The bell tower of the Minor Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta

Il campanile della Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

The bell tower of the Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli.
Some time ago, unfortunately due to unfortunate circumstances, I often traveled along the Via Aurelia from Sestri Levante to Genoa.
The road is long but truly wonderful: many curves, it's true, but an unparalleled view of the Ligurian Riviera di Levante.
In these shots, for example, you can see the beautiful church (and in particular the bell tower) that dominates the Bay of Camogli!
I hope an unusual perspective of the church.

Do you know the village of Camogli?
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Il campanile della Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

Il campanile della Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here I also leave you a couple of videos, which I made on another occasion, always in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here is where the church is located:

Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta in the capital. Overlooking the small port below, the parish church of the village stands on what was the ancient settlement of the Island, appearing almost decentralized with respect to the nucleus of tall polychrome buildings.
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The bell tower of the Minor Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli – Le clocher de la basilique mineure de Santa Maria Assunta à Camogli – El campanario de la Basílica Menor de Santa María Asunta en Camogli – A torre sineira da Basílica Menor de Santa Maria Assunta em Camogli – Der Glockenturm der Basilika Minor Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli – Tháp chuông của Tiểu Vương cung thánh đường Santa Maria Assunta ở Camogli – 卡莫利圣母升天小教堂的钟楼 – カモーリのサンタ・マリア・アスンタ小聖堂の鐘楼

A glimpse of Camogli, the beautiful seaside village in Liguria

Uno scorcio di Camogli, il bel borgo marinaro in Liguria

A glimpse of Camogli, the beautiful seaside village in Liguria.
Just behind the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta and the Dragonara Castle there is a small cluster of houses with some almost secret alleys.
This is what you will find in front of you as you walk along with the inevitable clothesline, placed between one house and the one in front, so common in seaside villages.

Do you know the village of Camogli? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio di Camogli, il bel borgo marinaro in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

If you want to see all the photos taken in the beautiful Riviera town click here:
foto gallery

Here I also leave you a couple of videos, which I made on that same day, in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

The most significant architectural aspect of the town is the presence of colored buildings overlooking the beach. The colors and the lighter horizontal lines (called string courses) served the sailors of Camogli to more easily recognize their home among the various floors of the buildings in the village and return there after fishing.
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A glimpse of Camogli, the beautiful seaside village in Liguria – Un aperçu de Camogli, le magnifique village balnéaire de Ligurie – Un vistazo a Camogli, el hermoso pueblo costero de Liguria – Um vislumbre de Camogli, a bela vila costeira da Ligúria – Ein Blick auf Camogli, das schöne Küstendorf in Ligurien – Nhìn thoáng qua Camogli, ngôi làng ven biển xinh đẹp ở Liguria – 卡莫利一瞥,利古里亚美丽的海滨村庄 – リグーリア州の美しい海辺の村、カモーリを垣間見る

The seaside village of Camogli in Liguria

Il borgo marinaro di Camogli in Liguria il 7 gennaio 2022

The seaside village of Camogli in Liguria on January 7, 2022.
Last winter, when my girlfriend was on vacation in Italy, I went to visit the beautiful village of Camogli and, thanks to the splendid sunny winter day, I took several photos and recorded several videos.
This is the classic photograph that everyone takes and includes the beautiful beach that ends the bay with the beautiful Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta and the Dragonara Castle.

Do you know the village of Camogli?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il borgo marinaro di Camogli in Liguria il 7 gennaio 2022

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

If you want to see all the photos taken in the beautiful Riviera town click here:
foto gallery

Here I also leave you a video, which I made on that same day in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

And this too:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

The most significant architectural aspect of the town is the presence of colored buildings overlooking the beach. The colors and the lighter horizontal lines (called string courses) served the sailors of Camogli to more easily recognize their home among the various floors of the buildings in the village and return there after fishing.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The seaside village of Camogli in Liguria on 7 January 2022 – Le village balnéaire de Camogli en Ligurie le 7 janvier 2022 – El pueblo costero de Camogli en Liguria el 7 de enero de 2022 – A vila costeira de Camogli na Ligúria em 7 de janeiro de 2022 – Das Küstendorf Camogli in Ligurien am 7. Januar 2022 – Ngôi làng bên bờ biển Camogli ở Liguria vào ngày 7 tháng 1 năm 2022 – 2022 年 1 月 7 日,利古里亚的卡莫利海滨村庄 – 2022年1月7日、リグリアの海辺の村カモグリ

La Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

La Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

La Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli.
Una delle chiese più famose della Liguria e in pochi credo ne sappiano il nome.
Come in altri scatti è il soggetto principale degli scatti della cittadina di Camogli poiché è proprio alla fine della splendida baia della cittadina rivierasca.
Non è possibile passare di qui e non scattare una foto. Io, pur vivendo a pochi minuti di treno sono stato solo un paio di volte. Questa è della scorsa estate, esattamente a settembre, e da quel giorno arrivano tutti gli scatti recenti.

Do you know the village of Camogli? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here I also leave you a video, which I made on another occasion, always in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero5.

E anche questi:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

To see all the photos I took during the excursion along the path that goes from Camogli to San Fruttuoso click here:
foto gallery

Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta in the capital. Overlooking the small port below, the parish church of the village stands on what was the ancient settlement of the Island, appearing almost decentralized with respect to the nucleus of tall polychrome buildings.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The Minor Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli – La basilique mineure de Santa Maria Assunta à Camogli – La basílica menor de Santa Maria Assunta en Camogli – A Basílica Menor de Santa Maria Assunta em Camogli – Die kleine Basilika Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli – Tiểu Vương cung thánh đường Santa Maria Assunta ở Camogli – 卡莫利的圣玛丽亚阿松塔小教堂 – カモグリのサンタマリアアスンタの小聖堂