The Costa Diadema seen from the streets of Stavanger

La Costa Diadema vista dalle viuzze di Stavanger

The Costa Diadema seen from the streets of Stavanger.
Until a few months ago I was on board the Costa Diadema (of Costa Crociere) doing fjord cruises.
After many years I went out for a walk in the colorful neighborhood of Fargegaten (which I absolutely didn't remember) and from there the yellow chimney of the ship was sticking out.

Have you ever taken a Costa cruise to the fjords?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

Costa Diadema is a cruise ship of the Genoese company Costa Crociere. Upon completion, it was the largest ship ever built under the Italian flag. On 30 October 2014, the public launch took place in the same shipyard, giving way to the inaugural events, while on 1 November it set sail for the vernissage cruise departing from Trieste. On 7 November, the ship was christened in the port of Genoa.
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The Costa Diadema seen from the streets of Stavanger – La Costa Diadema vue depuis les rues de Stavanger – La Costa Diadema vista desde las calles de Stavanger – A Costa Diadema vista das ruas de Stavanger – Die Costa Diadema von den Straßen Stavangers aus gesehen – Costa Diadema nhìn từ đường phố Stavanger

The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen

Il fumaiolo giallo della Costa Diadema a Bergen

The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen.
A few months ago I was on board the splendid Costa Diadema (of Costa Crociere) in Northern Europe and, as I often do, I took a photo from the town of the iconic yellow funnel with the blue “C” symbol of the company I work for.

Have you ever been on a Costa cruise?
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Il fumaiolo giallo della Costa Diadema a Bergen

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took in Bergen click here

Costa Crociere is an Italian cruise company dedicated to cruise operations. Its headquarters are in Genoa. Costa Crociere belongs to the Carnival Corporation & plc group and controls the German AIDA Cruises. Until 2014, the Costa Crociere S.p.A. group also included the Spanish Ibero Cruceros, a brand that has since been discontinued.
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The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen – La cheminée jaune du Costa Diadema à Bergen – La chimenea amarilla del Costa Diadema en Bergen – A chaminé amarela do Costa Diadema em Bergen – Der gelbe Schornstein der Costa Diadema in Bergen – Ống khói màu vàng của Costa Diadema ở Bergen

Costa Fascinosa in port in Tenerife, Spain

La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Tenerife in Spagna

The Costa Fascinosa in port in Tenerife, Spain.
When I go for a tour of the cities I visit with the ship (this was the Costa Fascinosa, now more than a year ago) I like to photograph the iconic yellow chimney from a little far away.
This is the Charca, a swimming pool and fountain, right in front of the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Tenerife in Spagna

La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Tenerife in Spagna

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

Costa Fascinosa is a cruise ship of the Genoa-based Costa Crociere company. It was ordered in October 2007 and built at the Fincantieri shipyard in Marghera. It entered service on 5 May 2012. The names Costa Fascinosa and Costa Favolosa were selected through a competition. The choice of names was guided by approximately 40,000 travel agents in over 40 countries, who submitted more than 16,000 possible pairs of names for the two ships. In the end, twenty-five pairs of names were published on the World of Costa website, where visitors were invited to choose their favorite pairing, and after more than 42,000 preferences expressed, in the end the names “Favolosa” and “Fascinosa” were the winners.
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The Costa Fascinosa ship in port in Tenerife, Spain – Le navire Costa Fascinosa au port de Tenerife, Espagne – El barco Costa Fascinosa en el puerto de Tenerife, España – O navio Costa Fascinosa no porto de Tenerife, Espanha – Das Schiff Costa Fascinosa im Hafen von Teneriffa, Spanien – Tàu Costa Fascinosa cập cảng Tenerife, Tây Ban Nha – 停靠在西班牙特内里费岛港口的 Costa Fascinosa 轮 – スペイン、テネリフェ島の港にあるコスタ・ファシノーサ船

Il fumaiolo giallo della Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

La cimiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

Il fumaiolo giallo della Firenze a Flam in Norvegia.
Una ciminira inconfondibile: la C blu sul giallo di Costa Crociere. Lo scorso anno mi trovavo a lavorare sulla Costa Firenze e, dopo tanti anni, sono stato nel Nord Europa.
Qui la nave si trovava nel piccolo porto di Flam situato al termine di uno dei fiordi più belli della regione.
Due passi fuori ed immancabile la foto della ciminiera!

Conosci la Norvegia? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La cimiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

La cimiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here is where the small village is located:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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The yellow funnel of the Costa Firenze ship in Flam, Norway – La cheminée jaune du navire Costa Firenze à Flam, Norvège – La chimenea amarilla del barco Costa Firenze en Flam, Noruega – A chaminé amarela do navio Costa Firenze em Flam, Noruega – Der gelbe Schornstein des Schiffes Costa Firenze in Flam, Norwegen – Ống khói màu vàng của tàu Costa Firenze ở Flam, Na Uy

The yellow chimney of the Costa Firenze in Cadiz

La ciminiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Cadice

The yellow chimney of the Costa Firenze in Cadiz.
Walking through the city of Cadiz, Spain, but always keeping an eye on the yellow chimney that has been my home for many years.
I took this photo while I was on board the Costa Firenze

Have you ever been on a cruise?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of the Spanish city, click here:
foto gallery

The yellow smokestack of the Costa Firenze ship in Cadiz – La cheminée jaune du navire Costa Firenze à Cadix – La chimenea amarilla del barco Costa Firenze en Cádiz – A chaminé amarela do navio Costa Firenze em Cádiz – Der gelbe Schornstein des Schiffes Costa Firenze in Cadiz – Ống khói màu vàng của tàu Costa Firenze ở Cadiz – 科斯塔佛罗伦萨号船在加的斯的黄色烟囱 – カディスのコスタ・フィレンツェ号の黄色い煙突

Fontana del Nettuno a Napoli

Fontana del Nettuno a Napoli.
Questo bel monumento, fotografato dal di dietro per far vedere la ciminiera gialla, e’ nella bella piazza che sta di fronte alla Stazione Marittima di Napoli.
Se dal porto crociere si vuole andare a piedi al centro bisogna passare per forza in questa piazza e non si puo’ non notare la grande e bella fontana.

Sei mai stato a Napoli? Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

Fontana del Nettuno a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S10.

Here I refer you to other photos I took around the city:
foto gallery

La fontana del Nettuno (detta anche fontana Medina) è una fontana monumentale della città di Napoli. oluta dal viceré Enrique de Guzmán, conte di Olivares, il quale governò a Napoli dal 1595 al 1599, fu effettivamente lavorata tra il 1600 e il 1601, durante il viceregno del conte di Lemos, su direzione di Domenico Fontana. Alla realizzazione della fontana parteciparono anche Michelangelo Naccherino (che realizzò il Nettuno), Angelo Landi e Pietro Bernini (che scolpì i mostri marini).

The fountain of Neptune in Naples – La fontaine de Neptune à Naples – La fuente de Neptuno en Nápoles – A fonte de Netuno em Nápoles – Der Neptunbrunnen in Neapel – Đài phun nước của Sao Hải Vương ở Naples – 那不勒斯海王星喷泉 – ナポリのネプチューンの噴水