Uno scorcio sotto i portici del centro di Chiavari

Uno scorcio sotto i portici del centro storico di Chiavari

Uno scorcio sotto i portici del centro storico di Chiavari.
Mi piace sempre molto fotografare i portici di Chiavari e, tutte le volte che vado, cerco sempre un angolo nuovo per scattare qualche foto.

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Uno scorcio sotto i portici del centro storico di Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

The architectural layout remained unchanged until the late sixteenth century; from that time onwards new noble palaces were built within the walls in the contemporary Renaissance style. The choice of the new architectural style was especially evident in the main streets Ravaschieri and Stefano Rivarola where palaces very similar to other buildings in Genoa were erected or revised. From 1648, or perhaps from 1646, it received the title of City from the Republic of Genoa.
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A glimpse under the arcades of the historic center of Chiavari – Un aperçu sous les arcades du centre historique de Chiavari – Un vistazo bajo las arcadas del centro histórico de Chiavari – Um vislumbre sob as arcadas do centro histórico de Chiavari – Ein Blick unter die Arkaden des historischen Zentrums von Chiavari – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua dưới những mái vòm của trung tâm lịch sử Chiavari – 在基亚瓦里历史中心的拱廊下一瞥 – キアヴァリの歴史的中心部のアーケードの下を垣間見る

Le case colorate tra le calli di Burano

Alcune case colorate tra le calli di Burano vicino a Venezia

Alcune case colorate tra le calli di Burano vicino a Venezia.
Non mi stancherò mai di postare le foto che ho scattata, qualche mese fa ormai, tra le splendide viette (non sono veramente sicuro se si chiamino anche qui calli, che a Venezia) del borgo di Burano.
I colori accesi sono veramente fotogenici!

Sei mai stato sull’isola di Burano? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Alcune case colorate tra le calli di Burano vicino a Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the island:

To see all the photos I took on the island click here:

Burano is a town of 2,270 inhabitants that stands on four islands in the northern Venetian lagoon. It is part of the municipality of Venice and in particular of the municipality of Venice-Murano-Burano. It is connected by a bridge to the island of Mazzorbo, which has become a sort of appendix. The town is known for its typical brightly colored houses and for the centuries-old artisan needlework of Burano lace.
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Some colorful houses in the streets of Burano near Venice – Quelques maisons colorées dans les rues de Burano près de Venise – Algunas casas coloridas en las calles de Burano cerca de Venecia – Algumas casas coloridas nas ruas de Burano perto de Veneza – Einige bunte Häuser in den Straßen von Burano in der Nähe von Venedig – Một số ngôi nhà đầy màu sắc trên đường phố Burano gần Venice – 威尼斯附近布拉诺街头的一些色彩缤纷的房子 – ヴェネツィア近くのブラーノの通りにあるカラフルな家々

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta.
Una delle tante piazzette del borgo di Burano la famosa isola della laguna veneta che assieme a Murano, Venezia e Torcello sono una delle cartoline piu’ famose della nostra bella Italia.
Le case colorate pastello, in questo scorcio, hanno tutti i colori dell’arcobaleno, fantastico!

Sei mai stato sull’isola di Burano? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta

Photo taken with Honor 20.

There is also the official website of the island:

To see all the photos I took on the island click here:

Burano is a town of 2,270 inhabitants that stands on four islands in the northern Venetian lagoon. It is part of the municipality of Venice and in particular of the municipality of Venice-Murano-Burano. It is connected by a bridge to the island of Mazzorbo, which has become a sort of appendix. The town is known for its typical brightly colored houses and for the centuries-old artisan needlework of Burano lace.
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A glimpse of Burano, the small and famous Venetian island – Un aperçu de Burano, la petite et célèbre île vénitienne – Un vistazo a Burano, la pequeña y famosa isla veneciana – Um vislumbre de Burano, a pequena e famosa ilha veneziana – Ein Blick auf Burano, die kleine und berühmte venezianische Insel – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Burano, hòn đảo nhỏ và nổi tiếng của Venice – 布拉诺岛,著名的威尼斯小岛一瞥 – 小さくて有名なベネチアの島、ブラーノ島を垣間見る

From under the arcades of the small square of Portofino

Da sotto i portici della piazzetta di Portofino

From under the porticoes of the little square of Portofino.
When you have the chance to visit Portofino in winter you realize how its beauty is that of the classic Ligurian seaside villages, a little reserved and solitary. It's a whole different story when it is assailed by tourists.

Do you know or have you ever visited the famous village of Portofino?
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Da sotto i portici della piazzetta di Portofino

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all (or many) of the photos I took in Portofino, click here:
foto gallery

Since the great influx of foreign guests – first British and then German – in the early twentieth century, Portofino’s economy has been closely linked to tourism. The local “Piazzetta” overlooked by public refreshment areas, shops, boutiques and other commercial activities was recognized in July 2012 as a Historic Place of Italy, the first and only certificate issued by the association of the same name, for its historical and cultural value.
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From under the arcades of the small square of Portofino – Sous les arcades de la petite place de Portofino – Debajo de las arcadas de la pequeña plaza de Portofino – De baixo das arcadas da pracinha de Portofino – Unter den Arkaden des kleinen Platzes von Portofino – Từ dưới những mái vòm của quảng trường nhỏ Portofino – 从波托菲诺小广场的拱廊下 – ポルトフィーノの小さな広場のアーケードの下から

A stroll among the colorful houses of Burano

Due passi tra le case colorate di Burano

A walk among the colored houses of Burano.
A few months ago I finally went to visit the islands of the Venetian lagoon and I must say that, even though I had already seen the colored houses of Burano in photos and videos, the reality even exceeds expectations!
As you can see from this (and all) photos:

Do you know the island of Burano? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Due passi tra le case colorate di Burano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the island:

To see all the photos I took on the island click here:

Burano is a town of 2,270 inhabitants that stands on four islands in the northern Venetian lagoon. It is part of the municipality of Venice and in particular of the municipality of Venice-Murano-Burano. It is connected by a bridge to the island of Mazzorbo, which has become a sort of appendix. The town is known for its typical brightly colored houses and for the centuries-old artisan needlework of Burano lace.
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A stroll among the colorful houses of Burano – Une balade parmi les maisons colorées de Burano – Un paseo entre las casas de colores de Burano – Um passeio entre as casas coloridas de Burano – Ein Spaziergang zwischen den bunten Häusern von Burano – Đi dạo giữa những ngôi nhà đầy màu sắc ở Burano – 在布拉诺色彩缤纷的房屋中漫步 – ブラーノ島のカラフルな家々を散策

Le case colorate dell’isola di Burano

Le celebri case colorate dell'isola di Burano vicino a Venezia

Le celebri case colorate dell’isola di Burano vicino a Venezia.
Ho visto molte foto delle case colorate ma finalmente sono riuscito a vederle, e fotografarle, con i miei occhi (e le mie lenti!).
E devo dire la verità che passeggiare per i canali dell’isola è veramente una esperienza indimenticabile e, forse, impareggiabile.

Sei mai stato sull’isola di Burano? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le celebri case colorate dell'isola di Burano vicino a Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the island:

To see all the photos I took on the island click here:

Burano is a town of 2,270 inhabitants that stands on four islands in the northern Venetian lagoon. It is part of the municipality of Venice and in particular of the municipality of Venice-Murano-Burano. It is connected by a bridge to the island of Mazzorbo, which has become a sort of appendix. The town is known for its typical brightly colored houses and for the centuries-old artisan needlework of Burano lace.
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The famous colorful houses of the island of Burano near Venice – Les célèbres maisons colorées de l’île de Burano près de Venise – Las casas coloridas famosas de la isla de Burano cerca de Venecia – As famosas casas coloridas da ilha de Burano perto de Veneza – Die berühmten bunten Häuser der Insel Burano bei Venedig – Những ngôi nhà đầy màu sắc nổi tiếng trên đảo Burano gần Venice – 威尼斯附近布拉诺岛著名的彩色房屋 – ヴェネツィア近くのブラーノ島の有名なカラフルな家

Un vicoletto del centro di Lavagna in Liguria

Un vicoletto del centro di Lavagna in Liguria

Un vicoletto del centro di Lavagna in Liguria.
Uno dei diversi vicoletti del centro storico di Lavagna.
I colori pastello e sul fondo della via l’inizio di una fila di portici.

Conosci la cittadina di Lavagna? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Un vicoletto del centro di Lavagna in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

An alley in the center of Lavagna in Liguria – Une ruelle au centre de Lavagna en Ligurie – Un callejón en el centro de Lavagna en Liguria – Um beco no centro de Lavagna na Ligúria – Eine Gasse im Zentrum von Lavagna in Ligurien – Một con hẻm ở trung tâm Lavagna ở Liguria – 利古里亚拉瓦尼亚市中心的一条小巷 – リグリアのラヴァーニャ中心部の路地

The terraced houses of Marina Giulia in Chiavari

Le casette a schiera della zona chiamata Marina Giulia a Chiavari

The terraced houses in the area called Marina Giulia in Chiavari.
The houses in this street (or small neighborhood) close to the Chiavari seaside promenade.
If it weren't for the colors of the facades, very Genoese, you would think you were in London.
Built (if I'm not mistaken) at the beginning of the 20th century, with its colorful houses with entrances raised above street level (and a mezzanine level below street level), it looks like a typical London street.

And do you know this street in Chiavari?
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Le casette a schiera della zona chiamata Marina Giulia a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

And this is a nice video made while walking in the area:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Here's where this neighborhood is located:

The terraced houses of the area called Marina Giulia in Chiavari – Les maisons mitoyennes de la zone appelée Marina Giulia à Chiavari – Las casas adosadas de la zona llamada Marina Giulia en Chiavari – As casas geminadas da área chamada Marina Giulia em Chiavari – Die Reihenhäuser der Gegend namens Marina Giulia in Chiavari – Những ngôi nhà bậc thang của khu vực có tên là Marina Giulia ở Chiavari – 该地区的梯田房屋称为基亚瓦里的玛丽娜朱利亚 – キアヴァリのマリーナジュリアと呼ばれる地域の段々になった家

Un albero sulle nuvole dal Monte Zatta

Un albero con alle spalle un tappeto di nuvole visto dal Monte Zatta

Un albero con alle spalle un tappeto di nuvole visto dal Monte Zatta.
Diverso tempo fa ho percorso lo splendido sentiero del Monte Zatta con partenda dal Passo del Bocco.
Uno dei sentieri più belli che abbia mai percorso.
Sulla cima c’era quest’albero con alle spalle tutte queste nuvole che sembravano un tappeto!
Ho scattato due foto: a colori ed in bianco e nero.

Have you ever been on this trail? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

I took several photos along the Monte Zatta path and if you want to see them go to this page:

To see in detail the path I took I invite you to go to

The summit of the Zatta mountain massif consists of a long wavy ridge, crossed by an easy ridge path. On the outer edges of this ridge are the Zatta di Ponente mountain (1355 m) and the Prato Pinello mountain (1390 m). Between the two ends rises the main peak, the Zatta di Levante mountain (1404 m). The southern slope is steep and stony, while the northern slope, towards the Bocco pass, has a gentler slope and is covered by a large beech forest.
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A tree with a carpet of clouds behind it seen from Monte Zatta – Un arbre avec un tapis de nuages ​​derrière vu de Monte Zatta – Un árbol con una alfombra de nubes detrás visto desde Monte Zatta – Uma árvore com um tapete de nuvens atrás vista do Monte Zatta – Ein Baum mit einem Wolkenteppich dahinter vom Monte Zatta aus gesehen – Cây với thảm mây phía sau nhìn từ Monte Zatta – 从 Monte Zatta 看到的一棵树,背后有一层云层 – モンテザッタから見た背後に雲のカーペットがある木

Arriving in the seaside village of Boccadasse in Genoa

Arrivando nel borgo marinaro di Boccadasse a Genova

Arriving in the seaside village of Boccadasse in Genoa.
To get down to the famous little beach of the seaside village of Boccadasse, to the east of Genoa, there are several streets and creuze.
This is the road for vehicles but it is no less beautiful than one of the pedestrian-only creuze.
Here in fact there is this beautiful straight street with all the colorful houses on display.

Do you like the photo? Have you already been to Boccadasse?
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Arrivando nel borgo marinaro di Boccadasse a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

All photos here:
foto gallery

Where is the village located:

Boccadasse (Boca d’azë or Bocadâze in Genoese) is an ancient seaside village in the city of Genoa, which is part of the Albaro district. In the current administrative division of the municipality of Genoa it is therefore included in the Municipio VIII – Medio Levante, which in addition to Albaro also includes the Foce and San Martino districts.
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Arriving in the seaside village of Boccadasse in Genoa – Arrivée dans le village balnéaire de Boccadasse à Gênes – Llegando al pueblo costero de Boccadasse en Génova – Chegando na vila costeira de Boccadasse em Gênova – Ankunft im Küstenort Boccadasse in Genua – Đến ngôi làng bên bờ biển Boccadasse ở Genoa – 抵达热那亚的海滨村庄 Boccadasse – ジェノヴァの海辺の村ボッカダッセに到着