The facade of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana. A small village, in the province of La Spezia, with its simple but beautiful church dedicated to San Giovanni.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the church is located:
The facade of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana – La façade de l’église de San Giovanni Battista à Mattarana – La fachada de la iglesia de San Giovanni Battista en Mattarana – A fachada da igreja de San Giovanni Battista em Mattarana – Die Fassade der Kirche San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana – Mặt tiền nhà thờ San Giovanni Battista ở Mattarana
The pebbles in the churchyard of the church of Mattarana. I always really like risseu, that particular decorative art that consists of placing river or sea pebbles (almost always black and white) to create a design. In this case it is the decoration of the churchyard of the church of San Giovanni Battista in the small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia.
Have you ever been to Mattarana? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the churchyard is located:
The brawls in the churchyard of Mattarana – Les bagarres dans le cimetière de Mattarana – Las peleas en el cementerio de Mattarana – As brigas no cemitério de Mattarana – Die Schlägereien auf dem Kirchhof von Mattarana – Những cuộc ẩu đả trong sân nhà thờ Mattarana – 马塔拉纳教堂墓地的斗殴事件 – マッタラナの教会の庭で乱闘
The Mattarana alley with the church in the background The small village of Materana, in the province of La Spezia, is crossed by the caruggio in its entirety and ends, as you can see in the photo, in the churchyard of the church of San Giovanni Battista.
Have you ever been to Mattarana? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
The small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia – Le petit village de Mattarana dans la province de La Spezia – El pequeño pueblo de Mattarana en la provincia de La Spezia – A pequena aldeia de Mattarana, na província de La Spezia – Das kleine Dorf Mattarana in der Provinz La Spezia – Ngôi làng nhỏ Mattarana ở tỉnh La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚省的马塔拉纳小村庄 – ラ・スペツィア県のマッタラナという小さな村
Il campanile della Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Monterosso. Quando ci si avvicina al centro del borgo di Monterosso, la prima delle Cinque Terre venendo da Ponente, si passa sotto al ponte ferroviario e si apre il centro storico del borgo, dominato dal campanile della chiesa parrocchiale.
Conosci Monterosso e le Cinque Terre? Lascia un commento cliccando here.
A fianco della zona absidale, incluso in una costruzione porticata di epoca posteriore, è il campanile che in origine era una medievale torre di vedetta. La torre faceva parte delle fortificazioni costruite dalla Repubblica di Genova nel XIII secolo; con merlatura ghibellina, è stata sopraelevata nel XV secolo e in parte ricostruita nel XVIII secolo dopo un terremoto che l’aveva danneggiata. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The bell tower of the Church of San Giovanni Battista in Monterosso – Le clocher de l’église de San Giovanni Battista à Monterosso – El campanario de la Iglesia de San Giovanni Battista en Monterosso – A torre do sino da Igreja de San Giovanni Battista em Monterosso – Der Glockenturm der Kirche San Giovanni Battista in Monterosso – Tháp chuông của Nhà thờ San Giovanni Battista ở Monterosso – 蒙特罗索圣乔瓦尼巴蒂斯塔教堂的钟楼 – モンテロッソのサン・ジョヴァンニ・バッティスタ教会の鐘楼