The climb named after Alessio Levaggi in Chiavari. A beautiful little street in Chiavari, near the church of Rupinaro, dedicated to the esteemed doctor Andrea Lavaggi (who I previously wrote was a craftsman who with his brothers created the company that produces the Sedia di Chiavarina) with this beautiful entrance portal to a beautiful villa. Unfortunately I was unable to find anything about this entrance online.
Update: as Gian writes to me in comment “Alessio Lavaggi was a doctor who died in 1966. The portal belonged to the Falcone-Marana palace.”
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The climb named after Alessio Levaggi in Chiavari – L’ascension nommée d’après Alessio Levaggi à Chiavari – La subida que lleva el nombre de Alessio Levaggi en Chiavari – A subida que leva o nome de Alessio Levaggi em Chiavari – Der nach Alessio Levaggi benannte Aufstieg in Chiavari – Cuộc leo núi mang tên Alessio Levaggi ở Chiavari – 位于基亚瓦里的以 Alessio Levaggi 命名的攀登路线 – キアーヴァリのアレッシオ・レヴァッジにちなんで名付けられた登山道
Via Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi in Chiavari. Some time ago I was walking along Via Fiume, in Chiavari, and my gaze (and my cell phone) fell on this staircase (I would say a typical Ligurian creuza) that since I was a kid I have always called "the climb to Caboto". When I decided to publish the photo, I discovered that it was dedicated to Mr. Descalzi who I discovered was the creator of the Chiavarina chair, one of the artistic excellences of my area.
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The Chiavari chair is still produced today by a company from Chiavari:
Here's where the street is:
In 1807 the Marquis of Rivarola challenged him to produce a new chair inspired by a model brought from Paris, thus creating the Chiavari chair, or chiavarina, which became extremely popular. His sons Emanuele and Giacomo and their descendants continued production, and several factories opened in Chiavari and the surrounding area, developing the furniture industry that is still present in the area today. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The street dedicated to Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi in Chiavari – La rue dédiée à Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi à Chiavari – La calle dedicada a Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi en Chiavari – A rua dedicada a Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi em Chiavari – Die Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi gewidmete Straße in Chiavari – Con đường dành riêng cho Giuseppe Gaetano Descalzi ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里纪念朱塞佩·加埃塔诺·德斯卡尔齐的街道 – キアーヴァリのジュゼッペ・ガエターノ・デスカルツィに捧げられた通り