. In several places there are fragments that are said to come from it.
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The lunette of the central portal of Santa Croce in Florence – La lunette du portail central de Santa Croce à Florence – La luneta del portal central de Santa Croce en Florencia – A luneta do portal central de Santa Croce em Florença – Die Lünette des zentralen Portals von Santa Croce in Florenz – Lunette của cổng trung tâm Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字中央门户的月饼 – フィレンツェのサンタクローチェの中央ポータルのルネット

The facade of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

La facciata della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

The facade of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence.
I have been to the Tuscan city of Florence several times but, despite having been meaning to do so for a long time, only recently did I manage to visit the Basilica of Santa Croce.
And it was truly a wonderful visit, so many are the beauties and pages of history that this monument contains within it.

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La facciata della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

The Basilica of Santa Croce in the square of the same name in Florence is one of the largest Franciscan churches and one of the greatest achievements of Gothic in Italy, and has the rank of minor basilica. Santa Croce is a prestigious symbol of Florence, the meeting place of the greatest artists, theologians, religious figures, men of letters, humanists and politicians, who determined, for better or for worse, the identity of the late medieval and Renaissance city.
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The facade of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – La façade de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – La fachada de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – A fachada da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Die Fassade der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Mặt tiền của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂的正面 – フィレンツェのサンタクローチェ大聖堂のファサード