The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo

Il Battistero della Cattedrale di Bergamo

The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo.
In the heart of the upper city of Bergamo, surrounded by ancient walls and narrow cobbled streets, stands the imposing Cathedral of Sant’Alessandro, one of the most important testimonies of sacred art in Lombardy. Among its most precious gems stands out the Baptistery, a structure of great artistic and historical importance that enchants visitors with its beauty and intrinsic spirituality.
The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, dates back to the medieval period, with some parts dating back to the 9th century. Its architecture reflects the Romanesque style, with subsequent Gothic and Renaissance influences, testimony to the different historical periods that have shaped the city over the centuries.
The external structure of the Baptistery is characterized by a simple but elegant façade, adorned with blind arches, pilasters and a portal decorated with sacred sculptures. Inside, medieval frescoes and Renaissance architectural elements create an atmosphere of sacredness and contemplation.
One of the most precious treasures of the Baptistery are the frescoes that adorn its walls, dating back mainly to the 13th and 14th centuries. These works of sacred art, created by anonymous artists of the time, narrate biblical stories and scenes from the life of St. John the Baptist, giving life to the faith and devotion of the faithful.
Among the most famous frescoes is the cycle of the life of St. John the Baptist, which includes episodes such as his miraculous birth, his ministry in the desert and his martyrdom. The vivid representations and the skillful use of color give them a timeless charm, taking visitors on a spiritual journey through the history of Christianity.
The Baptistery is a place of great spiritual importance for the faithful of Bergamo and for visitors seeking reflection and contemplation. It is here that many Christians receive the sacrament of baptism, a rite of initiation into the Christian faith that symbolizes spiritual rebirth and communion with God.
In addition to its liturgical function, the Baptistery also represents a symbol of the continuity of the Christian faith throughout the centuries. Generations of believers who have come and gone have left their mark on this sacred place, helping to preserve its beauty and historical importance for future generations.
The Baptistery of Bergamo Cathedral is open to visitors who wish to admire its artistic beauty and experience a moment of spirituality. Tourists can take part in guided tours organized by the local diocese or explore the Baptistery on their own, allowing themselves to be enchanted by its works of art and its evocative atmosphere.

In conclusion, the Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo represents a masterpiece of sacred art and a place of profound spiritual significance. With its fascinating architecture, its breathtaking decorations and its thousand-year history, it continues to inspire and uplift those who visit it, offering them a unique experience of beauty and contemplation.

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Il Battistero della Cattedrale di Bergamo

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the Cathedral:

To see all the photos I took in Bergamo, click here:

Where is the baptistery located:

The Baptistery of Bergamo is the building intended for the baptismal rite, built in the 14th century by Giovanni da Campione, and preserved since 1900 in the Piazza del Duomo of Bergamo, in front of the Basilica of Sant’Alessandro. Since the 10th century in Bergamo there were several churches, among these one dedicated to San Vincenzo, the episcopal residence, established by Bishop Adalberto and the church of Santa Maria Vetus intended to be the baptismal church.
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The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo – Le Baptistère de la Cathédrale de Bergame – El Baptisterio de la Catedral de Bérgamo – O Batistério da Catedral de Bérgamo – Das Baptisterium der Kathedrale von Bergamo – Nhà rửa tội của Nhà thờ Bergamo

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The splendid Florence Cathedral in all its magnificence

Lo splendido Duomo di Firenze in tutta la sua magnificenza

The splendid Duomo of Florence in all its magnificence.
I still had a couple of beautiful photos to publish from the last trip I had made to the Tuscan capital.
And obviously they are of the symbolic monument of the city: the Duomo of Santa Maria in Fiore.
A less classic photo, the first, lateral and a more classic one, the second, also with the Baptistery.

Have you ever been to Florence and visited the cathedral? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Lo splendido Duomo di Firenze in tutta la sua magnificenza

Lo splendido Duomo di Firenze in tutta la sua magnificenza

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The splendid Duomo of Florence in all its magnificence – Le splendide Duomo de Florence dans toute sa splendeur – El espléndido Duomo de Florencia en toda su magnificencia – O esplêndido Duomo de Florença em toda a sua magnificência – Der prächtige Dom von Florenz in seiner ganzen Pracht – Duomo of Florence lộng lẫy trong tất cả sự tráng lệ của nó – 辉煌的佛罗伦萨大教堂 – 壮大なフィレンツェのドゥオーモ

The Baptistery and the Bell Tower of the Cathedral of Parma

Uno scorcio del Battistero e del campanile del Duomo di Parma

A glimpse of the Baptistery and the bell tower of the Cathedral of Parma.
A beautiful town Parma, a couple of hours from Sestri Levante. I was there last winter for a little trip to take some photos and above all to taste some local dishes.
This is a glimpse of the Piazza del Duomo with the Baptistery and the bell tower of the main church in the foreground.

Do you know the Cathedral and Baptistery of Parma? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio del Battistero e del campanile del Duomo di Parma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the Duomo:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The Baptistery of Parma is a Catholic place of worship intended for the baptismal rite, located in Piazza Duomo, next to the cathedral, in Parma, in the province and diocese of Parma; it is considered the point of junction between Romanesque architecture and Gothic architecture.
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A glimpse of the Baptistery and the bell tower of the Parma Cathedral – Un aperçu du baptistère et du clocher de la cathédrale de Parme – Un vistazo al baptisterio y al campanario de la catedral de Parma – Um vislumbre do Batistério e da torre do sino da Catedral de Parma – Ein Blick auf das Baptisterium und den Glockenturm der Kathedrale von Parma – Nhìn thoáng qua Bí tích Rửa tội và tháp chuông của Nhà thờ Parma – 一瞥洗礼堂和帕尔马大教堂的钟楼 – パルマ大聖堂の洗礼堂と鐘楼を垣間見る

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo.
Quando si arriva in questa piazza di Firenze, arrivando dalla stazione ferroviaria, ci si devono stropicciare gli occhi tanto è grande la bellezza artistica che ci si apre davanti.
In primo piano il Battistero di San Giovanni (da cui il nome alla piazza) e dietro il Duomo della città, Santa Maria del Fiore ed il campanile di Giotto che fa capolino da dietro il soffitto del battistero.

Sei già stato a Firenze? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.

San Giovanni square in Florence with the Baptistery and the Duomo – La place appelée San Giovanni à Florence avec le baptistère et le Duomo – A praça chamada San Giovanni em Florença com o Batistério e o Duomo – Piazza San Giovanni à Florence avec le baptistère et le Duomo – Der Platz namens San Giovanni in Florenz mit dem Baptisterium und dem Dom – Quảng trường được gọi là San Giovanni ở Florence với Baptistery và Duomo – 佛罗伦萨的圣乔瓦尼广场,有洗礼堂和大教堂 – 洗礼堂とドゥオモのあるフィレンツェのサン・ジョヴァンニ広場

Particolari del Portale del Battistero di Firenze

Particolari del Portale del Battistero di Firenze

Particolari del Portale del Battistero di Firenze.
Passeggiando per Firenze non si può non fare un passo a vedere la facciata del suo splendido duomo (Santa Maria del Fiore) e del suo battistero.
Questa volta mi sono soffermato su qualche particolare di uno dei tre portali d’ingresso del battistero di San Giovanni ed esattamente di quello che viene chiamato Porta del Paradiso (Est) di Lorenzo Ghiberti

Sei già stato a Firenze e hai visto il Duomo? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

La porta è suddivisa in 10 ampi riquadri rettangolari, disposti su cinque file, ciascuno dei quali, con le incorniciature ornate da tondi con teste di profeti, occupa l’intera larghezza di un battente. I riquadri presentano scene dell’Antico Testamento, che si susseguono su entrambi i battenti da sinistra a destra e dall’alto in basso.
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Details of the Portal of the Baptistery of Florence – Details des Portals des Baptisteriums von Florenz – Thông tin chi tiết về Cổng thông tin về Bí ẩn Baptiste của Florence

Florence Cathedral and Baptistery

Il Duomo di Firenze e il Battistero

The Cathedral of Florence and the Baptistery.
The Cathedral of Florence, called Santa Maria del Fiore, is certainly one of the most beautiful architectural works in the world.
The colors and grandeur (it is the third largest church in the world) make it one of the most famous monuments in Italy.
The polychrome marble facade, the Giotto tower and the Baptistery of San Giovanni... all together they are a spectacle.

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Il Duomo di Firenze e il Battistero

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Of course there is also the official website of the Duomo:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The Florence Cathedral and the Baptistery – La cathédrale de Florence et le baptistère – La Catedral de Florencia y el Baptisterio – A Catedral de Florença e o Batistério – Der Dom von Florenz und das Baptisterium – Nhà thờ Florence và Bí ẩn – 佛罗伦萨大教堂和洗礼堂 – フィレンツェ大聖堂と洗礼堂

Beautiful Florence and its wonders seen from above

La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

Beautiful Florence and its wonders seen from above.
A weekend spent in Florence, at the beginning of October but with summer temperatures is unmatched.
I didn't take many photos this time (also because there are tons of them on the net) but obviously I couldn't help but publish some taken from the splendid Piazzale Michelangelo, the most famous panoramic point in the city.
I'll add more in the next few days.

Have you ever been to Florence and Piazzale Michelangelo?
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La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

La splendida Firenze vista dall'alto

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence is the most famous observation point of the city panorama, reproduced in countless postcards and an obligatory destination for tourists visiting the city.
It was built in 1869 based on a design by the architect Giuseppe Poggi on a hill just south of the historic center, to complete the redevelopment work on the left bank of the Arno.
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The view across Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo – La vue sur Florence depuis la Piazzale Michelangelo – Der Blick über Florenz vom Piazzale Michelangelo – Khung cảnh khắp Florence từ Piazzale Michelangelo