Penne with curry and rocket, the recipe

Penne al curry e rucola, la ricetta

Penne with curry and rocket, the recipe.
Some time ago, the chef on board prepared us an Indian dish with strong flavors: penne seasoned with curry and rocket. Obviously a dish of Indian origin.


  • 350 g of penne;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 onion, finely chopped;
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced;
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder;
  • 200 ml cooking cream;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 100 g of fresh rocket;
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (optional).


Cook the penne: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook the penne according to the package instructions. Drain when al dente.
Make the curry sauce: In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic and sauté until translucent.
Add the curry: Add the curry powder to the onion and stir well to combine.
Pour in the cream: Pour the cream into the skillet and stir well. Cook over medium-low heat for about 5-7 minutes or until the sauce thickens slightly. Be sure to stir occasionally.
Season with salt and pepper: Add salt and pepper to taste to adjust the flavor of the sauce.
Combine the penne and arugula: Add the cooked penne to the skillet with the curry sauce. Also add the fresh arugula and mix well until the arugula is slightly wilted.
Serve: Divide the curry and arugula penne among the plates. If desired, sprinkle with grated parmesan.
Garnish and serve: You can garnish with a little freshly ground black pepper or other cheese to your liking. Serve hot and enjoy your delicious curry and arugula pasta!
This recipe is quite flexible, so feel free to adapt it to your personal tastes. Enjoy!

Do you like curry? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Pasta seasoned with curry and rocket, the recipe – Pâtes assaisonnées au curry et roquette, la recette – Pasta aliñada con curry y rúcula, la receta – Macarrão temperado com curry e rúcula, a receita – Mit Curry und Rucola gewürzte Pasta, das Rezept – Công thức mì ống với cà ri và tên lửa – 用咖喱和火箭调味的意大利面,食谱 – カレーとルッコラのパスタ、レシピ

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Thai Cuisine: Spicy Thai Chicken Curry, The Recipe

Ricetta Thailandese: pollo thai al curry piccante

Thai Cuisine: Spicy Thai Chicken Curry, The Recipe

Today I was invited to eat at my Thai friend's house, Sao, who prepared a really good and exceptionally spicy dish for me: chicken with spicy Thai curry. And as you can see in the photos there was also a plate of fried anchovies, as a side dish.

Click vào đây để đọc bằng tiếng việt!
If you are curious about this recipe of mine or Vietnamese food in general, write me a message. comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


– 1 whole chicken (preferably a hen), cleaned and cut into pieces;
– 5 cloves of garlic;
– 2 shallots;
– 1/4 onion;
– 6 fresh chili peppers;
– 2 lemongrass plants, cut into small pieces;
– 5 lemon leaves;
– Galangal: half a small tuber, cut into slices (if you don't know what it is, go here)
– Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, shrimp paste, fish sauce, pepper (I can only find some spices in Genoa).
– Obviously some white rice (preferably the sticky kind).


First, cook the rice in the classic Asian rice cooker.
Then we prepare the chicken: take all the vegetables (garlic, red onion, shallots, fresh chili pepper, lemongrass) and put them in a blender and grind it with water.
Then put the mixture in a saucepan and add about 2 liters of water then add the chicken and the seasoning: 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of MSG, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of shrimp paste, add the galangal and lemon leaves. Cook until the mixture comes to a boil, lower the heat and cook for another 30 minutes until the meat is tender, then add 2 tablespoons of fish sauce and season to taste, add pepper and finish the dish.

Although curry powder is not added in Thailand, spicy chicken cooked with lots of spices is called Thai-style “chicken curry.”

The chicken after cooking is still hard (because we used chicken meat) but if you want the meat to be tender you can cook it longer. It is extremely spicy, salty and scented with lemon leaves, lemongrass and galangal, this dish is eaten on extremely cold days because it warms and cheers.

Ricetta Thailandese: pollo thai al curry piccante

Pranzo in Thailandese amica
Thailand spicy chicken curry

– 1 con gà Gallina, làm sạch và cắt miếng. (Mua tại siêu thị Coop)
– 5 tép tỏi
– 2 củ hành tím
– 1/4 củ hành tây
– 6 quả ớt tươi
– 2 cây sả cắt thành nhiều khúc nhỏ
– Lá chanh: 5 lá
– Riềng: nửa củ nhỏ và cắt thành lát.
– Gia vị: muối, bột ngọt, đường, mắm tôm, nước mắm, tiêu
– (Một số gia vị phải mua tại Genova)

Cách nấu:
Cho tất cả: tỏi, hành tím, hành tây, ớt tươi, sả vào máy xay và xay nhỏ cùng với nước. Sau đó cho hỗn hợp vào xoong và cho lượng nước khoảng 2 lít, nấu xôi sau đó cho gà vào và nêm gia vị: 1 muỗng canh muối, 1 muỗng cà phê bột ngọt, 1 muỗng cà phê đường, 1,5 muỗng canh mắm tôm, cho riềng và lá chanh vào. Nấu đến khi hỗn hợp sôi lên, hạ nhỏ lửa và nấu trong 30 phút hơn cho thịt mềm, sau đó cho thêm 2 muỗng canh nước mắm và nêm nếm lại gia vị vừa khẩu vị gia đình, thêm tiêu và hoàn tất món ăn.
Tuy không cho bột cà ri vào nhưng ở Thái lan, thịt gà nấu cay cùng với nhiều gia vị được gọi là nấu “cà ri gà” phong cách Thái. Gà sau khi nấu vẫn dai thịt (vì đây là gà gallina, nếu muốn thịt mềm có thể nấu lâu hơn) và cực kì cay, mặn mà và thơm mùi lá chanh, sả và riềng, món này ăn vào những ngày lạnh cực kì ấm áp và đầy hưởng thụ.

Thai cuisine: spicy Thai chicken curry – Cuisine thaï : curry de poulet thaï épicé – Cocina tailandesa: curry picante de pollo tailandés – Culinária tailandesa: caril de frango tailandês picante – Thai-Küche: würziges thailändisches Hähnchen-Curry – Ẩm thực Thái Lan: cà ri gà Thái chua cay – 泰国烹调:辣泰国咖喱鸡 – タイ料理:スパイシータイチキンカレー

Spices for all tastes at the Palma de Mallorca market

Spezie a Palma

Spices for all tastes at the market in Palma de Mallorca.
Pepper, chilli, curry, masala, tomato, cumin, nutmeg and so on.
These were the flavours on sale at a stall (although this particular one was more of a small shop) in the Olivar market in Palma de Mallorca.

Do you like spicy food?
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Spezie a Palma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

These are the ones I can read: Saharat, Zathar, Kashmiri Masala, Butter Chicken Masala, Vietnamese Curry, Garam Masala, Tandori Masala, Curry Vindaloo, Curry Korma, Curry Sri Lanka, Curry Scorpion, Curcuma Bio, Pimiente Smoke, Aderezo Vegetable, Chicken Thai, Specials Grill Bio, Curry Madras Hot, Curry Nagalan, Curry Punjabi, Curry Bali, Pimienta Roja, Specials Tawabil, Specials Ceviche, Cayena Molida, Chili Red Thai, Chili Kashmiri, Pimenta Timut Nepal, Flor de Macis, Harissa, Chili Limon, Piri Piri Molido, Cayena Ojo Pajaro, Aji Amarillo, Chili Aleppo, Cardamamomo Negro, Cacahuete Hot Hot, Chili Mix, Piri Piri Bio, Cayena S17 Bio, Aji Triturado, Chili Urfa Biber, Canela Rama Cheylan, Cassia Rama, Tomate Granulado, Pimenta de Tazmania, Zitronen Pfeffer Bio, Pimienta N. Sarawak, Pimienta Larga Bio, Pimienta Rosa, Echalote, Pimenton Agri, Pimienta Tellicherry, Pimienta Granos del Paraiso, Pimienta de Java, Cilantro Grano, Comino Grano, Pimenton Hojilla…

The term spices generally refers to aromatic substances of vegetal origin (for example tarragon, thyme, lemon balm, juniper, marjoram, saffron) that are used to flavor and season foods and drinks, and, especially in the past, also used in medicine and pharmacy. The word is “spezie” also in the singular (derives from “specie”), but in familiar usage the form “spezia” is also widespread.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Spices for all tastes at the Palma de Mallorca market – Des épices pour tous les goûts au marché de Palma de Majorque – Especias para todos los gustos en el mercado de Palma de Mallorca – Especiarias para todos os gostos no mercado de Palma de Mallorca – Gewürze für jeden Geschmack auf dem Markt von Palma de Mallorca – Gia vị cho mọi sở thích tại chợ Palma de Mallorca – 马略卡岛帕尔马市场各种口味的香料 – パルマ デ マヨルカ市場のあらゆる好みのスパイス

Piatto indiano misto

Piatto indiano misto

Piatto indiano misto.
Ultima giorno della crociera con il gruppo indiano e ultima cena con, a disposizione, le loro pietanze tipiche.
Come i lettori di questo sito dovrebbero sapere non sono un amante dei cibi esotici e soprattutto di quelli particolarmente speziati come questi.
Per scrivervi i nomi delle varie pietanze, mi sono fatto aiutare da una persona indiana, perché io non ne sarei mai venuto a capo; sono: chicken carry, raitha, bhindi masala pappad e jeerarice.

Piatto indiano misto

Mi scuso per la qualità della foto che, non avendo a disposizione la mia macchina fotografica, è stata scattata con iPhone 6.

Original Indian Curry, the recipe

Spezie a Dubai

Original Indian Curry.
Finally I am able to show you the preparation of real Curry, I mean the one made by an Indian, with Indian products that are also easy to find here.

Curry Piatti Pronti

Pollo al Curry


  • Minced garlic
  • Fresh ginger chopped or dried
  • Chopped onion
  • Fresh red tomato, chopped into cubes
  • Bay leaves; fennel seeds
  • Mustard seeds
  • Sweet paprika
  • Curry powder (preferably Mazala)
  • Fresh or dried coconut pulp
  • Chicken
  • Lentils
  • Basmati Rice


Riso Basmati

Prodotti Curry


1) Chicken curry: In a pan, toast the garlic over low heat (without oil), then the ginger, fennel seeds, bay leaves, coconut and, after a couple of minutes, the onion. Cook slowly, mixing everything together and being careful not to burn them. Then add the tomato and continue cooking for another ten minutes. Once everything is mixed together, add the Curry, Mazala and paprika, blend everything with an immersion blender to make the sauce smooth and without lumps and continue cooking for another five minutes, after raising the heat. When everything is very hot, add a little butter (better if coconut milk) and finally the chicken cut into pieces or, if you prefer, just the breast. Continue cooking until it is cooked (depending on the size you cut the chicken) ... taste, season with salt and ... the dish is ready.

2) Lentils. Lentils are the most widely used dried legume in India and are part of the most common diet. Soak lentils in cold water for a couple of hours and then boil them in unsalted water.

Prepare the base and the curry preparation as for the chicken, also adding the mustard seeds. Once the sauce is ready (you don't have to blend it) add the lentils, cook for another five minutes and then a little butter. The lentils are ready.

Tostatura Riso

3) Rice. Indians use Basmati rice which is easily found in all supermarkets but you can also use the common rice you have at home. Boil the rice in plenty of water and, once cooked and cooled, sauté it in a pan with a little butter until it loses water and becomes a little crunchy. This type of preparation replaces the one we usually make for Pilaf Rice (see our home recipe on the same site. ed.) and is the one they usually use in India.

Chef Alu

If you are interested in knowing more you can start from what Wikipedia says, from here.

The original Indian curry, the recipe to prepare it – Le curry indien original, la recette pour le préparer – El curry indio original, la receta para prepararlo – O caril indiano original, a receita para prepará-lo – Das original indische Curry, das Rezept zur Zubereitung – Cà ri Ấn Độ chính gốc, công thức để chuẩn bị nó – 原始的印度咖喱,准备它的食谱 – オリジナルのインディアンカレー、それを準備するためのレシピ

Pollo al curry

pollo al curry

Pollo al curry.
Piatto che in casa mia si fa spesso (almeno i miei lo preparano spesso, io non lo mangio pero`).
Molto semplice da preparare, magari mia mamma o mio papa`scriveranno la ricetta, che inonda la casa di profumi esotici.

pollo al curry

pollo al curry

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon 18-55 EFS.