Dream Beaches: Grand Anse in Grenada

Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Dream beaches: Grand Anse in Grenada.
The island of Grenada also has a really nice little beach not far from the ship.
I honestly don't know if it's the most beautiful and famous on the island. I'll just say that it's really beautiful and, even if the day I was there wasn't one of the nicest (meteorologically speaking) it was definitely worth a nice swim.
The sand is very fine, the water (fresh) is quite transparent and there are several resorts (perhaps a little too many) that provide you with sunbeds and drinks.
Very touristy unfortunately!

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Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The most popular beaches are located in the southwest of the island, where the airport is also located. In this area is Grand Anse Beach, a 3 km long beach considered one of the 10 most beautiful in the world.
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Dream Beaches: Grand Anse in Grenada – Plages de rêve : Grand Anse à Grenade – Playas de ensueño: Grand Anse en Granada – Praias de sonho: Grand Anse em Granada – Traumstrände: Grand Anse in Grenada – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Grand Anse ở Grenada

Mare da sogno: acqua a Maho Bay

Acqua a Maho Bay

Mare da sogno: acqua a Maho Bay.
E’ una delle spiagge piu’ famose dell’isola caraibica di Saint Martin nota per gli aerei che la sorvolano a distanza ravvicinata.
Ma non e’ solo per quello: in realta’ la sabbia e’ bianchissima e l’acqua del classico turchese da sogno.
Un centinaio di metri si sabbia con da un lato bar e ristoranti, dall’altro un grande resort e alle spalle la pista dell’aeroporto internazionale.

In un altro post vi mostrero’ la spiaggia nella sua interezza.

Acqua a Maho Bay

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.