Pho Bo: the typical Vietnamese soup

Pho Bo: zuppa tipica vietnamita

Pho Bo: the typical Vietnamese soup.
This dish is a simple soup with rice noodles and meat, very typical of Vietnam, here with beef (bo).
It practically sustained me during my entire vacation because it is simple and not spicy and very much appreciated by me.
In fact, it is usually served in a simple way and the consumer then adds vegetables (usually soy sprouts) and chili pepper.
Obviously, unfortunately, very often it is tasty not because the meat is cooked for a long time but only because abundant glutamate is added.

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If you want to know more about Vietnamese cuisine, there are many interesting recipe books on Amazon.

Pho Bo: zuppa tipica vietnamita

Pho Bo: zuppa tipica vietnamita

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Phở is a Vietnamese noodle soup, usually served with beef (pho bo) or chicken (pho ga). The soup contains rice noodles and is usually served with Thai basil, lime and bean sprouts that are added by the consumer.
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Pho Bo: typical Vietnamese soup – Pho Bo : soupe vietnamienne typique – Pho Bo: sopa típica vietnamita – Pho Bo: sopa típica vietnamita – Pho Bo: typisch vietnamesische Suppe – Phở Bò: món canh đặc trưng của Việt Nam – Pho Bo:典型的越南汤 – Pho Bo:典型的なベトナムのスープ