One of the painted doors of Santa Maria street in Funchal, Portugal. One of the last times I was in the town of Funchal, on the island of Madeira, by ship, I discovered this street in the old town by chance. It is a special place where, in addition to finding many restaurants and bars, you can admire these doors (but not only those) painted in an artistic way. The one in this photo, at number 1, represents the street itself.
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One of the painted doors of Santa Maria street in Funchal, Portugal – Une des portes peintes de la rue Santa Maria à Funchal, Portugal – Una de las puertas pintadas de la calle Santa María en Funchal, Portugal – Uma das portas pintadas da rua de Santa Maria no Funchal, Portugal – Eine der bemalten Türen der Straße Santa Maria in Funchal, Portugal – Một trong những cánh cửa sơn màu trên phố Santa Maria ở Funchal, Bồ Đào Nha – 葡萄牙丰沙尔圣玛丽亚街的彩绘门之一 – ポルトガル、フンシャルのサンタ マリア通りのペイントされたドアの 1 つ
Una parte del Polittico di Sant’Agostino del Perugino alla Galleria nazionale dell’Umbria a Perugia. Una delle moltissime opere che qualche mese fa ho avuto il piacere di osservare in una breve ma intensa vacanza in Umbria. Uno dei capolavori del genio del Perugino.
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Il Polittico di Sant’Agostino è un dipinto a olio su tavola di Pietro Perugino, databile a due fasi, una dal 1502 al 1512 circa e una dal 1513 al 1523 circa, conservato nella maggior parte degli scomparti alla Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria a Perugia. Il polittico era originariamente destinato alla chiesa di Sant’Agostino di Perugia ed è considerabile l’ultima grandiosa opera dell’artista prima della produzione tarda, destinata a centri più provinciali. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Part of the Polyptych of St. Augustine by Perugino at the National Gallery of Umbria in Perugia – Une partie du Polyptyque de Saint Augustin du Pérugin à la Galerie nationale de l’Ombrie à Pérouse – Parte del Políptico de San Agustín de Perugino en la Galería Nacional de Umbría en Perugia – Parte do Políptico de Santo Agostinho de Perugino na Galeria Nacional da Úmbria em Perugia – Teil von Peruginos Polyptychon des Heiligen Augustinus in der Nationalgalerie Umbriens in Perugia – Một phần bức tranh Polyptych của Thánh Augustinô của Perugino tại Phòng trưng bày Quốc gia Umbria ở Perugia
La Lapidazione di Santo Stefano nella omonima chiesa di Genova. Da diverso tempo serbavo questa bella foto di questo maestoso dipinto conservato nella bella chiesa di Santo Stefano a Genova. Qualche anno fa, cogliendo l’occasione dell’evento “Le chiese dei Rolli”, avevo visitato la chiesa che domina via XX Settembre.
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La Lapidazione di santo Stefano è un dipinto a olio su tavola (288×403 cm) di Giulio Romano, databile al 1521 circa e conservato nella chiesa di Santo Stefano a Genova. Alla morte di Raffaello, nel 1520, Giulio Romano ne aveva ereditato di fatto la conduzione della grande bottega, passaggio suggellato nel 1523 quando papa Clemente VII, appena eletto, gli affidò con gli altri allievi dell’urbinate la decorazione della Sala di Costantino in Vaticano. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Stoning of Saint Stephen in the church of the same name in Genoa – La lapidation de saint Etienne dans l’église du même nom à Gênes – La Lapidación de San Esteban en la iglesia del mismo nombre en Génova – O Apedrejamento de Santo Estêvão na igreja de mesmo nome em Gênova – Die Steinigung des Heiligen Stephanus in der gleichnamigen Kirche in Genua – Vụ ném đá Thánh Stephen tại nhà thờ cùng tên ở Genoa – 圣斯蒂芬在热那亚同名教堂被石刑 – ジェノヴァの同名の教会で行われた聖ステパノの石打ち
The Last Supper by Tintoretto preserved in the cathedral of Lucca. Among the many examples of art preserved in the splendid Cathedral of Lucca, San Martino, this painting by the famous Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) certainly stands out. Of exquisite beauty, it shows Jesus participating in the Last Supper with his Apostles.
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One of Tintoretto's last masterpieces, created with the help of his son Domenico. A canvas that contains all the characteristic and innovative features of this extraordinary artist: the oblique panel to create depth, the scene updated in a tavern with two servants and centered on Christ who communicates with the apostles and emanates a light so strong that it makes the clouds open among the angels who rush in. Continue and learn more on
The Last Supper by Tintoretto preserved in the cathedral of Lucca – La Cène du Tintoret conservée dans la cathédrale de Lucques – La Última Cena de Tintoretto conservada en la catedral de Lucca – A Última Ceia de Tintoretto preservada na catedral de Lucca – Das letzte Abendmahl von Tintoretto, aufbewahrt in der Kathedrale von Lucca – Bữa ăn tối cuối cùng của Tintoretto được bảo tồn trong nhà thờ Lucca – 丁托列托的《最后的晚餐》保存在卢卡大教堂 – ルッカ大聖堂に保存されているティントレット作「最後の晩餐」
The painting “Madonna Enthroned with Child and Saints” by Ghirlandaio in Lucca. In Italy we are so used to meeting and observing works of art that we almost don’t even notice them anymore. A few years ago, for example, I spent a couple of days in Lucca and while visiting the cathedral of San Martino I photographed this beautiful work by Ghirlandaio. Perhaps not his most famous work but still a masterpiece!
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To see all the photos I took of the Duomo click here:
The Madonna Enthroned with Child and Saints is a tempera painting on oak panel (170×160 cm) by Domenico Ghirlandaio, datable to around 1479 and preserved in the Cathedral of San Martino in Lucca. The work is one of the first known panel tests by the author, then fresh from his first successes for the Vespucci family in Florence and in the chapel of Santa Fina in San Gimignano. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The painting “Madonna Enthroned with Child and Saints” by Ghirlandaio in Lucca – Le tableau “La Vierge intronisée avec l’Enfant et les Saints” de Ghirlandaio à Lucques – El cuadro “Madonna entronizada con el niño y los santos” de Ghirlandaio en Lucca – A pintura “Madonna Entronizada com o Menino e os Santos” de Ghirlandaio em Lucca – Das Gemälde „Thronende Madonna mit Kind und Heiligen“ von Ghirlandaio in Lucca – Bức tranh “Madonna đăng quang cùng Hài nhi và các vị thánh” của Ghirlandaio ở Lucca – 基尔兰达约在卢卡的画作《圣母与圣婴和圣人登基》 – ルッカのギルランダイオ作「聖母が子供と聖人とともに即位」という絵画
Hexadactyly in a painting in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa. Do you know what hexadactyly is? To tell the truth, you can understand that it has something to do with six (hex) and fingers (dactyly) but I didn't know, before doing some research, that there was some mystery about it hidden in pictorial art. The photo in this post is a detail of a painting, the Annunciation by Giovanni Mazone preserved in Santa Maria in Castello, in which one of the characters (in the left part of the left part of the polyptych depicting Saint John the Baptist and the apostle James the Greater) one of the Saints has feet with six toes. I discovered that in art it is customary to add a finger to saintly and excellent characters (and I remember that at the time, during the visit to the church, the guide had explained it) but digging I discovered that it is not always like this and there is a sort of mystery in these depictions (here is a starting point for further study).
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To see all the photos I took in Santa Maria in Castello and its cloisters, click here:
The polyptych of the Annunciation was executed in 1470 for the chapel of the same name in the church of Santa Maria di Castello in Genoa. The elaborate gilded wooden frame was executed by Mazone himself with the clear intent of reviving the elements of Gothic architecture. The compositions of the predella represent four episodes of the life of Mary: the Marriage of the Madonna and her meeting with Elizabeth; the birth of Jesus; the adoration of the Magi; the flight into Egypt and the purification of the B. V. Annunziata. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Hexadactyly in a painting in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa – Hexadactylie dans un tableau de Santa Maria in Castello à Gênes – Hexadactilia en un cuadro de Santa Maria in Castello en Génova – Hexadactilia em uma pintura em Santa Maria in Castello em Gênova – Hexadaktylie in einem Gemälde in Santa Maria in Castello in Genua – Hexadactyly trong một bức tranh ở Santa Maria ở Castello ở Genoa – 热那亚城堡圣玛丽亚一幅画中的六角形 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・マリア・イン・カステッロの絵画に描かれた六指鳥
The polyptych of the Annunciation in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa. A splendid work of art in an equally splendid church in Genoa. In particular, the gold frame of this work by Giovanni Mazone stands out with its particular and very elaborate Gothic workmanship.
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To see all the photos I took in Santa Maria in Castello and its cloisters, click here:
The polyptych of the Annunciation was executed in 1470 for the chapel of the same name in the church of Santa Maria di Castello in Genoa. The elaborate gilded wooden frame was executed by Mazone himself with the clear intent of reviving the elements of Gothic architecture. The compositions of the predella represent four episodes of the life of Mary: the Marriage of the Madonna and her meeting with Elizabeth; the birth of Jesus; the adoration of the Magi; the flight into Egypt and the purification of the B. V. Annunziata. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The polyptych of the Annunciation in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa – Le polyptyque de l’Annonciation à Santa Maria in Castello à Gênes – El políptico de la Anunciación en Santa Maria in Castello en Génova – O políptico da Anunciação em Santa Maria in Castello em Gênova – Das Polyptychon der Verkündigung in Santa Maria in Castello in Genua – Polyptych của Truyền tin ở Santa Maria ở Castello ở Genoa – 热那亚卡斯特罗圣母玛利亚圣母领报的多联画 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・マリア・イン・カステッロの受胎告知のポリプティク
To see all the photos I took, in a couple of visits, in Lucca click here:
The altarpiece, dating back to the artist’s youthful period in Botticelli’s workshop, shows four saints standing in a line against the backdrop of a grove whose foliage can be glimpsed beyond a blue sky. From the left, they meet Saint Roch, Saint Sebastian, Saint Jerome and Saint Helen the Empress. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Pala Magrini in the Church of San Michele in Foro in Lucca – Pala Magrini dans l’église de San Michele in Foro à Lucca – Pala Magrini en la Iglesia de San Michele in Foro en Lucca – Pala Magrini na Igreja de San Michele in Foro em Lucca – Pala Magrini in der Kirche San Michele in Foro in Lucca – Pala Magrini trong Nhà thờ San Michele ở Foro ở Lucca – Pala Magrini 在卢卡 Foro 的圣米歇尔教堂 – ルッカのサン ミケーレ イン フォロ教会のパラ マグリーニ
The main altar of the church of Santissima Trinità in Lucca. It is not one of the most famous churches in the Tuscan city but it is one of the first that welcomes you upon entering the city. This is the main altar with the Trinity with the saints John the Baptist, Paulinus, Sebastian, Anthony and Catherine by Pietro Paolini.
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To see all the photos I took, in a couple of visits, in Lucca click here:
The main altar of the church of Santissima Trinità in Lucca – L’autel principal de l’église de Santissima Trinità à Lucca – Der Hauptaltar der Kirche Santissima Trinità in Lucca – Bàn thờ chính của nhà thờ Santissima Trinità ở Lucca
Frescoes on the vault of the church of Santa Maria di Nazareth in Sestri Levante. The representation of the crucifixion of Jesus on the vault of the central nave in the church of Sestri Levante.
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The presence of a small chapel dedicated to Santa Maria di Nazareth was attested as early as 1368, but it was during 1604 that, following the transfer of a plot of land by the local nobleman Bernardo Bolasco, work was undertaken to build a new place of worship. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Frescoes on the vault of the church of Santa Maria di Nazaret in Sestri Levante – Fresques sur la voûte de l’église de Santa Maria di Nazaret à Sestri Levante – Frescos en la bóveda de la iglesia de Santa Maria di Nazaret en Sestri Levante – Afrescos no cofre da igreja de Santa Maria di Nazaret em Sestri Levante – Fresken am Gewölbe der Kirche Santa Maria di Nazaret in Sestri Levante – Frescoes trên mái vòm của nhà thờ Santa Maria di Nazaret ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里萊萬特聖瑪麗亞迪納薩雷特教堂穹頂上的壁畫 – SestriLevanteのSantaMariadiNazaret教会の金庫室のフレスコ画