Mare da sogno: la costa dell’isola di Bonaire

Mare da sogno: la costa vicino al porto dell'isola di Bonaire

Mare da sogno: la costa vicino al porto dell’isola di Bonaire.
A dire la verità non sono proprio le foto di un mare da sogno, o comunque non nei comuni sogni perchè la barriera corallina la fa da padrone.
Qui si deve affittare una barca, superare la barriera e poi sì che si può approfittare di un mare da sogno.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Ecco dove esattamente ho scattato le foto:

Bonaire (Dutch: Bonaire, Papiamento: Boneiru) is an island of 288 km² that is a special municipality of the Netherlands (Dutch: bijzondere gemeente), located in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Venezuela. It is the second largest island in the Dutch Caribbean, after Curaçao. Together with Sint Eustatius and Saba, it is part of the BES Islands (or Caribbean Netherlands). The only two inhabited centers are the capital Kralendijk and Rincon.
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Dream sea: the coast near the port of the island of Bonaire – Mer de rêve : la côte proche du port de l’île de Bonaire – Mar de ensueño: la costa cerca del puerto de la isla de Bonaire – Mar dos sonhos: a costa perto do porto da ilha de Bonaire – Traummeer: ​​die Küste nahe dem Hafen der Insel Bonaire – Biển mộng mơ: bờ biển gần cảng đảo Bonaire – 梦想之海:博内尔岛港口附近的海岸 – 夢の海:ボネール島の港近くの海岸

Dream Beaches: Klein Bonaire in the Bes Islands

Klein Bonaire nelle Isole di Bes nei Caraibi

Dream beaches: Klein Bonaire in the Bes Islands in the Caribbean.
A couple of days ago I was lucky enough to spend a couple of hours on this beautiful Caribbean beach.
It is an enchanted oasis a few hundred meters from the main island and there is only beach and coral.
A true paradise.

Have you ever been to the Caribbean or would you like to go?
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Klein Bonaire nelle Isole di Bes nei Caraibi

Coralli a Klein Bonaire nelle Isole di Bes nei Caraibi

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

This is a nice video of the beach instead:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Bonaire (Dutch: Bonaire, Papiamento: Boneiru) is an island of 288 km² that is a special municipality of the Netherlands (Dutch: bijzondere gemeente), located in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Venezuela. It is the second largest island in the Dutch Caribbean, after Curaçao. Together with Sint Eustatius and Saba, it is part of the BES Islands (or Caribbean Netherlands). The only two inhabited centers are the capital Kralendijk and Rincon.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Dream beaches: Klein Bonaire on the Bes Islands in the Caribbean – Plages de rêve : Klein Bonaire sur les îles Bes dans les Caraïbes – Playas de ensueño: Klein Bonaire en las Islas Bes en el Caribe – Praias dos sonhos: Klein Bonaire nas Ilhas Bes, no Caribe – Traumstrände: Klein Bonaire auf den Bes-Inseln in der Karibik – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Klein Bonaire trên quần đảo Bes ở Caribe – 梦幻海滩:加勒比海贝斯群岛的克莱因博内尔岛 – 夢のビーチ:カリブ海のベス諸島のクライン・ボネール