Restaurants and cafes on the Portofino marina

Tavolini dei ristoranti e caffè sul porticciolo di Portofino in Liguria

Restaurant tables and cafes on the small port of Portofino in Liguria.
When visiting the famous village of Portofino it is almost obligatory to sit at one of these tables in the many restaurants and bars that crowd the pier to the east of the small port.

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Tavolini dei ristoranti e caffè sul porticciolo di Portofino in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all (or many) of the photos I took in Portofino, click here:
foto gallery

Since the great influx of foreign guests – first British and then German – in the early twentieth century, Portofino’s economy has been closely linked to tourism. The local “Piazzetta” overlooked by public refreshment areas, shops, boutiques and other commercial activities was recognized in July 2012 as a Historic Place of Italy, the first and only certificate issued by the association of the same name, for its historical and cultural value.
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Tables of the restaurants and cafes on the port of Portofino in Liguria – Tables des restaurants et cafés sur le port de Portofino en Ligurie – Mesas de los restaurantes y cafés en el puerto de Portofino en Liguria – Tabelas dos restaurantes e cafés no porto de Portofino na Ligúria – Tische der Restaurants und Cafés am Hafen von Portofino in Ligurien – Bàn của các nhà hàng và quán cà phê trên cảng Portofino ở Liguria – 利古里亚波托菲诺港餐厅和咖啡馆的桌子 – リグーリア州ポルトフィーノ港のレストランやカフェのテーブル

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam

Hanoi - treno 2

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
Colorful houses, anarchic traffic, lots of trees and ponds, street food… all in Hanoi.
These particular houses are the ones on one side of the very famous Train Street, the narrow street where you can have a coffee sitting a few centimeters from the railway tracks where (once or twice a day) a train actually passes.
In recent days, probably the one after I took this photo, they have forced these cafes to close because they are too dangerous… I am tired of seeing if the measure will have an effect and if it will be permanent.
The whole city is beautiful, in any case.

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Hanoi - treno 2

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos of the city:
foto gallery

Where is the city located:

Hanoi's urban landscape is characterized by the presence of numerous lakes (such as the central Lake of the Restored Sword) as well as several religious buildings, mainly Confucian and Taoist (the Temple of Literature and the Ngoc Son Temple) but also Catholic (such as St. Joseph's Cathedral). Its old city also has a large number of Buddhist pagodas.
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Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam – Hanoï, la capitale du Vietnam – Hanoi, la capital de Vietnam – Hanói, a capital do Vietnã – Hanoi, die Hauptstadt Vietnams – Thủ đô hà nội – 越南首都河内 – ベトナムの首都、ハノイ