The splendid Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante

La splendida Baia del Silenzio a Sestri Levante

The beautiful Baia del Silenzio in Sestri Levante.
These two photos, taken at two different times of the year (April and July), are two iconic views of one of the most beautiful bays in Italy: the Baia del Silenzio.
I live in this town and I am always fascinated by it and, as you can see, I will have hundreds of posts and photos with this subject!

Do you know the Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the bay located:

The splendid Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante – La splendide Baie du Silence à Sestri Levante – La espléndida Bahía del Silencio en Sestri Levante – A esplêndida Baía do Silêncio em Sestri Levante – Die herrliche Bucht der Stille in Sestri Levante – Vịnh Im lặng lộng lẫy ở Sestri Levante

The bell tower of San Lorenzo seen from Castelletto

Il campanile di San Lorenzo visto dalla spianata di Castelletto

The bell tower of San Lorenzo seen from the Castelletto esplanade.
The city of Genoa, with its historical and architectural charm, offers numerous panoramic points from which to admire its beauties. One of the most evocative is undoubtedly the Castelletto esplanade, a panoramic terrace that offers a breathtaking view of the city and the sea. Among the many buildings that stand out on the horizon, the majestic bell tower of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo stands out.

From the Esplanade of Castelletto, the bell tower of San Lorenzo rises with its characteristic Gothic structure, characterized by black and white horizontal bands⁴. This bell tower, an integral part of the cathedral, is one of the most significant examples of Gothic architecture in Italy. Its grandeur and elegance immediately capture the attention of anyone who happens to admire the view from the esplanade.
The Cathedral of San Lorenzo is the main Catholic place of worship in Genoa and its construction dates back to the 9th century. However, the Gothic bell tower was added only later, in the 13th century, and represents a perfect example of how medieval architecture has evolved over the centuries. The black and white bands that decorate the bell tower are typical of the Genoese style and give the building a unique and recognizable appearance.

The Spianata di Castelletto is not only a panoramic point, but also a place of peace and tranquility where Genoese and tourists can relax and enjoy the view. The terrace is easily accessible and offers a 360-degree view of the city, allowing you to admire not only the bell tower of San Lorenzo, but also other historic buildings such as the Palazzo Ducale and the Torre Grimaldina⁴.
Visiting the Spianata di Castelletto and admiring the bell tower of San Lorenzo is an experience that allows you to fully appreciate the beauty and history of Genoa. This panoramic point offers a unique perspective on the city and its architectural treasures, making every visit an unforgettable moment.

Do you know Genoa and have you ever observed it from this privileged point? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il campanile di San Lorenzo visto dalla spianata di Castelletto

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where I took the photo from:

Saint Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of Rome, where he was martyred in 258 during the persecution ordered by the Roman Emperor Valerian in 257. The Catholic Church venerates him as a saint. Since the 4th century, Lawrence has been one of the most venerated martyrs in the Church of Rome. Constantine I was the first to build a small oratory on the site of his martyrdom. This building was enlarged and embellished by Pelagius II (579-590).
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The bell tower of San Lorenzo seen from the Castelletto esplanade – Le clocher de San Lorenzo vu de l’esplanade du Castelletto – El campanario de San Lorenzo visto desde la explanada de Castelletto – A torre sineira de San Lorenzo vista da esplanada de Castelletto – Der Glockenturm von San Lorenzo von der Castelletto-Promenade aus gesehen – Tháp chuông San Lorenzo nhìn từ lối đi dạo Castelletto

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 22/08/2024
(1) La Spianata di Castelletto: un panorama imperdibile – Oj Eventi.
(2) .
(3) Spianata Castelletto – All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024).
(4) SPIANATA CASTELLETTO (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE … – Tripadvisor.

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

Tutta Genova vista dalla Spianata Castelletto

Tutta Genova vista dalla Spianata Castelletto

Tutta Genova vista dalla Spianata Castelletto.
Forse è uno dei punti panoramici più belli per godere della vista della Superba.
Ovviamente è molto noto e, soprattutto, molto facile da raggiungere grazie al comodo ascensore da piazza Portello.
La vista è impareggiabile!

Conosci questo belvedere di Genova? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Tutta Genova vista dalla Spianata Castelletto

Tutta Genova vista dalla Spianata Castelletto

Tutta Genova vista dalla Spianata Castelletto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where the lookout is located:

The Montaldo viewpoint is connected to the Portello square by a public lift, which entered into service in 1910, whose arrival station is housed in a characteristic Art Nouveau glass kiosk.
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The view over all of Genoa from the Spianata Castelletto – La vue sur tout Gênes depuis la Spianata Castelletto – La vista de toda Génova desde la Spianata Castelletto – A vista de Gênova desde o Spianata Castelletto – Der Blick über ganz Genua vom Spianata Castelletto – Quang cảnh toàn bộ Genoa từ Spianata Castelletto – 从 Spianata Castelletto 俯瞰整个热那亚 – スピアナータ カステレットからのジェノヴァ全景の眺め

The rock called Scalo Demola in Pieve Ligure

Lo scoglio detto Scalo Demola sulla costa di Pieve Ligure

The rock called Scalo Demola in Pieve Ligure
Every time I traveled along the Via Aurelia on my way back from Genoa last summer, I stopped for a moment at this panoramic point just before Pieve Ligure.
On one side of this little cove there is this rock with a terrace full of people sunbathing and some, the younger ones, diving into the sea from the rocks.
I only discovered while looking for information for this post that that point is called Scalo Demola and is one of the few points in that town to reach the sea.

Do you know Pieve Ligure? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Lo scoglio detto Scalo Demola sulla costa di Pieve Ligure

Lo scoglio detto Scalo Demola sulla costa di Pieve Ligure

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where this point is located:

Pieve Ligure is an Italian municipality of 2404 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria. It is located on the eastern border of the municipality of Bogliasco and west of Sori; to the south it is bathed by the Ligurian Sea, while the territory to the north is uninhabited, leaving space for the peaks of the coastal mountain range. The town is structured on streets and ancient crêuze that extend along the slopes of Monte Santa Croce (518 m above sea level), with olive trees, maritime pine and mimosa making up a good part of the flora of the territory.
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The rock called Scalo Demola on the coast of Pieve Ligure – Le rocher appelé Scalo Demola sur la côte de Pieve Ligure – La roca llamada Scalo Demola en la costa de Pieve Ligure – A rocha chamada Scalo Demola na costa de Pieve Ligure – Der Felsen namens Scalo Demola an der Küste von Pieve Ligure – Tảng đá có tên Scalo Demola trên bờ biển Pieve Ligure – 位于皮耶韦利古雷海岸的一块名为 Scalo Demola 的岩石 – ピエーヴェ・リーグレの海岸にあるスカロ・デモラという岩

The church of Santa Lucia and Miradouro das Portas do Sol

La chiesa di Santa Lucia e il Miradouro das Portas do Sol a Lisbona

The Church of Santa Lucia and the Miradouro das Portas do Sol in Lisbon.
I haven't had a good opportunity to do a proper visit to the city of Lisbon yet.
For now I'm just taking pictures of what I see from the ship.
This is one of the famous viewpoints overlooking the city and the mouth of the Tagus River.

Have you ever been to Lisbon?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La chiesa di Santa Lucia e il Miradouro das Portas do Sol a Lisbona

La chiesa di Santa Lucia e il Miradouro das Portas do Sol a Lisbona

La chiesa di Santa Lucia e il Miradouro das Portas do Sol a Lisbona

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the departures, by ship, from Lisbon click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the photographed point is located:

Miradouro de Santa Luzia is a viewpoint in Lisbon with a wide view of Alfama and the Tagus River. The landmarks, from left to right, are the dome of Santa Engrácia, the Church of Santo Estêvão and the two white towers of the Church of São Miguel.
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The church of Santa Lucia and the Miradouro das Portas do Sol in Lisbon – L’église de Santa Lucia et le Miradouro das Portas do Sol à Lisbonne – La iglesia de Santa Lucía y el Miradouro das Portas do Sol en Lisboa – A igreja de Santa Lúcia e o Miradouro das Portas do Sol em Lisboa – Die Kirche Santa Lucia und das Miradouro das Portas do Sol in Lissabon – Nhà thờ Santa Lucia và Miradouro das Portas do Sol ở Lisbon – 里斯本的圣卢西亚教堂和太阳门观景台 – リスボンのサンタ ルチア教会とミラドウロ ダス ポルタス ド ソル

The Capuchin Churchyard and the Bay of Sestri

Il sagrato dei cappuccini e la vista sulla Baia di Sestri Levante

The churchyard of the Capuchins and the view of the Bay of Sestri Levante.
My favorite spot to take photos of the Bay (and not only mine of course) is the terrace that encloses the churchyard of the Capuchin Convent

Do you know this panoramic point of Sestri Levante?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il sagrato dei cappuccini e la vista sulla Baia di Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The churchyard of the Capuchins and the view of the Bay of Sestri Levante – Le cimetière des Capucins et la vue sur la baie de Sestri Levante – El cementerio de los Capuchinos y la vista de la Bahía de Sestri Levante – O adro dos Capuchinhos e a vista da Baía de Sestri Levante – Der Kirchhof der Kapuziner und der Blick auf die Bucht von Sestri Levante – Sân nhà thờ Capuchins và quang cảnh Vịnh Sestri Levante – 嘉布遣会教堂墓地和塞斯特里莱万特湾的景色 – カプチン会の墓地とセストリ レバンテ湾の眺め

The view of Genoa at sunset from Spianata Castelletto

La vista su Genova al tramonto dalla Spianata Castelletto

The view of Genoa at sunset from Spianata Castelletto.
I always like to pass by Spianata Castelletto to photograph Genoa from above.
I really like this photo, which I took several months ago, for the colors of the sunset hour.

Do you know this place in Genoa? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La vista su Genova al tramonto dalla Spianata Castelletto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where the lookout is located:

The Montaldo viewpoint is connected to the Portello square by a public lift, which entered into service in 1910, whose arrival station is housed in a characteristic Art Nouveau glass kiosk.
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Sunset from the Castelletto esplanade in Genoa – Coucher de soleil depuis l’esplanade du Castelletto à Gênes – Atardecer desde la explanada de Castelletto en Génova – Pôr do sol da esplanada de Castelletto em Gênova – Sonnenuntergang von der Esplanade Castelletto in Genua – Hoàng hôn từ lối đi dạo Castelletto ở Genoa – 热那亚 Castelletto 滨海艺术中心的日落 – ジェノヴァのカステレット遊歩道からの夕日

La baia del Silenzio vista dalla via che va ai Cappuccini

La baia del Silenzio vista dalla via che va ai Cappuccini

La baia del Silenzio vista dalla via che va ai Cappuccini.
La salita che va verso il convento dei Cappuccini, a Levante della baia di Portobello, è il luogo più classico per fotografare la splendida baia simbolo di Sestri Levante.
Ci sono addirittura tre belvedere con altezze differenti.
Questo nella foto è il primo, quello più a livello del mare.

Conosci questo punto panoramico? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

The Bay of Silence seen from the road that goes to the Cappuccini – La Baie du Silence vue de la route qui va au Cappuccini – La Bahía del Silencio vista desde la carretera que va a los Cappuccini – A Baía do Silêncio vista da estrada que leva ao Cappuccini – Die Bucht der Stille von der Straße aus gesehen, die zum Cappuccini führt – Vịnh Im lặng nhìn từ con đường dẫn đến Cappuccini – 从通往卡布奇尼的路上看到的寂静湾 – カプチーニへ向かう道から見た静寂の湾

Una delle tante vedute dall’alto di Genova

Una delle tante vedute dall'alto di Genova

Una delle tante vedute dall’alto di Genova.
Una delle tante foto che, quando riesco ad affacciarmi su uno dei molti belvedere genovesi, non posso esimermi dal fotografare.
Questa e’ la vista sul centro moderno della città.

Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

Una delle tante vedute dall'alto di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

One of the many views from the top of Genoa – Une des nombreuses vues depuis le sommet de Gênes – Una de las muchas vistas desde lo alto de Génova – Uma das muitas vistas do topo de Gênova – Einer der vielen Ausblicke von der Spitze von Genua – Một trong nhiều quang cảnh từ đỉnh Genoa – 热那亚山顶的众多景观之一 – ジェノヴァの頂上からの多くの景色の1つ

La classica e bellissima foto di Bogliasco

La classica e bellissima foto di Bogliasco

La classica e bellissima foto di Bogliasco.
Non è possibile visitare il bel borgo ligure di Bogliasco e non passare da questo belvedere a scattare una foto.
Lo so: è la più classica e senza fantasia che ci sia ma secondo me è comunque una icona, ed io non posso mancare di averla sul mio sito!
La panchina con lo schienale creato utilizzando una tavola da surf con la scritta “I LOVE BOGLIASCO” è bellissima però!

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La classica e bellissima foto di Bogliasco

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The classic and beautiful photo of Bogliasco – La photo classique et belle de Bogliasco – La clásica y hermosa foto de Bogliasco – A clássica e bela foto de Bogliasco – Das klassische und schöne Foto von Bogliasco – Bức ảnh cổ điển và tuyệt đẹp của Bogliasco – Bogliasco经典而美丽的照片 – ボリアスコのクラシックで美しい写真