La vista di Genova da Castello d’Albertis

La vista di Genova da Castello d'Albertis

La vista di Genova da Castello d’Albertis.
Sulle alture di Genova, e per alture non intendo le piccole montagne alle spalle della città ma i quartieri appena dietro al centro che sono già in alto, ci sono moltissimi punti panoramici da cui fotografare la città.
In questa foto, scattata dal castello d’Albertis, si vede il Porto Antico ed i Magazzini del Cotone.

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La vista di Genova da Castello d'Albertis

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The D’Albertis Castle is a historic residence in Genoa, home to the Museum of World Cultures and the Museum of Peoples’ Music. Built in 1886 on an ancient bastion of the 14th-century Walls by sea captain Enrico Alberto D’Albertis, the castle is today one of the most appreciated house-museums in the Ligurian capital.

Click here per vedere tutte le foto che ho scattato a Genova nel tempo:

The view of Genoa from Castello d’Albertis – Die Aussicht auf Genua vom Castello d’Albertis – La vue sur Gênes depuis le Castello d’Albertis – Quang cảnh Genoa từ Castello d’Albertis

The entrance of Castello d'Albertis in Genoa

L'ingresso di Castello d'Albertis a Genova

The entrance to Castello d’Albertis in Genoa.
Behind the western part of the center of Genoa there is this beautiful castle (not excessively ancient though) that dominates the entire city.
This is the beautiful entrance to the castle!

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L'ingresso di Castello d'Albertis a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

There is also the official website inside the portal

The D’Albertis Castle is a historic residence in Genoa, home to the Museum of World Cultures and the Museum of Peoples’ Music. Built in 1886 on an ancient bastion of the 14th-century Walls by sea captain Enrico Alberto D’Albertis, the castle is today one of the most appreciated house-museums in the Ligurian capital.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The entrance of Castello d’Albertis in Genoa – L’entrée du Castello d’Albertis à Gênes – La entrada de Castello d’Albertis en Génova – A entrada do Castello d’Albertis em Génova – Der Eingang des Castello d’Albertis in Genua – Lối vào Castello d’Albertis ở Genoa – Castello d’Albertis 的入口在热那亚 – ジェノヴァのアルベルティス城の入り口

Portico of the Albertis Castle in Genoa

Portico del Castello d'Albertis a Genova

Portico of the Albertis Castle in Genoa.
One of the most classic photos that can be taken while visiting the beautiful castle behind the historic center of Genoa is of this beautiful portico (perhaps a gallery) that leads to the splendid circular tower.

Have you ever visited this beautiful Genoese castle?
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Portico del Castello d'Albertis a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

There is also the official website inside the portal

The D’Albertis Castle is a historic residence in Genoa, home to the Museum of World Cultures and the Museum of Peoples’ Music. Built in 1886 on an ancient bastion of the 14th-century Walls by sea captain Enrico Alberto D’Albertis, the castle is today one of the most appreciated house-museums in the Ligurian capital.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The portico of the Albertis castle on the heights of Genoa – Le portique du château Albertis sur les hauteurs de Gênes – El pórtico del castillo de Albertis en las alturas de Génova – O pórtico do castelo Albertis nas alturas de Génova – Der Portikus des Schlosses Albertis auf den Höhen von Genua – Phần mái của lâu đài Albertis trên đỉnh Genoa – 位于热那亚高处的阿尔贝蒂斯城堡的门廊 – ジェノバの高台にあるアルベルティス城のポルティコ

The splendid Castello d'Albertis in Genoa

Lo splendido Castello d'Albertis a Genova

The splendid Castello d'Albertis in Genoa.
Just behind the Genova Principe train station, stands this splendid castle that dominates the entire Genoa of the port.
Rather recently built but truly spectacular and, despite having found it closed because it was a weekend and there were limitations due to covid, absolutely free to enter its garden and belvedere.

Have you ever visited the castle?
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Lo splendido Castello d'Albertis a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

There is also the official website inside the portal

The D’Albertis Castle is a historic residence in Genoa, home to the Museum of World Cultures and the Museum of Peoples’ Music. Built in 1886 on an ancient bastion of the 14th-century Walls by sea captain Enrico Alberto D’Albertis, the castle is today one of the most appreciated house-museums in the Ligurian capital.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The splendid castle of Albertis on the heights of Genoa – Le splendide château d’Albertis sur les hauteurs de Gênes – El espléndido castillo de Albertis en las alturas de Génova – O esplêndido castelo de Albertis nas alturas de Gênova – Das prächtige Schloss von Albertis auf den Höhen von Genua – Lâu đài lộng lẫy của Albertis trên đỉnh Genoa – 位于热那亚高处的壮丽的阿尔贝蒂斯城堡 – ジェノバの高台にある素晴らしいアルベルティス城