Il porticciolo di Tellaro

Il porticciolo di Tellaro

Il porticciolo di Tellaro.
Uno dei punti più caratteristici del piccolo borgo marinaro di Tellaro, in provincia di La Spezia, è il suo porticciolo.
Classico approdo ligure con le case a ridosso del mare colorate con i colori pastello e le barchette ed i gozzi tirati su un po’ dove capita.

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Il porticciolo di Tellaro

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see the many photos I took in the seaside village of Tellaro click here:
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Tellaro is the easternmost hamlet of the municipality of Lerici, in the province of La Spezia. It has been reviewed as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
The town is a small seaside village, perched on a cliff overlooking the Gulf of La Spezia. A destination for many Italian and foreign artists, Mario Soldati found a home here during the long years of his old age.

The small port of Tellaro, near La Spezia – Le petit port de Tellaro, près de La Spezia – El pequeño puerto de Tellaro, cerca de La Spezia – O pequeno porto de Tellaro, perto de La Spezia – Der kleine Hafen von Tellaro, in der Nähe von La Spezia – Cảng nhỏ Tellaro, gần La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚附近的特拉罗小港口 – ラ・スペツィア近くのテッラロの小さな港

The view over the roofs of Lerici

La vista sui tetti di Lerici

The view over the roofs of Lerici.
Going up to the Castle that dominates this village of La Spezia you can enjoy splendid views of the houses and roofs of this town.
The houses, all very close together, almost seem like a single building; only the colors reveal the differences.

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La vista sui tetti di Lerici

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos I took in beautiful Lerici:
foto gallery

It was with the Republic of Genoa that Lerici began to assume a more important role. After having purchased Porto Venere and made it a strategic base for the control of the Gulf of La Spezia, Genoa also came into possession of Lerici, negotiating with the Lords of Vezzano and Arcola, who were the feudal lords of the locality.
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The view over the roofs of Lerici – La vue sur les toits de Lerici – La vista sobre los tejados de Lerici – A vista sobre os telhados de Lerici – Der Blick über die Dächer von Lerici – Quang cảnh các mái nhà của Lerici

The colored houses of Liguria

Le case colorate della Liguria

The colored houses of Liguria.
If I didn't tell you where I took this photo, you probably wouldn't be able to tell me the village that hosts these facades.
In fact, throughout Liguria, especially in the villages overlooking the sea, the soft but different colors from house to house are one of the salient features of aesthetics.
It is said that they were colored this way to distinguish them from the owners, often sailors and fishermen, even from the open sea. Who knows if it's true or a legend.
I almost forgot: I took the photo in Riva Trigoso, exactly in via Benedetto Brin, on the western seafront.

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Le case colorate della Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Houses in via Brin in Riva Trigoso, a small Ligurian seaside village – Maisons de via Brin à Riva Trigoso, un petit village balnéaire ligure – Casas en via Brin en Riva Trigoso, un pequeño pueblo costero de Liguria – Casas na via Brin em Riva Trigoso, uma pequena vila costeira da Ligúria – Häuser in der Via Brin in Riva Trigoso, einem kleinen ligurischen Küstendorf – Những ngôi nhà ở qua Brin ở Riva Trigoso, một ngôi làng nhỏ ven biển Ligurian – 位于利古里亚海滨小村 Riva Trigoso 的 via Brin 的房屋 – 小さなリグリアの海辺の村、リヴァトリゴソのブリン通りの家

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam

Hanoi - treno 2

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
Colorful houses, anarchic traffic, lots of trees and ponds, street food… all in Hanoi.
These particular houses are the ones on one side of the very famous Train Street, the narrow street where you can have a coffee sitting a few centimeters from the railway tracks where (once or twice a day) a train actually passes.
In recent days, probably the one after I took this photo, they have forced these cafes to close because they are too dangerous… I am tired of seeing if the measure will have an effect and if it will be permanent.
The whole city is beautiful, in any case.

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Hanoi - treno 2

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos of the city:
foto gallery

Where is the city located:

Hanoi's urban landscape is characterized by the presence of numerous lakes (such as the central Lake of the Restored Sword) as well as several religious buildings, mainly Confucian and Taoist (the Temple of Literature and the Ngoc Son Temple) but also Catholic (such as St. Joseph's Cathedral). Its old city also has a large number of Buddhist pagodas.
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Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam – Hanoï, la capitale du Vietnam – Hanoi, la capital de Vietnam – Hanói, a capital do Vietnã – Hanoi, die Hauptstadt Vietnams – Thủ đô hà nội – 越南首都河内 – ベトナムの首都、ハノイ