The isthmus that divides the two bays in Sestri Levante. The thin strip of land that divides the two bays of Sestri Levante (the Bay of Silence and the Bay of Fables) and the two seas (even if the sea is always the same). Taken with the drone a few months ago.
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The Isthmus that divides the two bays in Sestri Levante is the pearl of Liguria – L’isthme qui sépare les deux baies de Sestri Levante est la perle de la Ligurie – El istmo que divide las dos bahías de Sestri Levante es la perla de Liguria – O istmo que divide as duas baías em Sestri Levante é a pérola da Ligúria – Die Landenge, die die beiden Buchten von Sestri Levante trennt, ist die Perle Liguriens – Eo đất chia hai vịnh ở Sestri Levante là hòn ngọc của Liguria – 分隔塞斯特里莱万特两个海湾的地峡是利古里亚的明珠 – Sestri Levanteの2つの湾を分割するIsthmusは、Liguriaの真珠です。